Sparks spits a chunky lump of yellow into the snow at his feet. ‘Thirty gets you two.’
Not really: thirty gets you three, it’ll be two for Blondie and one for Sparks. Market economy. Thatcher and Blair’s fuck-you Britain.
The door cracks open and Blondie steps out into the snow. Holds up Elgar and Darwin. ‘How do I know it’s any good?’
He sniffs, spits again. ‘Calling us a lying cunt?’
Blondie looks back over her shoulder.
Car’s back door opens and fucking Elvis steps out. ‘Looks like a lying cunt to me.’ Elvis with a Geordie accent. Wye-aye man, am all shook oop, like. Big bastard though.
Sparks takes a step back, but Blondie’s already there. Right behind him. Bump.
He gives a wee squeal, flinching like a spaz. Calm the
Blondie nods, reaches into her pocket and comes out with a pair of leather gloves. Doesn’t want to touch the merchandise, doesn’t want to get her English bitch hands dirty.
While she’s doing it, Sparks sneaks a good hard stare at her tits. Not bad.
Elvis taps him on the shoulder, but Sparks ignores him, keeps his eyes on the perky prize. Licks his lips. Thinks about his girlfriend snaking her way through his bloodstream, bringing the good times with her.
Something hard bumps into his back, just above the waist of his trousers. And then the pain, stabbing out from his right kidney. Waves of jagged ice, throbbing fire. ‘Fuck…’ Knees give way. But a thick arm whips round his throat,
Sparks’s dirty fingernails scrabble at the leather sleeve.
Blondie draws back her fist and slams it into his belly.
Breath splutters out of Sparks’s mouth. Then she does it again.
His stomach muscles scream. It’s like being sick a thousand times, all in one go.
Sparks tries to say something. Threat. Plead. Prayer. Doesn’t matter,
Blondie pats him on the cheek. ‘Who’d you get your stuff from, Sweaty?’
Sparks’s eyes flash left and right. No one. Not a fucking soul. Where’s the bloody plod when you actually needed the cunts?
‘I don’t…’ His voice comes out all hoarse and squeaky. ‘I’m no’ sweaty, I’ve got a thermostat thing and-’
This time her fist snaps his head back, fire and pepper exploding in his nose. Knives digging into his face.
‘Fucksake…Bleeding all over me jacket!’
And then Sparks is on the ground. Coughing, spluttering, blood making Ribena-stains in the white snow. Jesus, that hurts…
Something sharp cracks into his ribs. A boot. Then another one. They’re going to kill him. The fuckers are going to kick him to death on some shitty street down the docks. Every breath is like glass, slashing across his lungs.
‘Sweaty,’ says Blondie, panting. ‘Sweaty Sock: Jock. Honestly, how ignorant are you?’
And then her boot cracks into his ribs again.
Tony watches Julie kick the living shit out of the stick-thin junkie. Doesn’t know when to leave well alone, that one.
He’s not moving any more. Not on his own, only when Julie slams her foot into his ribs. A twitch. Reflex.
She bends double, hands on knees, back rising and falling, breath whoomphing out in big steamy clouds. She points at the body on the pavement. ‘Check his…check his pockets…’ Puff, pant, puff, pant.
Neil frisks the guy. ‘Eight wrappers, couple ounces of blow, and about…’ He rifles his fingers through a small bundle of notes. ‘Hundred, hundred and twenty quid?’
Julie sticks her hand out. ‘Give me a wrapper.’
She stands up straight, unfolds the little tinfoil package, peers at the contents, then marches over and thrusts it through the open car window. ‘Tony?’
He takes the wrapper. Looks like it could be anything: flour, icing sugar, rat poison. Tony licks the end of his pinkie, sticks it in the powder, then sticks it in his gob and rubs the stuff along his gums.
It fizzes up, bitter and frothy. Tony spits out the driver’s window, leaving a seagull-stain that bubbles and drips down the black paintwork. Howchs, spits again. He’s got that familiar teeth-numbing buzz, but it’s barely there.
Another gob spatters into the snowy tarmac. ‘Fucking bicarbonate…’
Julie sticks the boot in a couple more times.
‘You water down this shit yourself, or did it come prefucked?’
The junkie doesn’t —
‘Last chance, Sweaty.’
But Tony’s stopped listening. He’s got that old familiar feeling. Might start with froth and spitting, but it ends up like a warm hand cupped round your balls. Probably won’t last long, it’s been cut so much, so Tony checks Julie and Neil are still busy with Junkie-Boy, before scarfing the last of the wrapper.
He licks the tinfoil clean. Doesn’t mind that it froths up on his tongue. Just gets it into the bloodstream all the quicker, doesn’t it?
Tony settles back in his seat, grips the steering wheel. Belches. Lets it all wash over him, as Julie and Neil get to work on the guy’s arms and legs.
Well, every job has its perks.
DI Steel slouched through the door to her office, carrying a cup of coffee in one hand and a bacon buttie in the other, tomato sauce making a jaunty little goatee on her chin. She froze, staring at the weedy, pointy-nosed bloke digging away at her window lock with a Swiss Army Knife.
‘What the sodding hell do you think you’re doing?’
Angus Black looked up and shrugged. ‘Breaking and exiting.’ The side of his face was a swollen, angry bruise where he’d bounced off the toilet cistern in Dodgy Pete’s.
Logan leant back against the filing cabinet. ‘Call it an early Valentine’s present.’
Angus gave one last grunt, and the window sprang open, letting in a rush of cold air. Snow drifted down in the space between the buildings, big fat flakes that clung to the brickwork and piled up on the window ledge. Five to seven on a dark and freezing Monday morning, and for once Logan actually felt human. No hangover. No feeling queasy. His head didn’t even hurt. Well, as long as nothing touched either of the lumps. Maybe laying off the booze wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
Angus creaked the window open and closed a couple of times. ‘Told you. Now, we had a deal…?’
Logan produced a packet of Benson and Hedges.
‘Ace.’ Angus helped himself to one, then frisked through his pockets. ‘Got a light?’
‘Oh no you bloody don’t!’ Steel dumped her coffee on the desk and snatched the packet off Logan. ‘If anyone’s having the first fag in this office, it’s me.’
She lipped one out of the pack, pulled a Zippo from her pocket and sparked it up. The sweet tang of raw