Anti-Semitism, 906

Antislavery movement, 389, 415, 561, 565 — 66

Apartheid, 928 — 29

Apostles, 820

Arabian Nights' Entertainments for Children, The, 589

Architecture: as bogus, 868 — 73, 883, 885 86; in Gothic novels, 220, 233 — 34

Aries, Philippe, 587

Aristocracy, 88, 181, 333; intellectual, 746 — 47; Richardson's portrayals of, 83–84, 90

Aristotle, 273

Arithmetic. See Mathematics

Armstrong, Nancy, 58, 371, 378, 394, 498

Arnold, Matthew, 402, 746; 'To a Friend,' 827 — 28

Arouet, François-Marie. See Voltaire

Artaud, Antonin, 582

Assimilation, 448 — 49

Athenaeum (periodical), 473

Atwood, Margaret, 964 — 65

Aubin, Penelope, 13, 139, 989; Charlotta Du Pont, 202; Count Albertus, 990; The Lift of Madam de Beaumount, a French Lady, 990; The Strange Adventures of the Count de Vinevil and His Family, 990

Auchincloss, Louis, 902

Auden, W. H., 631, 742, 1002; The Ascent of F6, 763; on detective stories, 970 — 71; The Dog Beneath the Skin, 763

Augustine: Confessions, 591

Austen, Cassandra, 175

Austen, George, 990

Austen, Jane, xv, 20, 79, 128, 148, 199–200, 328, 331 — 32, 336, 350, 366, 390, 474, 821, 911 — 12, 955; A Collection of Letters, 990; critiques of, 296 — 98; Emma, 275 — 76, 283 -85, 289, 296- 97, 913, 948 -49, 990; A History of England, 990; Imperial influences in, 563 — 64; Lady Susan, 275; Lesley Castle, 990; literary influence of, 275- 77; Love and Friendship, 990; Mansfield Park, 275, 290 — 93, 362, 563 -64, 990, 1002; narrative style of, 277 — 94; Northanger Abbey, — 1024- xix — xx, 275, 277 — 83, 284, 287, 990; Persuasion, 275, 288 — 90, 563 — 64, 990; Pride and Prejudice, 275- 76, 285 — 88, 290, 825, 941, 961, 990; Sanditon, 275; Sense and Sensibility, 190, 275, 291, 339, 990; The Watsons, 275

Australasia, 562 — 63

Australia, 563, 568 — 70, 636, 727

Authority, 218, 267 — 68, 311, 394, 409, 801; in Eliot's work, 453 — 54; in Lawrence's work, 735 — 36; novelistic, 294 — 95, 297; skepticism of, 587, 603

Author of Waverley, 305. See Scott, Walter

Autobiography, 20; in novels, 148, 203 — 5, 360 — 61, 716, 755 — 57, 761 -63, 771 — 73, 990, 1003 — 4, 1006; spiritual, 24, 26–27, 35, 88

Aztecs, 727- 28

Bachelard, Gaston, 854

Bacon, Francis, 9 — 10

Bage, Robert: Barbam Downs, 990; The Fair Syrian, 990; Hermsprong, 249 — 50, 255 -57, 260, 267 -68, 271 -73, 990; James Wallace, 990; Man as He Is, 255, 566, 990; Mount Henneth, 990; narrative structure of, 272 -73; on political issues, 267 -68

Bagehot, Walter, 396

Banbridge, Beryl: Harriet Said, Sweet William, 968

Bair, Deirdre, 863

Baker, Ernest: History of the English Novel, 20–21

Baker, Samuel White: Albert N'Yanza, 573; Cast Up by the Sea, 573

Bakhtin, Mikhail M., xii — xiii, 103 -5, 329, 560, 582, 655, 768; on dialogism, 856 -57

Ballantyne, Robert: Coral Island, 573; The Gorilla Hunters, 574

Ballaster, Ros, 70

Balzac, Honoré de, xv, 21, 666, 906; Human Comedy, 560, 665, 676; Père Goriot, 721

Bank of England, 108

Bankruptcy, 407, 411

Barbauld, Laetitia, 17

Barker, Jane, 13, 88, 218; autobiographical writing of, 203 -5, 990; Bosvil and Galesia, 203 -5, 210; Exilius, 990; Love Intrigues, 990; The Lining of the Patch-Work Screen, 990; A Patch-Work Screen for the Ladies, 203 -4, 990

