21. Jennifer Wells. Google Conquers the Ad World One Plain-Text Blurb at a Time // The Globe and Mail. – 2008. – November 7 Перепечатано с разрешения The Globe and Mail.

22. Цит. по: David A. Vise and Mark Malseed. The Google Story.

23. Там же.

24. John Battelle. The Search. – С. 128.

25. Ken Belson. Attending to the Needs of the Too Busy // New York Times. – 2008. – September 30.

26. Там же.

6. Google выходит в люди

1. Michael Malone. Googlemania! // Wired. – 2003. – December.

2. Там же.

3. Jason Kottke. Playboy Interview: Google Guys // Playboy. – 2004. – September 24.

4. Письмо основателей An Owner's Manual for Google's Shareholders // www.Google.com.

5. Mad Money// CNBC. – 2008. – August 12.

6. Цит. по: David A. Vise and Mark Malseed. The Google Story.

7. Там же.

8. Письмо основателей An Owner's Manual for Google's Shareholders // www. Google.com.

9. Google's S1 Registration Statement to the SEC. – 2004. – April 29.

10. Allan Sloan. Going Public May Be Google's First Bad Move // Newsweek. – 2004. – May 4. – С E03.

11. Цит. по: David A. Vise and Mark Malseed. The Google Story.

12. Alyce Lomax. Google at 10: The Awkward Phase // The Motley-Fool, Fool.com. – 2008. – September 9.

13. Google Co-founder Says Penny-Pinchers Fuel Results // Reuters. – 2008. – October 17.

14. Там же.

15. Jessica E. Vascellaro and Scott Morrison. Google Gears Down for Tougher Times // Wall Street Journal. – 2008. – December 5. – С Al.

16. Linda Rosencrance. Google Gets 70 % of U.S. Searches // Computer World. — 2008. – July 20.

17. Alyce Lomax. A More Frugal Google // The Motley Fool. Fool.com. – 2008. – December.

7. Ви#дение

1. Google Annual Report, Letter to Shareholders, 2004.

2. Robert Hof. Google's Mayer: Staying Innovative in a Downturn // BusinessWeek. – December 14. – 2008.

3. http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/12.03, google_pr.html.

4. Virginia Scott. Google: Corporations That Changed the World. – Westwood, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2008.

5. Интервью Кея Рисделла Are You Feeling Lucky? Google Is // National Public Radio Marketplace. – November 19. – 2007.

6. Беседа Эрика Шмидта с Кеном Аулеттой. Сан-Франциско, 11.06.2008.

7. Ken Auletta. Search and Destroy // The New Yorker. – 2008. – January 14. – С 30.

8. Enlightenment Man // The Economist. – 2008. – December 4.

9. Ken Auletta. Search and Destroy. – С 30.

10. Stephen Shankland. Google's Translation Center: Language Lessons for the Googlebot?. —.

11. Anick Jesdanun. An Un-American Feel Aids Expanding U.S. Web Firms // Associated Press (New York). – 2008. – July 27.

12. Google Annual Report, Letter to Shareholders, 2007.

13. Anick Jesdanun. An Un-American Feel Aids Expanding U.S. Web Firms.

14. Google Annual Report, Letter to Shareholders, 2007.

15. http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/12.05, google_pr.html.

16. John Jurgensen. The Family Guy Goes On Line // Wall Street Journal Weekend Journal. – 2008. – September 5. – C. W1.

17. Google Annual Report, Letter to Shareholders, 2005.

18. Adi Ignatius. Meet the Google Guys // Time. – 2006. – February 20.

19. www.Google.com/corporate.

20. Часто цитируется.

21. Jason Kottke. Playboy Interview: Google Guys // Playboy. – 2004. – September 24.

22. Web 2.0 Summit: Entrepreneurial Spirit Too Strong for Google Alumni: The Money Was Great… Larry and Sergey Were Focused… But a Panel of Ex-Googlers Revealed Why They Have Now Gone Off to Build Their Own Web 2.0 Fortunes // Information Week. – 2007. – October 20.

23. Там же.

24. Jason Kottke. Playboy Interview: Google Guys // Playboy. – 2004. – September 24.

25. Adam L. Penenberg. Is Google Evil? It Knows More than the National Agency Ever Will. And Don't Assume for a Minute that It Can Keep a Secret // Mother Jones. – 2006. – November-December. – C. 67.

26. Там же.

27. Mysearchgurublog.com. – 2008. – November 25.

28. http://xooglers.blogspot.com, posted February 19 2007

29. John Battelle. The Search. – С. 139.

30. Беседа Эрика Шмидта с Кеном Аулеттой. Сан-Франциско, 11.06.2008.

31. Seth Finkelstein, Jew Watch, Google, and Search Engine Optimization // sethf.com/anticensorware/google/jew- watch.php.

32. www.google.com/explanation.html.

33. http://sethf.com/anticensorware/google/jew-watch.php.

34. http:/google-watch.org.

35. Беседа Эрика Шмидта с Кеном Аулеттой. Сан-Франциско, 11.06.2008.

8. Google-культура

1. Часто цитируется.

2. Stephanie Olsen. Newsmakers: Google's Man Behind the Curtain // CNET. – 2004. – May 10.

3. Adam Lashinsky. Back2Back Champs // Fortune. – 2008. – February 4.—С. 70.

4. Письмо основателей An Owner's Manual for Google's Shareholders // www.Google.com. – 2004.

5. Беседа Эрика Шмидта с Кеном Аулеттой. Сан-Франциско, 11.06.2008.

6. Web 2.0 Summit: Entrepreneurial Spirit Too Strong for Google Alumni: The Money Was Great… Larry and Sergey Were Focused… But a Panel of Ex-Googlers Revealed Why They Have Now Gone Off to Build Their Own Web 2.0 Fortunes // InformationWeek. – 2007. – October 20.

7. Ken Auletta. Search and Destroy // The New Yorker. – 2008. – January 14. – С

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