And all about found desolate; for thoseAppointed to sit there, had left thir charge,Flown to the upper World; the rest were allFarr to the inland retir'd, about the wallsOf Pandemonium, Citie and proud seateOf Lucifer, so by allusion calld,Of that bright Starr to Satan paragond.There kept thir Watch the Legions, while the GrandIn Council sate, sollicitous what chanceMight intercept thir Emperour sent, so hee
Departing gave command, and they observ'd.As when the Tartar from his Russian FoeBy Astracan over the Snowie PlainesRetires, or Bactrian Sophi from the hornesOf Turkish Crescent, leaves all waste beyondThe Realme of Aladule, in his retreateTo Tauris or Casbeen. So these the lateHeav'n-banisht Host, left desert utmost HellMany a dark League, reduc't in careful WatchRound thir Metropolis, and now expecting
Each hour their great adventurer from the searchOf Forrein Worlds: he through the midst unmarkt,In shew plebeian Angel militantOf lowest order, past; and from the doreOf that Plutonian Hall, invisibleAscended his high Throne, which under stateOf richest texture spred, at th' upper endWas plac't in regal lustre. Down a whileHe sate, and round about him saw unseen:At last as from a Cloud his fulgent head
And shape Starr bright appeer'd, or brighter, cladWith what permissive glory since his fallWas left him, or false glitter: All amaz'dAt that so sudden blaze the Stygian throngBent thir aspect, and whom they wish'd beheld,Thir mighty Chief returnd: loud was th' acclaime:Forth rush'd in haste the great consulting Peers,Rais'd from thir dark Divan, and with like joyCongratulant approach'd him, who with handSilence, and with these words attention won.
Thrones, Dominations, Princedoms, Vertues, Powers,For in possession such, not onely of right,I call ye and declare ye now, returndSuccessful beyond hope, to lead ye forthTriumphant out of this infernal PitAbominable, accurst, the house of woe,And Dungeon of our Tyrant: Now possess,As Lords, a spacious World, to our native HeavenLittle inferiour, by my adventure hardWith peril great atchiev'd. Long were to tell
What I have don, what sufferd, with what paineVoyag'd the unreal, vast, unbounded deepOf horrible confusion, over whichBy Sin and Death a broad way now is pav'dTo expedite your glorious march; but IToild out my uncouth passage, forc't to rideTh' untractable Abysse, plung'd in the wombOf unoriginal Night and Chaos wilde,That jealous of thir secrets fiercely oppos'dMy journey strange, with clamorous uproare
Protesting Fate supreame; thence how I foundThe new created World, which fame in Heav'nLong had foretold, a Fabrick wonderfulOf absolute perfection, therein ManPlac't in a Paradise, by our exileMade happie: Him by fraud I have seduc'dFrom his Creator, and the more to increaseYour wonder, with an Apple; he thereat