“Right, but there’s an element of… flavor involved, with repeated feedings. Now I need to see what Wreakings have been preset there. She would have done that before Hajime arrived-he’s not as… as subtle a user of the Power as she is.”
She drew a deep breath. “OK, let’s get going. I’ll put on something more suitable.”
She looked down at her filmy garment. “Suitable for something besides being ceremoniously ripped off me like the wrapper off a chocolate truffle, that is. Or used to tie me up. Or both. I knew from popular culture that being a vamp-victim got you great lingerie and fabulous hair-”
Adrian snorted incredulous laughter at the dry humor. That’s my Ellie! “-but I run through these things pretty damned fast. It’s a shame; they’re handmade and really pretty.”
She vanished for a moment, leaving him with a brief vision of stripping a silk peignoir off her that was arresting even with urgent business at hand. When she returned, it was in practical khakis.
Though she looks enchanting in anything, he thought.
“I’ll carry you to the ceremonial ground,” he said. At her surprise: “That will be much quicker on four feet than two. Be prepared. This is going to be, ah, startling.”
“What will be startling?”
“The form. Smilodon populator. Big cat. Very big.”
Transformation took him.
Eeek! Ellen thought, jumping back a little at the sparkling blur that didn’t last quite long enough to really see.
Then aloud: “Oh, my!”
The sabertooth looked up at her. Its eyes were on a level with her chest; she didn’t suppose it was more than six feet from nose to stumpy tail, not outlandishly more than a big lionWhich is plenty long enough! -but it was much thicker-built, giving an impression of something halfway between a cat and a bear in build, a hulking heavy- shouldered gracefulness on paws the size of dinner-plates. Art training had made her good at estimating volumes; it must weigh as much as a smallish horse or a medium grizzly. The great curved ivory daggers of its canines stretched below its lower jaw, longer than her hand from wrist to fingertip, and the tawny hide was spotted with darker circles, fading to a light cream under the throat-ruff and belly.
“That’s… quite a critter, Adrian,” she said.
She could smell it, too; not a bad scent, but hard and furry and dry, the breath slightly rank. Tentatively she put out a hand, running it along the long skull of the beast, over the short slightly bristly fur; it licked her hand with a rough tongue the size of a facecloth and gave a deep rumbling sound like a diesel engine trying to purr.
No, it sounds like a sabertooth the size of a small horse, purring. It’s scary, but magnificent. Christ, no wonder our caveman ancestors worshipped the Shadowspawn!
Her half-adopted orange tabby Just-a-Cat had been sleeping on top of an ebony?tag?re she used for art-print books. It came awake, gave a look of bug-eyed horror at its distant relative, and made a flying leap that took it out the sliding door without touching ground amid a squall of: “Eeerrrow!”
She didn’t know if sabertooths could laugh, but Adrian obviously came close. Then the great fanged head butted at her and jerked over its own shoulder.
How should I do this? she wondered.
The sabertooth wasn’t as tall as a horse, even if it weighed in at the heavy end of the pony scale. The back wasn’t like a horse’s, either, and not just because it sloped down from the massive shoulders to the rump. When she touched the skin over its spine the bone was imperceptible under the roiling coils of muscle. The beast’s rumble grew a little louder; it crouched and butted her again, and she gulped.
Didn’t he say once that it was hard not to… get lost in the beast?
Ellen gulped again and straddled the great cat, lying forward with her hands sunk in the not-quite-mane around its neck and her toes locked-firmly, she hoped-in the narrower spot just ahead of the hips. The sabertooth stood and turned, pacing out into the night; she clutched harder at the rolling foot-foot-foot-foot pace that tried to pitch her from side to side. Then the padding quickened and the hindquarters bunched, and Ellen suppressed a startled eeep! as it leapt effortlessly to the top of the ten-foot wall that formed the outer wall of the estate gardens about the casa grande. Her weight didn’t seem to matter at all as it soared, a single instant of birdlike flight.
The huge paws touched the stucco-covered stone with a slight dry scritch sound and a click of claws, and then they were in the air again. The landing was so soft that the thud sound was startling; no matter how well the pads and paws and legs cushioned it, better than half a ton was hitting the close-cut grass. The landing turned into a bound that carried them better than twenty feet, flowerbeds and trees rushing past in a silvery night-blur. Her hands and legs clutched convulsively at the hard hot warmth beneath her, and her breath came faster as the huge cat took the hillside in a smooth reverse-cascade of leaps.
Past a great marble pool and fountain, soaring over a flowering hedge, past rows of cypresses beside a bridle path, an onrush like flight in a dream. At last they came to a Japanese-style garden, or the California version of one as conceived a century ago.
Which is actually pretty authentic, she thought. Most of the gardeners in this state were Japanese then.
The great cat reared a little, panting like a bellows as they came to the gateway with its swooping tiled roof and backdrop of tall black pines. The scent of them filled the cool night, spicy and almost incense-like. She slid to the ground and the figure was Adrian again, rising to his feet, naked and as lithely graceful as the beast he had been. His chest slowed, but he was still the slightest bit breathless as he said: “Those things were ambush hunters. No endurance.”
“That was like flying!” Ellen said, distracted into delight for an instant.
“No, flying is different… better. I will show you someday, Ellie.”
Beyond the gate were two great stone Koma-inu, lionlike dogs from Japanese mythology. Ellen’s mouth quirked as she looked at them.
“They’re supposed to keep away evil spirits,” she said.
Adrian snorted dryly as he walked past them. “Apparently they don’t work,” he said.
“Adrian!” He looked around, and she went on sharply: “You are not evil! And believe me, I now have a wide enough acquaintance with people in your family who are real-thing no-fucking-doubt-about-it evil to tell the difference!”
He quirked a smile at her. “Perhaps you can convince me, someday.”
Beyond the gate paths wound, lined now and then with Kasuga stone lanterns, unlit, like miniature shrines on stone pillars. The low hills on either side were covered in azaleas, dim beneath the moon in white and pink-more color than was usual in a Japanese gardening scheme, but this was California. Rocks lined the edge of a lake, the still water reflecting moonlight and starlight. A low waterfall made music, with a half-arch bridge across the stream below it, the reflection making a circle; the sides of the bridge were carved with phoenix birds, destruction and rebirth.
“Rebirth of what?” Ellen asked, low-voiced.
“Knowing my family, I don’t think there’s much doubt as to that,” Adrian said grimly.
They came to the shrine itself, stone and black-weathered beams; through it they could see the rock-garden, raked gravel and stones in their natural shapes. Slow-growing black bamboo surrounded the flagged enclosure. It soughed and rattled slightly with a breeze that ruffled the surface of the water; then that died away.
“You know, Adrian,” she said slowly, “if your family could appreciate this, Shadowspawn and humans have more in common than you seem to think.”
“Aesthetics, at least. Stand here, Ellie. And… I need a little of your blood.”
She smiled at him. “Go ahead.”
He took her hand and raised it to his lips. There was a slight sting, and when he held it out over the gravel a red drop welled from one fingertip to drop slowly to the ground.
Adrian made a slight hissing sound as it struck. “Yes, Wreaking sourced from you. Let me see-”
Ellen was silent while he paced the enclosure; occasionally he would pause and make a gesture with his hands held palm-down above the ground. Now and then he would speak-syllables that seemed to twist as she heard them, fading away before her mind could hold them.
And it gives me a chance to look at the ol’ bod, she thought. Yeah, all other things being equal, the male form really does have a lot going for it. Particularly the narrow-waisted, slim-but-broad-shouldered, really taut but not