and turn her over to the Order.”

She stared at him in shock. She’d expected the situation would blow over, not worsen.

With mingled reluctance and resentment, Chandra agreed to accompany the two men to Samir’s family compound. As soon as they reached it, Samir showed her and Gideon into a small, fragrant hut that was primarily used for drying herbs.

“Wait here,” he instructed them. “I’ll get you some water for washing and some balm for those wounds. And I’ll ask my wife to prepare some food.”

“Oh, don’t fuss over him, Samir,” Chandra said. “He doesn’t deserve your kindness.”

“He’s my guest,” the village chief said.

And that, Chandra knew, settled the matter as far as Samir was concerned. She shrugged and folded her arms, knowing it was her anger that was letting her say things that risked letting Samir know their secrets, but not caring enough to stop herself. “Fine. Suit yourself. I just hope he doesn’t give you cause to regret it.”

Gideon’s expression was so blank, it was as if he didn’t even hear her speaking.

“I’ll be back shortly,” Samir said as he left the hut.

They stood alone together in the shadowy interior, staring at each other.

“You followed me to Kephalai!” she said as soon as Samir was out of earshot.


“From here!”



“Maybe we should sit down,” Gideon suggested.

“Answer me!”

“Well, I’m sitting down,” he said. “I think half my blood is lying on the pavement of Velrav’s courtyard.”

“How did you know I was going after the Scroll?” she demanded, watching him ease himself onto a wooden stool.

Gideon looked light-headed, probably because he had indeed lost a lot of blood and was certainly in need of food and water. He also looked as if the pain of his wounds had returned now that the excitement of escape had worn off.

It served him right.

“I didn’t know,” he said. “I’d never heard of the scroll. I’d never heard of Kephalai, either. I was just following you.”


“Like I told you on Kephalai, you’d made yourself conspicuous.”

“Yes, but that was on K-”

“Actually, I meant you’d made yourself conspicuous here,” he said. “You misunderstood, of course, because you had just made yourself even more conspicuous on Kephalai.”

“Did you follow me there so you could lecture me about my behavior?” she snapped.

“I followed you there,” he said patiently, “to take you into custody.”

“Custody? For who? Walbert?” When he nodded, she said, “So you are a bounty hunter.”

“No, I’m more like a…” he shrugged. “A soldier.”

“A soldier,” she repeated.


“For the Order?”

He nodded again.

“Are you from Regatha?” she asked. “Originally, I mean?”

“No. I’ve only been here a short time.” He added, “Even less time than you’ve been here.”

She frowned. “How do you know how long I’ve been here?”

“Because not long ago, someone started practicing extreme fire magic in the mountains.”

“How do you know about that?” she asked in surprise.

“You’re not exactly discreet, Chandra,” he said with a touch of exasperation. “And no one on Regatha had ever seen anything like that before. Except for one person, Walbert said. A planeswalker who was here long ago, according to legend, and whose power and, uh, personality inspired the establishment of Keral Keep.”

“Walbert knows about planeswalkers?”

“Yes. Doesn’t the mother mage of the monastery know? I mean, if it was founded because of a-”

“Yes, she knows. It’s her monastery. But how does Walbert know about Jaya Ballard?”

“That’s the name of the planeswalker who was here?” Gideon said with a shrug, “Walbert knows a lot of things. He’s well educated, well informed, and well organized.”

“He’s also arrogant, interfering, overbearing-”

“When he became aware of the spells being practiced,” Gideon said, speaking as if he hadn’t heard her at all, “he suspected that another planeswalker had come to Mount Keralia after all these years. So he kept an eye on the situation. He soon learned that there was a brand new resident at the monastery, a woman who had arrived right before all that big magic started being let loose in the mountains.” After a pause, he added, “And no one seemed to know anything about this woman, except the she was unusually powerful. She had simply… arrived one day, and she never talked about her past or where she came from.”

“How did he learn this?”

“I told you. Walbert’s well informed and well organized.” Gideon added, “Besides, gossip travels faster than galloping horses. Even if it wasn’t malicious, there was bound to be talk, Chandra.”

“Hmph. So why did you come to Regatha? To sit at Walbert’s feet in admiration?”

“I came for the Purifying Fire,” he said.

“Ah. I’ve heard of it.” She tilted her head and studied him. “You came to Regatha to increase your power.”

“Yes.” He’d evidently decided, once Samir blew his cover, not to hold anything back, and she was distantly pleased that she was going to, finally, get some honest answers from him, but more than that, she was still enraged at what he’d done.

Chandra thought it over and said skeptically, “So did Walbert simply give you free access to this mysterious source of white mana that people say is what has made the Order so powerful here?”

“He wanted something in exchange,” Gideon said.

“You mean, he wanted you to go after the planeswalker that he suspected had come to the Keralian Monastery.”


“And do what?” she said, feeling her blood heat. “Kill me?”

“Just take you into custody.”

“What does that mean?”


“Gideon?” she prodded. “What did Walbert plan to do once he had me in custody?”

“I don’t know.” There was a pause. “I didn’t ask. At the time, I didn’t particularly care.”

“Of course not,” she said. “You just wanted access to the Purifying Fire.”

“Yes,” he agreed. “But then you chased down a ghost warden and killed it for no reason-”

“No reason?” She couldn’t believe her ears.

“It was harmless,” he said. “It had minimal defenses, and it only used them when directly threatened.”

“It was a spy for the Order!”

“You also burned down part of the Western Wood-”

“Which is not your concern! Or Walbert’s!”

“-and you attacked four peacekeepers without provocation.”

“Peacekeepers? Without provocation?” Now she was truly enraged; she could feel the fire igniting in her blood. “I chased away four invading soldiers who had no business being here! And Walbert has no right to try to impose his will on the woodlanders!”

“You imposed yours there when you set fire to their lands,” Gideon pointed out. “I’d say that turned out a lot worse for them than Walbert trying to govern some of their excesses.”

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