Straymann H. An american interpretation of existence: Faulkner's
Рымарь Н.Т. Современный западный роман: Проблемы эпической и лирической формы. — Воронеж, 1978. — С. 18—19.
Там же. — С. 10—16.
William Faulkner: Three Decades of Criticism. — P. 373.
«Long before the first bugles sounded from the barracks within the city and the cantonments surrounding it, most of the people in the city were already awake. They did not need to rise from the straw mattresses and thin pallet beds of their hive-dense tenements, because few of them save the children had even lain down. Instead, they had huddled all night in one vast tongueless brotherhood of dread and anxiety, about the thin fires of braziers and meagre hearths, until the night wore at last away and a new day of anxiety and dread had begun. <…> Even before the bugles' echoes died away, the warrened purlieus were already disgorging them. …Hovel and tenement voiding into lane and alley and namelless
Фолкнер У. Указ. соч. — С. 263.
Там же. — С. 418.
Анастасьев Н.А. Владелец Йокнапатофы. — С. 356.
Kimball A.G. Crisis in Identity and Contemporary Japanese Novels. — Rutland etc.: Tuttle, 1973. — P.75.
Рехо К. Современный японский роман. — М., 1977. — С. 51.
Психологически возникающие в «Золотом Храме» многозначность, иносказание и символика постоянно отмечаются исследователями творчества Мисимы. См.: Kimball A.G. Op. cit. — P. 75—93; Petersen G.B. The Moon in the Water: Understanding Tanizaki, Kawabata, and Mishima. — Honolulu: Univer. Press of Hawaii, 1979. — P. 260—266.
Petersen G.B. Op. cit. — P. 283.
Здесь и далее цитаты даются по изданию: Мисима Ю. Избранное. — М., 1996. Страницы указаны в тексте работы.