Barnacle, Nora, 1003

Barnes, Julian: on fear, 974 — 75; Flaubert's Parrot, 967, 973 -76; on history, 973 -76; A History of the World In 1 °Chapters, 975 -76; Metroland, 975

Barrie, J. M., 588

Barthes, Roland, 275, 858; S/Z, 833

Bataille, Georges, 851

Bates, Ralph, 746

Bathurst, Allen Bathurst, 1st Earl, 168 — 69

Baudrillard, Jean, 948

Bayly, Charles: Practice of Pietie, 39

Beardsley, Aubrey, 577

Beckett, Samuel, 582, 600, 898, 912; All Strange Away, 858- 59; 'Assumption,' 743, 990; 'A Case in a Thousand,' 843; character construction by, 843- 44, 850 — 51; Company, 862 -63, 865; Dreams of Fair to Middling Women, 843 -44; Endgame, 854; «Enough» ('Assez'), 858; French used by, 849 -50; How It Is (Comment c'est), 855 -59; Ill Seen Ill Said (Mal'vu mal dit), 862, 864 — 65; Imagination Dead Imagine (Imagination morte imaginez), 858- 60; Krapp's Last Tape, 854; use of language by, 552 — 58, -1025- Beckett, Samuel (continued) 842 — 43, 845 — 47, 862 — 66; Lessness (Sans), 858 — 59, 861; The Lost Ones (Le Dépeupleur), 855, 858- 61; Malone Dies (Malone meurt), 847, 850 — 52, 991; mathematics, use by, 859 — 62; Mercier et Camier, 850;and modernism, 855- 56; Molloy, 847, 850- 51, 991; More Pricks than Kicks, 843 — 45, 991; Murphy, 845 -47, 991; narrative structure used by, 847- 49; Ping (Bing), 858 -59, 861; residua of, 858 -62; Stirrings Still, 862; Textes pour rien (Texts for Nothing), 854 — 55; The Unnamable (L'innommable'innommable), 847, 850, 852 -55, 857, 991; Waiting for Godot, 847, 850, 854 -55, 991; Watt, 847 -49, 859, 991; Worstword Ho, 862, 865 -66

Beauties of Sterne, The, 166

Beckford, William: Azemia, 257 — 58; Dreams, Waking Thoughts, and Incidents, 991; Modern Novel Writing, 257 -58; Recollections of an Excursion to the Monastries of Alcobaca and Batalha, 991; Vathek, 232 — 34, 239, 565, 991

Behavior: and character, 295 — 96; gender and, 254 -55, 261 — 63; men's, 255 — 57

Behn, Aphra, 1, 6–7, 12, 15, 51,62, 71, 214; criticism of, 13, 18; The Dumb Virgin, 53, 61; The Fair Jilt, 52, 56–57; gender reversal in, 56–57; History of the Nun, 65–67; Love-Letters Between a Nobleman and His Sister, 52, 65, 88; The Lucky Chance, 991; The Nun, 60; Oroonoko, 14, 991; The Rover, 991; sexual themes in, 52–53, 56; The Unfortunate Bride, 58; writing structure of, 24 — 25

Benevolence, 338; and social action, 249, 257

Bennett, Dorothy Cheston, 683

Bennett, (Enoch) Arnold, 614, 684, 765, 942, 997; Anna of the Five Towns, 663, 676, 679, 991; The Card, 624, 991; Clayhanger, 624, 676, 991; Clayhanger trilogy, 663, 991; as critic, 661 -62, 673; Five Towns novels, 676- 77; The Grand Babylon Hotel, 991; Hilda Lessways, 624, 626, 991; Imperial Palace, 663; Leonora, 626; Lord Raingo, 663; A Man from the North, 608, 623 -24, 660, 663; Mr. Proback, 991; narrative style of, 674 — 83; naturalism and moralism in works of, 625 — 26; The Old Wives' Tale, 625- 27, 663, 675 — 76, 683, 991; The Pretty Lady, 663, 676; as realist, 659 -60, 663; Riceyman Steps, 663, 674, 677 -83, 991; The Roll Call, 991; Sacred and Profane Love, 674;

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