‘Oh for fuck’s…’ He closed his eyes, screwed up his face. Then placed a hand against the wood.

Know what: who cared? Steel would just have to wait for her update. It wasn’t as if she could do anything about it till the morning anyway. And at least this way he’d be home before midnight — hopefully to find Samantha still at the flat.

Logan turned on his heel, and the door clunked open behind him.


He turned back and pushed through into the little room.

Doreen’s desk was as immaculate as ever, Mark’s was covered with dusty cardboard boxes from the archives, but Biohazard Bob’s was a disaster area. He was sitting with his back to the door, ruffling a sheath of paper into some kind of order.

Logan paused. ‘You weren’t in here playing with yourself, were you, Bob?’

The DS cleared his throat. Didn’t look around. ‘Just getting caught up on some paperwork.’

‘With the door locked?’

Shrug. He ran a hand across his face. ‘What you doing here? Thought your shift ended six hours ago.’

‘You and me both.’ Logan collapsed into his office chair, jabbed a finger at the computer’s power button. ‘Ding-Dong’s got pizza out there if you fancy it?’

Another shrug. ‘Not hungry.’

Silence. Just the whirr and bleep of the machine coming online.

‘You OK, Bob?’


‘Yeah. Fine. Never better.’

‘OK…’ Logan logged into the crime management system and called up the Police Search Advisor’s contact details, then dug out the Airwave handset from under a pile of junk in his top drawer and punched in her warrant number.

‘Aye, just finishing up now — got a couple kilos of heroin in the back of the cottage, and twa bin-bags of ecstasy.’

‘What about the IB?’

‘Done a wee whilie ago. Now they’re awa’ building a snowman.’

All right for some. Logan thanked her and hung up, then called the hospital for an update on Norman Yates. Still critical, but stabilizing. Which wasn’t bad for someone who’d been shot three times.

Logan cobbled together a quick incident report on the fire at Knox’s house, and how they’d identified Ian and Wendy Leadbetter, then sent it off to the printer. While it was chuntering away to itself he called up his emails and checked to see if anything interesting had come in.

Couple of memos. A new directive about Stop And Search procedures. Something from DC Rennie inviting him to a stag night in Amsterdam at the end of the month. One from a DI in Northumbria Police, saying they’d been to see Knox’s cellmate, Oscar Renwick, in Frankland Prison about the four house-fire murders Logan had identified. Renwick had been up for probation in three weeks, but with this on the go, it looked as if he’d be waiting at least another sixteen years before he set foot in the real world again. And the DI would be writing to Aberdeen’s Chief Constable to tell him how it wouldn’t have been possible without Logan’s help.

Logan grinned: result.

Then there were a couple from someone offering to ‘EMBIGGEN YOURE TROUSER BEAST AND THE WOMENS WILL QUEUING UP!’

And right at the bottom, an email from Beattie, CC’d to Dildo and the woman from HMRC, saying how pleased he was they’d made so much progress at the meeting that afternoon. So the rats in the basement hadn’t eaten him alive.


Logan closed his eyes. ‘Bugger.’ He’d forgotten to call Dildo about Gallagher and Yates. Too late now. He scribbled himself a note and stuck it on his monitor, then powered the computer down and grabbed the sheets of paper from the printer. He stopped with one hand on the door handle. ‘You sure you’re OK, Bob?’

‘What are you, my mum now?’ Bob turned around for the first time, eyes red-rimmed and swollen. A forced smile. ‘Go on, sod off home. Give that redhead IB tech of yours a good seeing to from me.’

Logan didn’t anwer that.

He pushed into the flat and flicked on the hall light. Silence. The whole place was in darkness. ‘Sod…’ He peered into the bedroom, closed his eyes, sighed, then shut the door, gently. Samantha was still there. She hadn’t abandoned him for her static caravan.

At least that was something.

He dumped his coat on the hook and wandered into the kitchen. Stared at the contents of the fridge for a while, before helping himself to a tin of Irn-Bru. Opening it on the way through to the lounge.

Maybe watch a little telly to help him unwind.

The curtains were drawn, the only light coming from the LEDs on the TV and PlayStation, and the blinking one on the answering machine.

Logan closed his eyes and groaned.

Probably Steel. Or even worse — his mother. He took a scoof of vaguely fruity fizzy juice and hit the button.

‘MESSAGE ONE: Hello, Logan, it’s Hamish. I-’

‘Fuck!’ A mouthful of sticky Irn-Bru sprayed out over the sideboard.

Logan scrabbled for the voulume control, turning it down in case Samantha woke up and heard Aberdeen’s biggest crime lord leaving a message ON HIS BLOODY ANSWERING MACHINE.

He squatted down and hit play again.

‘MESSAGE ONE: Hello, Logan, it’s Hamish. I notice you’ve not done anything with your money yet.’

Oh fuck. What the hell was Wee Hamish Mowat thinking?

‘It’s important for the local economy that we all do our bit, don’t you think? Don’t leave it too long, eh? Oh, and do let me know if you need any more.’



He flipped open the cover and hauled the little cassette out. What if someone found out? What if Samantha picked up his messages? How the FUCK was he supposed to explain it?

He dug his fingernails into the cassette, tugging out the tape and unreeling the whole thing until there was a spaghetti mess of shiny brown-black ribbon curled across the sticky sideboard. Then dropped the plastic case and stomped on it.

Still not enough. The IB could just wind it back onto another cassette.

Logan scooped the lot up and carried it through to the kitchen, dumped it into the empty sink, then went rummaging through the cupboards for the methylated spirit and drenched the lot.

Better be on the safe side…

He tore a dozen pages out of that morning’s Press and Journal and mixed them through the slippery mess, before throwing the window open and dragging out his lighter.

Whooomp: the stainless steel sink filled with purple-blue flame, the newspaper crackling as the tape melted and shrank. Until there was nothing left but curls of ash, a lump of brittle plastic slag, and a gnawing coldness in the depths of Logan’s stomach.


Our Father who art in heaven.

Just six words, like, but they’re true. Richard Knox places a hand against the doorway, stands there quietly,

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