Z Open app bar
1-9 Open the app at the given position in the taskbar (desktop)
= Magnifier (zoom in) (Magnifier must be running first)
- Magnifier (zoom out) (Magnifier must be running first)
, (comma) Peek at desktop
. (period) Snap a Metro app to the right (Use Shift to snap to left)
Enter Narrator
Spacebar Switch input language and keyboard layout
Tab Switcher (tap repeatedly to switch between running Metro-style apps)
Esc Exit Magnifier (Magnifier must be running first)
Print Screen Takes a screenshot and saves it to the Screenshots folder in Pictures
Home Minimize non-active windows (desktop)
Page Up Move Start screen to monitor on the left
Page Down Move Start screen to monitor on the right
Break System control panel
Left arrow Snap window to the left (desktop)
Right arrow Snap window to the right (desktop)
Up arrow Maximize window (desktop)
Down arrow Minimize window (desktop)
F1 Windows Help and Support

Note that some Windows key shortcuts can be used in tandem with the Shift key to cycle objects in the opposite direction.


Executive Editor: Carol Long

Senior Project Editor: Kevin Kent

Technical Editor: Todd Meister

Production Editor: Christine Mugnolo

Copy Editor: Mildred Sanchez

Editorial Manager: Mary Beth Wakefield

Freelancer Editorial Manager: Rosemarie Graham

Associate Director of Marketing: David Mayhew

Marketing Manager: Ashley Zurcher

Business Manager: Amy Knies

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