Ambiguous words and jealousies, to soundOr taint integritie; but all obey'dThe wonted signal, and superior voiceOf thir great Potentate; for great indeedHis name, and high was his degree in Heav'n;His count'nance, as the Morning Starr that guidesThe starrie flock, allur'd them, and with lyesDrew after him the third part of Heav'ns Host:Mean while th' Eternal eye, whose sight discernesAbstrusest thoughts, from forth his holy Mount
And from within the golden Lamps that burneNightly before him, saw without thir lightRebellion rising, saw in whom, how spredAmong the sons of Morn, what multitudesWere banded to oppose his high Decree;And smiling to his onely Son thus said.Son, thou in whom my glory I beholdIn full resplendence, Heir of all my might,Neerly it now concernes us to be sureOf our Omnipotence, and with what Arms
We mean to hold what anciently we claimOf Deitie or Empire, such a foeIs rising, who intends to erect his ThroneEqual to ours, throughout the spacious North;Nor so content, hath in his thought to trieIn battel, what our Power is, or our right.Let us advise, and to this hazard drawWith speed what force is left, and all imployIn our defence, lest unawares we loseThis our high place, our Sanctuarie, our Hill.
To whom the Son with calm aspect and cleerLight'ning Divine, ineffable, serene,Made answer. Mightie Father, thou thy foesJustly hast in derision, and secureLaugh'st at thir vain designes and tumults vain,Matter to mee of Glory, whom thir hateIllustrates, when they see all Regal PowerGiv'n me to quell thir pride, and in eventKnow whether I be dextrous to subdueThy Rebels, or be found the worst in Heav'n.
So spake the Son, but Satan with his PowersFarr was advanc't on winged speed, an HostInnumerable as the Starrs of Night,Or Starrs of Morning[,] Dew-drops, which the SunImpearls on every leaf and every flouer.Regions they pass'd, the mightie RegenciesOf Seraphim and Potentates and ThronesIn thir triple Degrees, Regions to whichAll thy Dominion, Adam, is no moreThen what this Garden is to all the Earth,
And all the Sea, from one entire globoseStretcht into Longitude; which having pass'dAt length into the limits of the NorthThey came, and Satan to his Royal seatHigh on a Hill, far blazing, as a MountRais'd on a Mount, with Pyramids and TowrsFrom Diamond Quarries hew'n, & Rocks of Gold,The Palace of great Lucifer, (so callThat Structure in the Dialect of menInterpreted) which not long after, hee
Affecting all equality with God,In imitation of that Mount whereonMessiah was declar'd in sight of Heav'n,The Mountain of the Congregation call'd;For thither he assembl'd all his Train,