thinking that Mr. Tanner had been right; history did repeat itself. She only hoped her story didn't end like Katherine's. 'But she chose both of them. She exchanged blood with both of them, and she said they could all three be companions through eternity.'

'Sounds kinky,' murmured Bonnie.

'Sounds dumb,' said Meredith.

'You got it,' Elena told her. 'Katherine was sweet but not very bright. Stefan and Damon already didn't like each other. They told her she had to choose, that they wouldn't even think of sharing her. And she ran off crying. The next day—well, they found her body, or what was left of it. See, a vampire needs a talisman like this ring to go out in the sun without being killed. And Katherine went out in the sun and took hers off. She thought if she were out of the way, Damon and Stefan would be reconciled.'

'Oh, my God, how ro—'

'No, it isn't,' Elena cut Bonnie off savagely. 'It's not romantic at all. Stefan's been living with the guilt ever since, and I think Damon has, too, although you'd never get him to admit it. And the immediate result was that they got a couple of swords and killed each other. Yes, killed. That's why they're vampires now, and that's why they hate each other so much. And that's why I'm probably crazy trying to get them to cooperate now.'


'To cooperate at what?' Meredith asked.

'I'll explain about that later. But first I want to know what's been going on in town since I—left.'

'Well, hysteria mostly,' Meredith said, raising an eyebrow. 'Your Aunt Judith's been pretty badly off. She hallucinated that she saw you—only it wasn't a hallucination, was it? And she and Robert have sort of broken up.'

'I know,' Elena said grimly. 'Go on.'

'Everybody at school is upset. I wanted to talk to Stefan, especially when I began to suspect you weren't really dead, but he hasn't been at school. Matt has been, but there's something wrong with him. He looks like a zombie, and he won't talk to anyone. I wanted to explain to him that there was a chance you might not be gone forever; I thought that would cheer him up. But he wouldn't listen. He was acting totally out of character, and at one point I thought he was going to hit me. He wouldn't listen to a word.'

'Oh, God—Matt.' Something terrible was stirring at the bottom of Elena's mind, some memory too disturbing to be let loose. She couldn't cope with anything more just now, she couldn't, she thought, and slam dunked the memory back down.

Meredith was going on. 'It's clear, though, that some other people are suspicious about your 'death.' That's why I said what I did in the memorial service; I was afraid if I said the real day and place that Alaric Saltzman would end up ambushing you outside the house. He's been asking all sorts of questions, and it's a good thing Bonnie didn't know anything she could blab.'

'That isn't fair,' Bonnie protested. 'Alaric's just interested, that's all, and he wants to help us through the trauma, like before. He's an Aquarius—'

'He's a spy,' said Elena, 'and maybe more than that. But we'll talk about that later. What about Tyler Smallwood? I didn't see him at the service.'

Meredith looked nonplussed. 'You mean you don't know?'

'I don't know anything; I've been asleep for four days in an attic.'

'Well…' Meredith paused uneasily. 'Tyler just got back from the hospital. Same with Dick Carter and those four tough guys they had along with them on Founders' Day. They were attacked in the Quonset hut that evening and they lost a lot of blood.'

'Oh.' The mystery of why Stefan's Powers had been so much stronger that night was explained. And why they'd been getting weaker ever since. He probably hadn't eaten since then. 'Meredith, is Stefan a suspect?'

'Well, Tyler's father tried to make him one, but the police couldn't make the times work out. They know approximately when Tyler was attacked because he was supposed to meet Mr. Smallwood, and he didn't show up. And Bonnie and I can alibi Stefan for that time because we'd just left him by the river with your body. So he couldn't have gotten back to the Quonset hut to attack Tyler—at least no normal human could. And so far the police aren't thinking about anything supernatural.'

'I see.' Elena felt relieved on that score at least.

'Tyler and those guys can't identify the attacker because they can't remember a thing about that afternoon,' Meredith added. 'Neither can Caroline.'

'Caroline was in there?'

'Yes, but she wasn't bitten. Just in shock. In spite of everything she's done, I almost feel sorry for her.' Meredith shrugged and added, 'She looks pretty pathetic these days.'

'And I don't think anyone will ever suspect Stefan after what happened with those dogs at church today,' Bonnie put in. 'My dad says that a big dog could have broken the window in the Quonset hut, and the wounds in Tyler's throat looked sort of like animal wounds. I think a lot of people believe it was a dog or a pack of dogs that did it.'

'It's a convenient explanation,' Meredith said dryly. 'It means they don't have to think any more about it.'

'But that's ridiculous,' said Elena. 'Normal dogs don't behave that way. Aren't people wondering about why their dogs would suddenly go mad and turn on them?'

'Lots of people are just getting rid of them. Oh, and I heard someone talk about mandatory rabies testing,' Meredith said. 'But it's not just rabies, is it, Elena?'

'No, I don't think so. And neither do Stefan or Damon. And that's what I came over to talk to you about.' Elena explained, as clearly as she could, what she had been thinking about the Other Power in Fell's Church. She told about the force that had chased her off the bridge and about the feeling she'd had with the dogs and about everything she and Stefan and Damon had discussed. She finished with, 'And Bonnie said it herself in church today: 'Something evil.' I think that's what's here in Fell's Church, something nobody knows about, something completely evil. I don't suppose you know what you meant by that, Bonnie.'

But Bonnie's mind was running on another track. 'So Damon didn't necessarily do all those awful things you said he did,' she said shrewdly. 'Like killing Yangtze and hurting Vickie and murdering Mr. Tanner, and all. I told you nobody that gorgeous could be a psycho killer.'

'I think,' said Meredith with a glance at Elena, 'that you had better forget about Damon as a love interest.'

'Yes,' said Elena emphatically. 'He did kill Mr. Tanner, Bonnie. And it stands to reason he did the other attacks, too; I'll ask him about that. And I'm having enough trouble dealing with him myself. You don't want to mess with him, Bonnie, believe me.'

'I'm supposed to leave Damon alone; I'm supposed to leave Alaric alone… Are there any guys I'm not supposed to leave alone? And meanwhile Elena gets them all. It's not fair.'

'Life isn't fair,' Meredith told her callously. 'But listen, Elena, even if this Other Power exists, what sort of power do you think it is? What does it look like?'

'I don't know. Something tremendously strong—but it could be shielding itself so that we can't sense it. It could look like an ordinary person. And that's why I came for your help, because it could be anybody in Fell's Church. It's like what Bonnie said during the service today: 'Nobody is what they seem.' '

Bonnie looked forlorn. 'I don't remember saying that.'

'You said it, all right. 'Nobody is what they seem,' ' Elena quoted again weightily. 'Nobody.' She glanced at Meredith, but the dark eyes under the elegantly arched eyebrows were calm and distant.

'Well, that would seem to make everybody a suspect,' Meredith said in her most unruffled voice. 'Right?'

'Right,' said Elena. 'But we'd better get a note pad and pencil and make a list of the most important ones. Damon and Stefan have already agreed to help investigate, and if you'll help, too, we'll stand an even better chance of finding it.' She was hitting her stride with this; she'd always been good at organizing things, from schemes to get

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