Elizabeth’s book had fallen down upon her lap, and the candle snuffed as it burnt down. Her breathing became heavy and laboured as dreams besieged her in what little time she slept. She dreamt that Mr. Darcy was paying a call, and fear gripped her as she heard the sharp rap at the door. Trying to flee from his presence, she found she could not run. The sound of the tapping at the door became louder and more insistent.
She abruptly awakened to see Rosalyn peering into the room through a slightly opened door.
“Elizabeth, I am sorry to awaken you. You must have been in a sound sleep as you did not answer when I knocked, but you must allow me to tell you what transpired tonight!”
Elizabeth slowly lifted her head and gazed at the light in Rosalyn’s eyes, reflecting the flame of the candle she was holding. Elizabeth knew immediately what her friend was about to tell her, and she braced herself for it.
“He was there tonight, Elizabeth! He was there!”
Closing her eyes briefly and pressing her lips tightly together, Elizabeth breathed in slowly to calm her rapidly beating heart. She looked up at Rosalyn. “You mean Mr. Darcy?”
“Yes!” Rosalyn answered slowly as all her breath was expelled. She quickly took Elizabeth’s hand and held it tightly in her own. “It was a small party of about twenty, and would you believe it? He purposely took the chair next to mine for the dinner! I did not think I would be able to breathe throughout it, and the thought of eating was the absolute last thing on my mind!”
Rosalyn laughed and squeezed Elizabeth’s hand more tightly. “When he spoke, I could barely tend to his words!” Her voice gradually rose in intensity and rapidity, but in a whisper she concluded with, “I cannot help but think he purposely singled me out!”
Elizabeth made an attempt to smile. “I am very glad to hear that, Rosalyn, but could we wait until morning? I am quite tired!”
“Oh, yes, please forgive me, Elizabeth!” Rosalyn sat still for a moment, seemingly not yet ready to quit the room. “But first, I must tell you! He mentioned you by name, having heard that you are living here as a governess!”
Elizabeth felt her throat constrict as the colour drained from her face. “He did?”
“Yes, and you cannot guess what else!”
Elizabeth shook her head slowly, feeling apprehension rise. “I cannot imagine.”
“He indicated a slight curiosity whether you had spoken of him at all. When I said that indeed you had, he said he hoped it had been in a favourable light.”
Elizabeth’s eyes widened, and then looked down at her nervously entwining hands. Her face warmed with a blush.
“Elizabeth.” Rosalyn leaned toward her. “He is clearly hopeful that I have heard only good things about him from you.”
Elizabeth looked up at her through guarded eyes. “Yes, so it would seem.” She took in a breath and held it before asking her next question. “Rosalyn, what
“I told him you only had the kindest words about him; that you spoke highly of your respect for him and felt he was a most admirable gentleman; that there was not a finer man that could be found.”
Elizabeth eyes widened, and she laughed nervously. “Rosalyn, did I truly say all that?”
“Well, you know how I can get carried away at times. He seemed quite pleased with your estimation of him, and I said a few more things, only wishing to please him more.” She paused for a moment, and her eyes widened. “I hope you do not mind! Oh, please forgive me for embellishing your opinion of him. I just knew that you thought highly of him from what little you said.”
Elizabeth’s mind swirled in turmoil as she wondered what he must think of her now. “Well, it is behind us and Mr. Darcy must be quite convinced that I hold him in the highest regard!”
“Thank you so much, Elizabeth!” Rosalyn stood up to walk toward the door. “I shall sleep most soundly and contentedly tonight!”
When Rosalyn stepped out and closed the door, Elizabeth leaned her head back down on the pillow, her thoughts warring with her feelings. “I am glad someone shall!”
Sleep did evade Elizabeth for most of the remainder of the night. Over and over, she pondered why Mr. Darcy had inquired about her opinion of him from Rosalyn.
Considering any of those options did little to calm her erratically beating heart. Knowing all that Rosalyn told him—truly more than what she had really said—made her wonder what he now thought of her.
“Ohhh!” Elizabeth pounded the pillow. It should not matter what his estimation of her was or why he wanted to know her opinion of him! Elizabeth dove into her pillow face down. But to own the truth, it
The next morning, Rosalyn came up to Elizabeth several times, recalling some incident from the previous night that she wished to share with her, everything from what Mr. Darcy wore to what foods he seemed to enjoy the most.
“Elizabeth, when I first noticed him, he was standing with his back to me. But I was quite certain it was him because of the manner in which he walked as someone called him over. Have you ever noticed how he appears to glide across the floor? And he had on the most impeccable dark blue attire. When he turned and looked at me, I quite forgot about what I was speaking to Mrs. Remington!”
And then she spoke of the meal. “He took a rather small portion of duck, but seemed to take a rather large portion of potatoes. He had little interest at all in the beet soup, but he did eat a good deal of the bread pudding.”
Elizabeth made several futile attempts to change the subject. However much she did not wish to hear about
“No, I had very little opportunity to speak to them as they left early. I did hear people whispering and conjecturing about them, though, and they all think an announcement is forthcoming.”
Throughout the day, Elizabeth found it exceedingly difficult to concentrate on Emily’s lessons. She found herself easily distracted, and even little Emily noticed it.
“Miss Bennet,” Emily said, reaching out and taking Elizabeth’s hand. “Are you feeling unwell this morning? You do not seem yourself.”
Elizabeth squeezed Emily’s hand. “You certainly are an astute child, Emily.”
“What is… astute?”
Elizabeth smiled. “Astute means you are smart about things and have good judgement. You can sense things to be a certain way. For example, you say I do not seem to be myself. You are correct, but I had not told you how I was feeling.”
“I can see it in your eyes.”
“Truly? And as you grow up, you will notice more and more things like that, making you a good studier of character.”
“Is that good?”
Elizabeth tilted her head. “It can be in some ways.” She thought back to her study of Mr. Darcy. “But we must not always rely on what we first perceive. We may not always be correct.”
“How will we know if we are mistaken?”
Elizabeth sighed. “Sometimes we may not know until it is too late. But,” Elizabeth clasped her hands together, “a good rule of thumb is to not be too quick to judge someone poorly, but always be willing to judge them well. Then collect the facts you need to support or disprove your opinion.”
Emily displayed a wide grin. “That does sound like a good idea.”
Elizabeth felt a little better after her talk with Emily. She enjoyed sharing lessons she had learned from people, books, and her own experience. Fortunately, the young girl did not ask what it was that was bothering her,