Nor fail'd they to express how much they prais'd,That for the general safety he despis'dHis own: for neither do the Spirits damn'dLoose all thir vertue; least bad men should boastThir specious deeds on earth, which glory excites,Or close ambition varnisht o're with zeal.Thus they thir doubtful consultations darkEnded rejoycing in thir matchless Chief:As when from mountain tops the dusky cloudsAscending, while the North wind sleeps, o'respread
Heav'ns chearful face, the lowring ElementScowls ore the dark'nd lantskip Snow, or showre;If chance the radiant Sun with farewell sweetExtend his ev'ning beam, the fields revive,The birds thir notes renew, and bleating herdsAttest thir joy, that hill and valley rings.O shame to men! Devil with Devil damn'dFirm concord holds, men onely disagreeOf Creatures rational, though under hopeOf heavenly Grace: and God proclaiming peace,
Yet live in hatred, enmitie, and strifeAmong themselves, and levie cruel warres,Wasting the Earth, each other to destroy:As if (which might induce us to accord)Man had not hellish foes anow besides,That day and night for his destruction waite.The Stygian Councel thus dissolv'd; and forthIn order came the grand infernal Peers,Midst came thir mighty Paramount, and seemdAlone th' Antagonist of Heav'n, nor less
Then Hells dread Emperour with pomp Supream,And God-like imitated State; him roundA Globe of fierie Seraphim inclos'dWith bright imblazonrie, and horrent Arms.Then of thir Session ended they bid cryWith Trumpets regal sound the great result:Toward the four winds four speedy CherubimPut to thir mouths the sounding AlchymieBy Haralds voice explain'd: the hollow AbyssHeard farr and wide, and all the host of Hell
With deafning shout, return'd them loud acclaim.Thence more at ease thir minds and somwhat rais'dBy false presumptuous hope, the ranged powersDisband, and wandring, each his several wayPursues, as inclination or sad choiceLeads him perplext, where he may likeliest findTruce to his restless thoughts, and entertainThe irksome hours, till his great Chief return.Part on the Plain, or in the Air sublimeUpon the wing, or in swift race contend,
As at th' Olympian Games or Pythian fields;Part curb thir fierie Steeds, or shun the GoalWith rapid wheels, or fronted Brigads form.As when to warn proud Cities warr appearsWag'd in the troubl'd Skie, and Armies rushTo Battel in the Clouds, before each VanPric forth the Aerie Knights, and couch thir spearsTill thickest Legions close; with feats of ArmsFrom either end of Heav'n the welkin burns.Others with vast Typhoean rage more fell
Rend up both Rocks and Hills, and ride the AirIn whirlwind; Hell scarce holds the wilde uproar.As when Alcides from Oealia Crown'dWith conquest, felt th' envenom'd robe, and toreThrough pain up by the roots Thessalian Pines,And Lichas from the top of Oeta threw