By center, or eccentric, hard to tell,Or Longitude, where the great LuminarieAlooff the vulgar Constellations thick,That from his Lordly eye keep distance due,Dispenses Light from farr; they as they move
Thir S[t]arry dance in numbers that computeDays, months, and years, towards his all-chearing LampTurn swift their various motions, or are turndBy his Magnetic beam, that gently warmsThe Univers, and to each inward partWith gentle penetration, though unseen,Shoots invisible vertue even to the deep:So wondrously was set his Station bright.There lands the Fiend, a spot like which perhapsAstronomer in the Sun's lucent Orbe
Through his glaz'd Optic Tube yet never saw.The place he found beyond expression bright,Compar'd with aught on Earth, Medal or Stone;Not all parts like, but all alike informdWhich radiant light, as glowing Iron with fire;If mettal, part seemd Gold, part Silver cleer;If stone, Carbuncle most or Chrysolite,Rubie or Topaz, to the Twelve that shonIn Aarons Brest-plate, and a stone besidesImagind rather oft then elsewhere seen,
That stone, or like to that which here belowPhilosophers in vain so long have sought,In vain, though by thir powerful Art they bindeVolatil Hermes, and call up unboundIn various shapes old Proteus from the Sea,Draind through a Limbec to his Native forme.What wonder then if fields and regions hereBreathe forth Elixer pure, and Rivers runPotable Gold, when with one vertuous touchTh' Arch-chimic Sun so farr from us remote
Produces with Terrestrial Humor mixtHere in the dark so many precious thingsOf colour glorious and effect so rare?Here matter new to gaze the Devil metUndazl'd, farr and wide his eye commands,For sight no obstacle found here, nor shade,But all Sun-shine, as when his Beams at NoonCulminate from th' Æquator as they nowShot upward still direct, whence no way roundShadow from body opaque can fall, and the Aire,
No where so cleer, sharp'nd his visual rayTo objects distant farr, whereby he soonSaw within kenn a glorious Angel stand,The same whom John saw also in the Sun:His back was turnd, but not his brightness hid;Of beaming sunnie Raies, a golden tiarCircl'd his Head, nor less his Locks behindIllustrious on his Shoulders fledge with wingsLay waving round; on som great charge imploy'dHee seemd, or fixt in cogitation deep.
Glad was the Spirit impure; as now in hopeTo find who might direct his wandring flightTo Paradise the happie seat of Man,His journies end and our beginning woe.But first he casts to change his proper shape,Which else might work him danger or delay:And now a stripling Cherube he appeers,Not of the prime, yet such as in his faceYouth smil'd Celestial, and to every LimbSutable grace diffus'd, so well he feignd;