Turnd him all eare to heare new utterance flow.Sole partner and sole part of all these joyes,Dearer thy self then all; needs must the PowerThat made us, and for us this ample WorldBe infinitly good, and of his goodAs liberal and free as infinite,That rais'd us from the dust and plac't us hereIn all this happiness, who at his handHave nothing merited, nor can performeAught whereof hee hath need, hee who requires
From us no other service then to keepThis one, this easie charge, of all the TreesIn Paradise that beare delicious fruitSo various, not to taste that onely TreeOf knowledge, planted by the Tree of Life,So neer grows Death to Life, what ere Death is,Som dreadful thing no doubt; for well thou knowstGod hath pronounc't it death to taste that Tree,The only sign of our obedience leftAmong so many signes of power and rule
Conferrd upon us, and Dominion giv'nOver all other Creatures that possesseEarth, Aire, and Sea. Then let us not think hardOne easie prohibition, who enjoyFree leave so large to all things else, and choiceUnlimited of manifold delights:But let us ever praise him, and extollHis bountie, following our delightful taskTo prune these growing Plants, & tend these Flours,Which were it toilsom, yet with thee were sweet.
To whom thus Eve repli'd. O thou for whomAnd from whom I was formd flesh of thy flesh,And without whom am to no end, my GuideAnd Head, what thou hast said is just and right.For wee to him indeed all praises owe,And daily thanks, I chiefly who enjoySo farr the happier Lot, enjoying theePreeminent by so much odds, while thouLike consort to thy self canst no where find.That day I oft remember, when from sleep
I first awak't, and found my self repos'dUnder a shade on flours, much wondring whereAnd what I was, whence thither brought, and how.Not distant far from thence a murmuring soundOf waters issu'd from a Cave and spreadInto a liquid Plain, then stood unmov'dPure as th' expanse of Heav'n; I thither wentWith unexperienc't thought, and laid me downeOn the green bank, to look into the cleerSmooth Lake, that to me seemd another Skie.
As I bent down to look, just opposite,A Shape within the watry gleam appeerdBending to look on me, I started back,It started back, but pleasd I soon returnd,Pleas'd it returnd as soon with answering looksOf sympathie and love, there I had fixtMine eyes till now, and pin'd with vain desire,Had not a voice thus warnd me, What thou seest,What there thou seest fair Creature is thy self,With thee it came and goes: but follow me,
And I will bring thee where no shadow staiesThy coming, and thy soft imbraces, heeWhose image thou art, him thou shall enjoyInseparablie thine, to him shalt beare