2 The average person can't keep a list of words straight for a half an

hour: Tulving 8c Craik, 2000. 5 One scientist: Wesson, 1991. 7 'Human cognition approaches an optimal level of performance':

Chater et al., 2006. Superlatively well engineered functional designs: Tooby 8c Cosmides, 1995.

In principle possibility of 'inept evolution': Tooby & Cosmides, 1995.

8 The Selfish Gene: Dawkins, 1976. Infanticide: Daly 8c Wilson, 1988. Male overperception of female sexual intent: Haselton 8c Buss, 2000.

9 Evolution as mountain climbing: Dawkins, 1996.

10 Bar-headed goose: Fedde et al., 1989. No guarantee that evolution will ever reach the highest peak: Dawkins, 1982.

11 The inefficiency of the gaps across which neurons communicate: Montague, 2006. 12 New genes in concert with old genes: Marcus, 2004. Evolution like a tinkerer: lacob, 1975.

13 Hindbrain evolution: Rosa-Molinar et al, 2005. Midbrain evolution: Takahashi, 2005. Language and the brain: Gebhart et al, 2002; Demonet et al, 2005.

14 'Progressive overlay of technologies': Allman, 1999.

i8o Notes to Pages 14-43

Chimpanzee overlap: The Chimpanzee Sequencing and Analysis Con

sortium 2005; King & Wilson, 1975.

15 How Doctors Think: Groopman, 2007.

The March of Folly: Tuchman, 1984.

16 Underestimating Mother Nature: Dennett, 1995.


18 Teenagers and World War I: Kelly, 2001.

19 Time spent looking for lost items: Tyre, 2004. Skydivers who forgot to pull the ripcord: http://temagami.carleton.ca/


22 Remembering the frequent, the recent, and the relevant: Anderson,


24 Study underwater, test underwater: Godden & Baddeley, 1975.

25 Walking more slowly to the elevator: Bargh et al., 1996.

Soccer hooligans: Dijksterhuis & van Knippenberg, 1998.

Minority groups, priming, and testing: Steele & Aronson, 1995.

The automatic nature of stereotype priming: Greenwald et al., 1998.

26 Random dot patterns: Posner & Keefe, 1968.

27 9/11 memories: Talarico & Rubin, 2003.

28 Faulty eyewitness testimony: Schacter, 2001.

30 Memory and lability: Debiec et al., 2006.

33 Reconstructive memory for events: Loftus, 2003.

Mere exposure and confusions about fame: Jacoby et al, 1989. 34 How an actor's memory works: Noice & Noice, 2006. 35 Photographic memory: http://www.slate.com/id/2140685/.

36 Pinker, quoted on book jacket of Schacter, 2001. 37 Fractured memory and preparing for the future: Schacter & Addis, 2007.


40 Gullibility: Forer, 1949.

42 Snowball study: Dion, 1972.

Beauty studies: Etcoff, 1999.

Candidates that look more competent: Todorov et al., 2005.

43 Would you like carrots with that? (food in McDonald's wrap): Robinson et al., 2007.

44 Impressions of Donald: Higgins et al, 1977. The focusing illusion and dating: Strack, Martin, & Schwarz, 1988.

46 Dishes and perceived contribution: Leary 8c Forsyth, 1987; Ross 8c Sicoly, 1979. Wheel of fortune: Tversky 8c Kahneman, 1974. Attila the Hun: Russo 8c Schoemaker, 1989.

47 Limit 12 per customer: Wansink et al., 1998.

48 Lips: Strack, Martin, 8c Stepper, 1988. Arm flexion: F?rster 8c Strack, 1998. Chinese characters: Zajonc, 1968. Name letter effect: Nuttin, 1987. Mere exposure and paintings: lames Cutting, personal communication,

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