And God created the great Whales, and eachSoul living, each that crept, which plenteouslyThe waters generated by thir kindes,And every Bird of wing after his kinde;And saw that it was good, and bless'd them, saying,Be fruitful, multiply, and in the SeasAnd Lakes and running Streams the waters fill;And let the Fowle be multiply'd on the Earth.Forthwith the Sounds and Seas, each Creek & Bay
With Frie innumerable swarme, and ShoalesOf Fish that with thir Finns and shining ScalesGlide under the green Wave, in Sculles that oftBank the mid Sea: part single or with mateGraze the Sea weed thir pasture, & through GrovesOf Coral stray, or sporting with quick glanceShow to the Sun thir wav'd coats dropt with Gold,Or in thir Pearlie shells at ease, attendMoist nutriment, or under Rocks thir foodIn jointed Armour watch: on smooth the Seale,
And bended Dolphins play: part huge of bulkWallowing unweildie, enormous in thir GateTempest the Ocean: there LeviathanHugest of living Creatures, on the DeepStretcht like a Promontorie sleeps or swimmes,And seems a moving Land, and at his GillesDraws in, and at his Trunck spouts out a Sea.Mean while the tepid Caves, and Fens and shoaresThir Brood as numerous hatch, from the Egg that soonBursting with kindly rupture forth disclos'd
Thir callow young, but featherd soon and fledgeThey summ'd thir Penns, and soaring th' air sublimeWith clang despis'd the ground, under a cloudIn prospect; there the Eagle and the StorkOn Cliffs and Cedar tops thir Eyries build:Part loosly wing the Region, part more wiseIn common, rang'd in figure wedge thir way,Intelligent of seasons, and set forthThir Aierie Caravan high over Sea'sFlying, and over Lands with mutual wing
Easing thir flight; so stears the prudent CraneHer annual Voiage, born on Windes; the AireFloats, as they pass, fann'd with unnumber'd plumes:From Branch to Branch the smaller Birds with songSolac'd the Woods, and spred thir painted wingsTill Ev'n, nor then the solemn NightingalCeas'd warbling, but all night tun'd her soft layes:Others on Silver Lakes and Rivers Bath'dThir downie Brest; the Swan with Arched neckBetween her white wings mantling proudly, Rowes
Her state with Oarie feet: yet oft they quitThe Dank, and rising on stiff Pennons, towreThe mid Aereal Skie: Others on groundWalk'd firm; the crested Cock whose clarion soundsThe silent hours, and th' other whose gay TraineAdorns him, colour'd with the Florid hueOf Rainbows and Starrie Eyes. The Waters thusWith Fish replenisht, and the Aire with Fowle,Ev'ning and Morn solemniz'd the Fift day.The Sixt, and of Creation last arose
With Eevning Harps and Mattin, when God said,Let th' Earth bring forth Fowle living in her kinde,Cattel and Creeping things, and Beast of the Earth,Each in their kinde. The Earth obey'd, and straitOp'ning her fertil Woomb teem'd at a BirthInnumerous living Creatures, perfet formes,Limb'd and full grown: out of the ground up-roseAs from his Laire the wilde Beast where he wonns