'No,' the angel answered. 'That is not necessary.'

'Then maybe this will work,' Aliisza said, turning the blade around so that the hilt faced her. Kael watched as she placed her fingers on a set of spots on the hilt and then pushed a certain way. The hilt twisted in her hand and the end slipped free, like a cap from a jug. A hollow chamber was revealed. Aliisza tipped the sword up so that something slid free into her hand. Kael recoiled slightly as he saw what the alu held.

There, in her palm, sat an ebony, desiccated finger, shriveled and delicate.

'How would you like to meet your father?' Aliisza asked, smiling up at Kael.


Aliisza's hands trembled as she held Pharaun's finger. Her mind raced with a dozen thoughts, from wondering if her idea would really work to trying to guess what Kael and Tauran thought of her revelation. The idea of actually coming face-to-face with the drow mage sent shivers up her spine.

'My father?' Kael asked, his voice slightly timid. 'That's his?'

'Yes,' Aliisza said, 'plucked from the Abyss after his death. I've kept it all this time, wondering if I would ever need to make use of it,'

'He has no compunction to enter the Living Vessel,' Tauran said. 'It has been a long time for him. In some ways an eternity. And whatever has happened to him in those intervening stretches, he might not even recall you or your role in his life. His life itself might be nothing but a faint memory. Rarely is a Living Vessel used in this way.'

Aliisza frowned. 'But do you agree that it might work?' When the angel nodded, she said, 'Then don't make me any more nervous than I already am.'

Kael had risen to his feet and was pacing, his sword in his hand. 'What makes you think that he will help us?' His tone had grown high-pitched, filled with nervous energy. 'Or that he will want to know about me?'

Aliisza smiled. And so it comes full circle, she thought. 'As a very wise person once explained it to me, in order to gain the benefit of caring about others, you have to be willing to surrender to the heartbreak that it might not work out as you expect… or hope.' She cast a glance over at Tauran, who showed the faintest hint of a smile. 'He's your father. At worst, your relationship with him will be nonexistent, just as it is now. At best…'

Kael blew a sigh that puffed his cheeks out. 'Very well,' he said. 'It seems our only chance to escape this place, regardless. Let's do this.'

Aliisza smiled and took the finger close to Zasian. She hesitated.

'What are the dangers?' she asked the angel. 'What should we expect?'

Tauran shrugged. 'None, that I know of,' he said, his voice weak and raspy. 'Just touch him with it.'

'Will Zasian's mind return?' she asked, suddenly wary. 'Am I dooming us instead of helping?'

'I cannot answer that,' Tauran replied. 'In all of this, there is great uncertainty. Nothing like this has ever occurred before.' He broke into a coughing fit. When it finally subsided, he added, 'But as Kael has pointed out, I see no other alternatives. Even if Zasian returns, you have not appreciably worsened our situation.'

Grimacing, Aliisza turned back to the vacuous priest. That's debatable, she thought. Although I wouldn't mind the pleasure of gutting him, given the chance. She held the finger up to his gaze, watching to see if he would, at long last, react to something. He did not.

Do it, she told herself. Touch him.

Drawing a deep breath to bolster her courage, Aliisza tentatively reached out and placed the desiccated finger against Zasian's arm.

Nothing happened.

'It's not working,' Aliisza said, sagging back. Disappointment sapped the energy from her.

'It may take a while for a connection to materialize,' Tauran said. 'Do not assume anything, yet.'

Aliisza moved Pharaun's finger down to the priest's hand. She placed it into the man's palm and watched as Zasian's own fingers curled reflexively around it.

Aliisza sat back and watched. Please work. Maybe even the return of the Cyricist himself would be better. Please work!

Zasian sat passively in front of Aliisza, staring at nothing. She could detect no change in the Living Vessel.

Hope faded. Aliisza stared glumly at her own hands. Maybe Kael's right. We should make a break for the surface, try to get out to sea, find some way to escape. It might kill me, but I could do it. I could blow the demons away. Even Kaanyr. He doesn't know what kind of hell he unleashed, betraying me, she fumed. My last defiant act, obliterating him as the others slip away.

She shook her head and said, 'Still nothing. I guess it was too much to hope-'

The illumination surrounding Zasian flickered.

Aliisza gasped and jerked her gaze back toward the man's face. Had there been a flutter of recognition there, in the eyes?

She held the priest's gaze with her own, watching it so intently that her eyes began to water. Another flicker rippled through the light, and it seemed to her to grow a tiny bit dimmer.

'Something's happening,' Kael said, moving in closer. 'I saw something.'

'Pharaun?' Aliisza said softly, waving her hand in front of the priest's face. 'Can you hear me?'

The return stare did not change, but the nimbus of light flickered and weakened.

'I think it's working!' Aliisza whispered. 'He's coming!'

The thought of actually getting a chance to speak with the drow wizard gave Aliisza a little shiver. What will he think?

'Perhaps,' Tauran said, struggling to sit up straighter and take a look himself. 'But again, I must caution you. Do not expect him to react kindly to your summoning him. Indeed, he may not even know you anymore.'

Aliisza ignored the angel's words. If Pharaun was being drawn into the vessel, he would remember her. She was certain. He has to.

Over several long moments, the emanation continued to flicker and fade. It had almost died out completely when Zasian jerked and gasped. He peered around, wide-eyed.

Then he screamed.

'By Torm, make him be quiet,' Kael said in a strangled whisper. He reached out and clamped his hand over the suddenly frantic priest. The action caused Zasian to begin flailing violently. He slapped at Kael's arm and thrashed on the ground, kicking. All the while, he continued to try to scream.

Aliisza shoved Kael to the side and wrapped her arms around the wild priest. The thought that she was hugging a man she once hated passed briefly through the back of her mind, but she ignored it. She pressed her mouth close to Zasian's ear.

'Pharaun,' she said softly. 'Pharaun, it's me. It's Aliisza. Easy. I'm here. I'm with you.'

Zasian screamed once more, a long, wailing, ragged sound, and then he crumpled, sobbing. He went completely limp in Aliisza's embrace.

'Get out in the hall and make sure nothing surprises us,' Aliisza told Kael. 'Hurry!'

Kael, his own red eyes wide, shook himself into action and got to his feet. He strode almost eagerly out of the hideaway and into the hall beyond. He disappeared, though Aliisza could hear him walking farther up the passage. She continued to console the human in her embrace, not certain to whom she was speaking.

'It's all right,' she crooned. 'I'm here. Aliisza is here.'

Beside her, Tauran coughed. 'It may take him too long to recover. Too long before he can offer any way out of here. The demons almost certainly heard that. They will be coming.'

'Can you please try to find some hope?' Aliisza said. 'I know you feel like… well, like hell, but your gloomy disposition is not helping.'

Tauran began coughing again. When the fit subsided, he closed his eyes and slumped against the rock again. 'Our time grows short,' he murmured, 'and I am slipping fast.'

Aliisza turned her attention back to Zasian. She leaned back away from the man and peered into his face. The priest's eyes darted back and forth frantically, and he panted in fright. 'Are you there?' she whispered.

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