Refrein'd his tongue blasphemous; but anonDown clov'n to the waste, with shatterd ArmesAnd uncouth paine fled bellowing. On each wingUriel and Raphael his vaunting foe,Though huge, and in a Rock of Diamond Armd,Vanquish'd Adramelec, and Asmadai,Two potent Thrones, that to be less then GodsDisdain'd, but meaner thoughts learnd in thir flight,Mangl'd with gastly wounds through Plate and Maile.Nor stood unmindful Abdiel to annoy
The Atheist crew, but with redoubl'd blowAriel and Arioc, and the violenceOf Ramiel scorcht and blasted overthrew.I might relate of thousands, and thir namesEternize here on Earth; but those electAngels contented with thir fame in Heav'nSeek not the praise of men: the other sortIn might though wondrous and in Acts of Warr,Nor of Renown less eager, yet by doomeCanceld from Heav'n and sacred memorie,
Nameless in dark oblivion let them dwell.For strength from Truth divided and from Just,Illaudable, naught merits but dispraiseAnd ignominie, yet to glorie aspiresVain glorious, and through infamie seeks fame:Therfore Eternal silence be thir doome.And now thir mightiest quelld, the battel swerv'd,With many an inrode gor'd; deformed routEnter'd, and foul disorder; all the groundWith shiverd armour strow'n, and on a heap
Chariot and Charioter lay overturndAnd fierie foaming Steeds; what stood, recoyldOrewearied, through the faint Satanic HostDefensive scarse, or with pale fear surpris'd,Then first with fear surpris'd and sense of paineFled ignominious, to such evil broughtBy sinne of disobedience, till that hourNot liable to fear or flight or paine.Far otherwise th' inviolable SaintsIn Cubic Phalanx firm advanc't entire,
Invulnerable, impenitrably arm'd:Such high advantages thir innocenceGave them above thir foes, not to have sinnd,Not to have disobei'd; in fight they stoodUnwearied, unobnoxious to be pain'dBy wound, though from thir place by violence mov'd.Now Night her course began, and over Heav'nInducing darkness, grateful truce impos'd,And silence on the odious dinn of Warr:Under her Cloudie covert both retir'd,
Victor and Vanquisht: on the foughten fieldMichael and his Angels prevalentEncamping, plac'd in Guard thir Watches round,Cherubic waving fires: on th' other partSatan with his rebellious disappeerd,Far in the dark dislodg'd, and void of rest,His Potentates to Councel call'd by night;And in the midst thus undismai'd began.O now in danger tri'd, now known in ArmesNot to be overpowerd, Companions deare,