
I replied: 'I am in your hands, gentlemen! Only don't harm me.'

They promised they would not, and the father then raised my clothes, called his son's attention to my white thighs and the pouting lips of my cunt.

Both father and son kissed and sucked it for a few minutes and then the father insisted on his son having a fuck before he had one.

By the time each had finished, the horn blew the warning to get ready. So hastily swallowing a glass of wine, I arranged my clothes and bade them good-bye.

They accompanied me to the coach and this time I was able to get inside, there being one place vacant, and the parson kindly paying the difference in fare.

With mutual farewells the coach started again and I looked at my fellow passengers and found one who appeared young, the other two being grey-haired gentlemen.

They all accosted me very politely and hoped we should have a pleasant journey together.

The young man enquired how far I was going and when I replied to Edinburgh, he expressed his pleasure that we should be going to the same city.

'What a fortunate circumstance,' said he, 'that you were not travelling by this coach last week.'

'How so?'

'Because the notorious Dick Turpin and his gang stopped the coach just a little way from here and robbed the passengers, and used the ladies very cruelly.'

'Oh! how you frighten me! Do tell me all about it,' said I.

The elderly gentleman opposite now spoke and said:

'I can give you the correct account, for I was one of the passengers and one of the victims, I may say.'

'Oh, do tell me if there is any danger of Dick Turpin coming again today?' I asked.

'Not the slightest,' said the old gentleman, 'and that is the reason why I am travelling again so soon. Besides, I am armed with my horse-pistols.'

'Oh,' said I, 'don't show them to me, I am so terribly frightened! But tell me about the villains.'

The old gentleman continued: 'It was just about three in the afternoon when, as we were bowling along, as we are now, I heard several horsemen' ride up on each side of the coach and call to the coachman to stop or he should be shot. And two shots were fired at him, and one wounded him, the other broke the lamp.

'Of course the coach was stopped and the robbers then called: 'Stand out and deliver your money and valuables, or you are all dead men.' 'There must have been ten or twelve men – some on foot, and some on horseback.

'I should mention that the inside of the coach was occupied by some girls going to York to school. There were four besides their mistress and outside there were four more girls – that makes nine ladies, and there were six men passengers besides the coachman and guard.

'I should say that two of the misses were my grandchildren, aged about thirteen and fourteen.

'Well, the villains first looked inside the coach and made the madame give up her gold watch and rings, then they made us men come down and stand in the road while they searched our pockets, one man standing with the muzzle of a pistol pressed close to my forehead while he searched my pockets.

'When this was done, they abused us for giving them so much trouble for so little money and declared they would be revenged on the women for it.

'I begged them to spare my poor grandchildren.

' 'Point them out,' said one of the villains.

'I did so, thinking that he was going to listen to my requests, but no; to my surprise he tied their hands behind them and then lifted up their clothes and threw them over their heads, exposing their bodies from the waist downwards!

'I rushed forward to replace their clothing when two of the villains caught hold of me and tied my hands behind my back, and then to my indignation, they actually cut open my breeches in front and pulled out my prick.'

'Horrible!' I exclaimed.

'Monstrous,' said the young man.

'Yes,' continued the old man, 'and that is not all. There is something more horrible to tell.'

'Oh, do tell,' said I.

'Pray,' said the young man, 'continue.'

'Well, the villains made me kneel down and kiss the slits of my two granddaughters and made me suck them and push in my tongue! Then they uncovered the poor girls' faces, and tying their clothes tight under their arms, ordered them to suck my cock! In vain they and I protested. A loaded pistol fired off close to our ears was the warning of what our fate should be if we disobeyed. So first one and then the other dear girl went through the task. And the villains made me say the sucking was pleasant!'

'And what did you say?'

'Of course I told the truth, that the sucking gave me great pleasure.'

'And what became of the other men who were passengers?'

'Oh, they were made to suck the slits of the schoolgirls and to submit to have their pricks sucked in turn.'

'And how did the school-madame fare?'

'Oh, the villains grossly insulted her by examining her cunt, and telling her she was too old to allow them to give her any pleasure of that kind, so they cut a bunch of twigs from the bushes and forced her on all fours, bared her backside and gave her a good flogging.'

'Do you mean to state that all these outrages took place on the high-turnpike road?'

'Well, yes, that is to say, close to it, for there was a piece of turf or grass-land rather wide at the side of the road at this place. In fact, there were a few trees and bushes growing there.'

'Did no person pass in travelling along the road, while this took place, for it must have taken some time?'

'Yes, it took an hour or more, but a fanner with his wife riding behind on a pillion, and one wagon loaded with hay accompanied by the wagoner, were all that passed by during the time. Part of the hay was unloaded to serve for beds on which to extend the unfortunate lady-passengers and the farmer was compelled to fuck his wife in public.'

'Did Dick Turpin take part in these outrages?'

'No, he told his men to fuck any way they took a fancy to, but he kept watch most of the time and gave the necessary directions to his men so that several of them kept watch in turn, while the others committed these outrages on their victims.'

'Do you mean to say that the ten schoolgirls were all raped and their maidenheads taken?'

'Certainly; if they had any to lose! They were all fucked before my eyes.'

'How did it all end?'

'Oh, after a while Captain Dick said: 'That's enough for this time, boys. Mount and away!' And so they rode off leaving all the victims tied and bound until some passer-by should come and relieve them. Of course we called for help directly after our tormentors had left us and in half-an-hour some foot passengers and also the returning mail- coach came by and released our bonds and we all made the best of our ways to our destinations.'

The young man now spoke. 'It is all quite true, Miss, I assure you; I was one of the passengers by the down- mail on that occasion and I saw the condition of the ten schoolgirls as described by our friend here. They were all tied to trees with their arms behind them, and their clothing raised and tied close to their shoulders so as to expose their bellies and all below.

'I could not help being delighted with the sight, although of course I pitied the poor things, and I delayed helping to release them in order to have a good view of their naked charms. I was much amused at the remarks of a worthy tradesman and his wife who were also looking at those schoolgirls. The wife spoke sharply: 'Well, Mr. Jones, I am ashamed of you to stand staring like a stuck pig at those naked shameless young hussies. Why don't they put their dresses down?' ' 'Well, my dear,' said her husband, 'they have their hands tied behind their backs and can't help themselves, and as to my looking at them, my excuse is I never saw such a sight before! Why, there are ten naked bellies for me to look at and four have hardly any hair on their slits and the others all have black hair on them, but one, and she…' 'Here his wife angrily interposed: 'You have made good use of your eyes for these few minutes, Mr. Jones; I must say I am astonished at you, a married man and the father of six girls and four boys, so to demean yourself! Why don't you shut your eyes until this disgraceful exhibition is over?' ' 'No, Mrs. Jones, I am

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