But it wasn’t enough. Neither was the physical surrender she’d given him in bed. His beast growled, wanting more, wanting everything.
The hell of it was that he understood. The leopard wasn’t so civilized. “Can you feel this thing between us?”
A quiet nod. “What is it?”
“You know.”
“I can’t belong to you,” she whispered. “I can’t cut Amara free. Without me… she
“You already belong to me.” He wasn’t human, wasn’t Psy. And he wasn’t particularly worried about the niceties of acceptable behavior. “At some point, the leopard is going to take over and I’ll start hunting you.”
Her hand clenched on his chest. “I’m a psychic being. I can block you for as long as it takes.”
That was the real problem. The mating bond wasn’t an automatic thing. For it to come into full effect, both halves of the pair had to accept it. That acceptance could happen a thousand different ways, but he knew that with Sascha and Lucas, it had required a conscious choice on Sascha’s part. She’d had to decide to cut the life-giving PsyNet link and drop into Lucas’s arms.
Dorian knew in his gut that Ashaya needed to take that same leap of faith, of trust. “You can try, Shaya.” He shrugged. “But the mating bond’s already there, pulling at you. The more we touch, the more we share our secrets, the stronger it becomes. At some point, blocking it will become impossible.”
She turned slightly. “I can feel it
He wondered which one of them she was trying to convince. “It exists the same way your bond with Keenan exists.” But the mating bond was a far harsher thing, a thing of claws and teeth, created with the raw fury of changeling possession, and the endless devotion of changeling heart. “Leopards don’t play nice when it comes to their mates. Wait too long and you’ll become prey.”
Ashaya felt the warning to the core of her being. Dorian was a sniper. He wouldn’t run her to ground. No, he’d wait, he’d stalk, and then he’d take. “We’ll see,” she said. The leopard was attempting to bring her to heel. But even in the PsyNet, she’d never been very good at obeying.
Dorian’s chuckle rolled like down her spine like a thousand tiny pinpricks. “You really like living dangerously, don’t you, gorgeous?”
It made her remember what he’d said in bed, about messing with a leopard. Her heartbeat jumped. “It does make for an exciting life.”
His hand moved to the back of her neck, tilting up her face. “And here I thought you were all about the science.” The kiss was slow, intimate, rich with the taste of coffee and Dorian.
She had no will to resist, didn’t know why she’d possibly want to. Such pleasure in her bones, in her blood, in the dip of her navel. Against her, he was all hard muscle and coiled power. If she had her way, she thought suddenly, she’d keep Dorian naked so she could indulge her hunger to simply watch that magnificent body flex and move.
There was an odd look in his eye when he raised his head. “I just had the strangest thought pop into my head.”
“Oh?” She found she was reaching for him, wanting another taste.
He continued to hold his coffee with one hand, but dipped his head to satisfy her, nipping at her lower lip as the kiss ended. “Yeah. I was thinking of walking around butt naked. Weird. I’m more interested in getting you —”
Ashaya knew she’d somehow given herself away when he stopped midsentence and whistled softly. “I wasn’t thinking that, was I?” His lips curved, a look that couldn’t be described as anything other than wicked coming into his eyes.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
He smiled and it was so slow, so very male, that she thought her knees would buckle from the power of it. “Oh, but I do.” Nips at her lower lip, a catlike lick along the top one. “The mating bond’s starting to fight you.”
She found that she was stroking the skin of his neck, having learned he liked being touched that way. “Why would you assume that?”
“I ain’t no Psy, Ms. Aleine, but even us dumb animals know when two people start exchanging thoughts, something’s going on.”
She narrowed her eyes at his smug tone. “It was a coincidence.”
“Baby, when I think about my body, I don’t focus on my cock.”
Only years of controlling her reactions kept her from betraying the tight fist of need that formed in her stomach. “You think the bond’s functioning on some level.”
Another wicked, wicked smile. “Yeah. And I also think you’re hot for me.” He drew in a deep breath. “Fucking ambrosia.”
She’d forgotten about his sensory abilities. It made her cheeks heat in an unfamiliar physical reaction. But, it also made her… happy. An odd thought, a strange sense of warmth in her body. But true. She was happy because he was happy. Neither of them had spoken again about what had taken place in the dark hour before dawn. There was no need for it. They understood that he’d trusted her more than he’d ever trusted anyone… and that she’d die before she betrayed that trust.
Because, no matter the ties that kept her bound to the PsyNet, he was hers. And she was his.
She clutched at Dorian, sensing his instant alertness. “She’s close enough for telepathy.” Close enough that though she couldn’t get into Ashaya’s mind, Amara could feel the weakening of the twin bond, the strengthening of something else. “Give me a second.” Blinking past the lights flickering in front of her eyes, she tried to quiet the adrenaline-spiked beat of her heart. “She wants you dead.” Ashaya’s soul screamed in repudiation.
“I can take care of myself.” Dorian urged her toward the door, handing her his cup. “Lock yourself in and —”
“No. I need to face her.” She put the cup just inside the doorway.
“You can do that after I have her contained.” Dorian was scanning the forest as he spoke, his nostrils flaring as he used every one of his superior senses. “I can’t be distracted worrying about keeping you safe.”
That made her mad. “I’m not useless, Dorian,” she said. “If you recall, I got out of the lab without your help.”
He shot her an irritated look. “You’re going to do the pissy woman routine
“You’re hiding away the one individual who might be able to control Amara.” She stood toe-to-toe with him when he shifted to face her fully. “You’re being blinded by your protective instincts.”
The lack of denial threw her. But only momentarily. “That’s stupid. I might be able to calm her before she incites a violent response in you.”
Dorian’s eyes glittered. “Shaya, she tortured you as a fucking experiment. I don’t want you anywhere near her.”
I know what I asked was unfair, yet I also know your shoulders are strong enough for the task. Ashaya—my stubborn one, my brave one. But she’s mine, too. Ours. Broken, but still my daughter, still your sister. She’s still a mind more beautiful than either of us has ever seen.