Levy, Eric: Beckett and the Voice of Species, 855
Lévy, Maurice: Le roman «gothique» anglais, 223
Lewes, George Henry, 434, 438, 453 — 54, 481, 997
Lewes, Marian. See Eliot, George
Lewes, Thornie, 453
Lewis, Matthew Gregory, 320:
Lewis, Wyndham, 878 — 79, 881, 906; Apes of the Gods, 744; Satire and Fiction, 880
Liberty, 512, 531, 566
Licensing Act, 997 -98
Liddell, Alice, 582 — 84
Lights of Canopus, The, 926
Lillo: London Merchant, 74
Linton, Lynn: My Literary Life, 442
Listener (periodical), 896
Literacy, 37–38, 47
Literature, 21, 119; imperialism and, 562 — 63; professionalization of, 404 — 5
Lively, Penelope, 944; According to Mark, 939; City of the Mind, 950; The
Livingstone, David: Missionary Travels, 573
Locke, John, 27, 41, 165, 173, 592; Essay Concerning Human Understanding, 44, 170 — 72; Principia, 172; Two Treatises of Government, 44
Lodge, David: The British Museum Is Falling Down, 1005; Changing Places, 1005; How Far Can You Go? 1005; Small World, 1005
London, 46, 132, 828, 944; Dickens on, 396 — 97; police in, 109 — 10; as setting, 136, 149, 623, 624, 745, 870 -72
London Magazine, 911
London Review, 470 — 71
Lounger (magazine), 1005
L'Ouverture, Toussaint, 566
Love, 92, 191, 390, 671, 724, 847; in amatory fiction, 51–52, 57, 60–61; erotic, 336 -37; failed relationships in, 750 -51; heroines and, 201 — 7; illicit heterosexual, 238 — 39; learning about, 190 — 91; vs. passion, 338 -39; romantic, 133 — 34; sublime of, 344 -46; as theme, 51–52, 60, 81–82, 136; and women's identities, 208, 210 — 11; in Wuthering Heights, 376 -77
Lovell, Terry, 216 — 17
Lover, Samuel: Handy Andy, 569
Lower class: political causes of, 383 — 85, 388. See also Working class
Lukács, Georg, xiii, 298; The Historical Novel, 305; The Theory of the Novel, xi — xii, 295
Luria, Gina, 254
Lyotard, Jean-François, 842
Macaulay, Rose, 746
Macaulay, T. B., 301, 633
McCarthy, Mary, 899, 902
McCulloch, J. R., 510
MacDonald, George, 590
McEwan, Ian:
Mackenzie, Henry, 182, 329; Julia de Roubigné, 1005; The Man of Feeling, 183, 186 — 90, 194, 257, 1005; The Man of the World, 1005; The Prince of Tunis, 1005
McKeon, Michael, 9, 20, 58, 203, 217
Magic: in Scott's novels, 316, 320, 322 — 25
Maine, Henry, 460
Malaysia, 635, 711
Malebranche, Nicolas de, 857
Males. See Men
Malthus, Thomas: Principles of Population, 510
Manley, Delariviere, 1, 6–7, 15, 51, 53, 60, 71, 1001; The Adventures of Rivella, 1005; on bigamy, 67–68; criticism of, 13, 18, 218; New Atalantis, 14, 54–55, 58, 61–63, 65, 1005; on novel reading, 62–63; sexuality in, 54, 58; structure of writing of, 24–25
Manley, John, 1005
Manliness, 257. See also Gentlemanliness; Masculinity
Mann, Horace, 163
Mann, Thomas, 587; Death in Venice, 710
Manners, 819; Ford's novels on, 833 — 40; Forster's novels on, 820 — 33
Mansfield Katherine, 733
Mansfield, William Murray, 1st earl of, 350
Manning, Olivia: The Balkan Trilogy, 1005; The Battle Lost and Won, 1005; The Danger Tree, 1005; Friends and Heroes, 1005; The Great Fortune, 1005; The Levant Trilogy, 1005; The Spoilt City, 1005; The Sum of Things, 1005
Marana, Giovanni Paolo: The Turkish Spy, 131
Maritime novels, 565
Marivaux, Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de, 19
Marriage, xvi, 53, 59, 65, 96, 144, 149, 214, 290, 332, 342, 359, 495, 627, 790, 801 — 2, 991; in Brontë's works, 369 — 72; degeneracy and, 620 — 21; egalitarian, 333, 335 — 36, 339; and fate, 249 — 50; and literary career, 205 — 8; as loss, 807 -8, 814 — 16; love in, 92, 206 -7; role of, 196, 201 -2, 209; Romantic, 334 — 35; and social place, 76, 125; as threat, 188 — 89
Married Women's Property Acts, 495
Marryat, Frederick, 565, 572; Frank Mildmay, 573, 1006; Jacob Faithful, 1006; Masterman Ready, 573, 589; Mr. Midshipman Easy, 573, 1006; Newton Foster, 573; Peter Simple, 573, 1006
Mars-Jones, Adam: The Darker Proof, 986; Lantern Lecture, 969 — 70;
Martineau, Harriet, 365, 509; Demerara, 565- 66; The Hour and the Man, 565 -66; Illustrations of Political Economy, 510, 565
Marx, Karl: A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, 505 -6
Marxism, 22, 908
Mary II, Queen of England, 64
Mary, Queen of Scots, 226
Masculinity, 195, 216, 231, 255, 303 — 4, 338, 345, 368; critiques of, 218, 330, 332; definitions of, 250 -51; of gentlemen, 408, 422 -24; of novel, 513, 517; of politics, 509- 10
Masks, masking, 105 -6
Massé, Michelle, 232
Materialism, 84, 703, 709
Maternity. See Mothers and motherhood
Mathematics: in Beckett's works, 859 -62
Matrimonial Causes Act, 495
Maturin, Charles Robert: The Fatal Revenge, 1006; Melmoth
Maugham, W. Somerset, 635, 754; Cakes and Ale, 1006; Of Human Bondage, 1006; Liza of Lambeth, 614;