Z | Open app bar |
1-9 | Open the app at the given position in the taskbar (desktop) |
= | Magnifier (zoom in) (Magnifier must be running first) |
- | Magnifier (zoom out) (Magnifier must be running first) |
, (comma) | Peek at desktop |
. (period) | Snap a Metro app to the right (Use Shift to snap to left) |
Enter | Narrator |
Spacebar | Switch input language and keyboard layout |
Tab | Switcher (tap repeatedly to switch between running Metro-style apps) |
Esc | Exit Magnifier (Magnifier must be running first) |
Print Screen | Takes a screenshot and saves it to the Screenshots folder in Pictures |
Home | Minimize non-active windows (desktop) |
Page Up | Move Start screen to monitor on the left |
Page Down | Move Start screen to monitor on the right |
Break | System control panel |
Left arrow | Snap window to the left (desktop) |
Right arrow | Snap window to the right (desktop) |
Up arrow | Maximize window (desktop) |
Down arrow | Minimize window (desktop) |
F1 | Windows Help and Support |
Note that some Windows key shortcuts can be used in tandem with the Shift key to cycle objects in the opposite direction.
Executive Editor: Carol Long
Senior Project Editor: Kevin Kent
Technical Editor: Todd Meister
Production Editor: Christine Mugnolo
Copy Editor: Mildred Sanchez
Editorial Manager: Mary Beth Wakefield
Freelancer Editorial Manager: Rosemarie Graham
Associate Director of Marketing: David Mayhew
Marketing Manager: Ashley Zurcher
Business Manager: Amy Knies
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