Hath left to thir disputes, perhaps to moveHis laughter at thir quaint Opinions wideHereafter, when they come to model Heav'nAnd calculate the Starrs, how they will weildThe mightie frame, how build, unbuild, contriveTo save appeerances, how gird the Sphear
With Centric and Eccentric scribl'd o're,Cycle and Epicycle, Orb in Orb:Alreadie by thy reasoning this I guess,Who art to lead thy ofspring, and supposestThat Bodies bright and greater should not serveThe less not bright, nor Heav'n such journies run,Earth sitting still, when she alone receavesThe benefit: consider first, that GreatOr Bright inferrs not Excellence: the EarthThough, in comparison of Heav'n, so small,
Nor glistering, may of solid good containeMore plenty then the Sun that barren shines,Whose vertue on it self workes no effect,But in the fruitful Earth; there first receavdHis beams, unactive else, thir vigor find.Yet not to Earth are those bright LuminariesOfficious, but to thee Earths habitant.And for the Heav'ns wide Circuit, let it speakThe Makers high magnificence, who builtSo spacious, and his Line stretcht out so farr;
That Man may know he dwells not in his own;An Edifice too large for him to fill,Lodg'd in a small partition, and the restOrdain'd for uses to his Lord best known.The swiftness of those Circles attribute,Though numberless, to his Omnipotence,That to corporeal substances could addeSpeed almost Spiritual; mee thou thinkst not slow,Who since the Morning hour set out from Heav'nWhere God resides, and ere mid-day arriv'd
In Eden, distance inexpressibleBy Numbers that have name. But this I urge,Admitting Motion in the Heav'ns, to shewInvalid that which thee to doubt it mov'd;Not that I so affirm, though so it seemTo thee who hast thy dwelling here on Earth.God to remove his wayes from human sense,Plac'd Heav'n from Earth so farr, that earthly sight,If it presume, might erre in things too high,And no advantage gaine. What if the Sun
Be Center to the World, and other StarrsBy his attractive vertue and thir ownIncited, dance about him various rounds?Thir wandring course now high, now low, then hid,Progressive, retrograde, or standing still,In six thou seest, and what if sev'nth to theseThe Planet Earth, so stedfast though she seem,Insensibly three different Motions move?Which else to several Sphears thou must ascribe,Mov'd contrarie with thwart obliquities,
Or save the Sun his labour, and that swiftNocturnal and Diurnal rhomb suppos'd,Invisible else above all Starrs, the WheeleOf Day and Night; which needs not thy beleefe,If Earth industrious of her self fetch DayTravelling East, and with her part averseFrom the Suns beam meet Night, her other partStill luminous by his ray. What if that lightSent from her through the wide transpicuous aire,To the terrestrial Moon be as a Starr