.php?storyId=5165342. Virtually every trait depends on a mix of factors, some environmental, some biological: Marcus, 2004; Plomin, 1997. Shamans and schizophrenia: Polimeni 8c Reiss, 2002. Agoraphobia: Nesse, 1997. Anxiety: Marks 8c Nesse, 1997. Depression: Price et al, 1997 Schizophrenia incidence: Goldner et al., 2002.

152 Malaria: Nesse 8c Williams, 1994.

Sociopathy: Mealey, 1995.

155 Cost-benefit and orbitofrontal damage: Bechara et al., 2000.

157 Depressive realism: Alloy 8c Abramson, 1979; Pacini, 1998.

Mood-congruent memory: Watkins et al., 1996. 160 Most mental disorders have a genetic component: Plomin et al., 2001.


162 Imperfections of the mind rarely discussed: For three notable exceptions, see Clark, 1987; Linden, 2007; and Stitch (in press).

163 The Beak of the Finch: Weiner, 1994. Recently completed genomes: http://www.ensembl.org/index.html;

Gregory, 2005.

165 Listing alternatives: Hoch, 1985; Koriat et al, 1980. Consider the opposite: Arkes, 1991; Larrick, 2004; Mussweiler et al., 2000. Counterfactual thinking: Galinsky 8c Moskowitz, 2000; Kray et al., 2006.

167 Sample size education: Nisbett et al., 1983.

i86 Notes to Pages 168-176

168 Precommitment: Lynch & Zauberman, 2006.

Specific contingency plans: Gollwitzer 8c Sheeran, 2006. 169 Fruit salad versus cake, under cognitive load: Shiv 8c Fedorikhin, 1999. 170 Accountability: Tetlock, 1985.

Eyes and the honor system: Bateson et al., 2006. Distance and decision making: Liberman et al., 2002; Lynch 8c Zauberman, 2006.

171 Irrationality dissipating with time: Koehler, 1994.

Time to steep: Dijksterhuis 8c Nordgren, 2006.

Anecdotal data, against better judgment: Wilson 8c Brekke, 1994.

Psychological cost of decisions: Schwartz 8c Schwartz, 2004.

Physical cost of decisions: Gailliot et al., 2007.

172 Mortality salience and the effects of being told to 'be rational': Simon et al., 1997. See also Epstein et al, 1992. Further evidence that admonitions to be rational might work: Ferreira et al, 2006.

173 Education for Thinking: Kuhn, 2005. Graduating without much competence as a thinker: Nickerson, 1988.

174 Taking the Internet at face value: Metzger et al., 2003. With little regard as to the accuracy: Graham 8c Metaxas, 2003. Credibility and visual design: Fogg et al, 2002. Unsophisticated evaluations of social and political issues: Perkins, 1985.

175 Facts, opinions, and evaluating competing evidence: Kuhn 8c Franklin, 2006. History of understanding the brain: Zimmer, 2004. The teachability of critical thinking skills: Solon, 2003; Williams et al., 2002; Moseley et al, 2004. Philosophy for children: Topping 8c Tricky, 2007. Harry Stottlemeiers Discovery: Lipman, 1970/1982.

176 Knowing about knowing: Metcalfe 8c Shimamura, 1994.


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