or for any other mental function.

Student: How does Anger inhibit Sleep in the first place?

That must involve ancient machinery. We’re born with great systems of built-in connections that help us recognize dangers, failures and other sorts of emergencies. These ‘alarms’ have connections to other resources, such as the “Emotion-Arousers” of §1-6, which can drive into those great cascades—like anger, anxiety, fear, or pain—that can reset all our priorities. [See §§Alarms.]

Student: You haven’t discussed how Anger works.

One theory could be that the state we call ‘Anger’ suppresses some of our more thoughtful resources—so that we become less ‘reasonable’. Then we tend to make more quick decisions, and thus are disposed to take more risks. It is tempting to think of such a person as erratic and unpredictable. Yet paradoxically such persons become, in certain ways, more predictable than they’d normally be—and that can have a useful effect: when you are angry and express a threat, your opponent may sense that you won’t change your mind—because you are no longer ‘reasonable.’ The effectiveness of apparent threats depends on convincing antagonists that one truly intends to carry them out. If you can make yourself think that your threat is real, this can help you to display the emotional signs that will make your opponent believe it, too!

Critic: Not all types of anger cause rapid decisions. When Charles flies into a sudden rage, and punches someone who taunted him, his decision is quick—and he takes a big risk. But when Joan is chronically angry about the destruction of rainforest habitats, she may become deliberate and methodical at raising funds for saving them.

Our adult emotions continue to grow into ever more convoluted arrangements. As we age, we can train our emotional states—and modify their outward signs—till they no longer resemble their infantile shapes.

Physiologist: Anger is not just a state of mind; it also raises your muscle tone, fires you up with energy, and speeds up your reaction time. This involves the body and not just the brain.

Certainly, Anger engages many bodily functions; it can affect your heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, and sweating. However, when seen in the Cloud-of-Resources view, there is nothing special about such connections; the body itself then appears as just one more set of resources to exploit. (And quite a few of those same effects will occur if you simply hold your breath.) For, it is easy to see why such systems evolved: anger helps us to prepare for certain and emergencies—such as fighting, defense, and intimidation. However, we should not too closely identify these with how Anger changes one’s Ways to Think; it is true that these interact with those somatic effects, but yet are far from being the same sorts of things. [See §§Embodiment.]




Part IV. Consciousness

§4-1. What is the nature of Consciousness?

“No philosopher and hardly any novelist has ever managed to explain what that weird stuff, human consciousness, is really made of. Body, external objects, darty memories, warm fantasies, other minds, guilt, fear, hesitation, lies, glees, doles, breath-taking pains, a thousand things which words can only fumble at, co-exist, many fused together in a single unit of consciousness”

—Iris Murdoch, in The Black Prince. 1973.

What kinds of creatures have consciousness? Does it exist in chimpanzees—or in gorillas, baboons, or orangutans? What about dolphins or elephants? Are frogs, fish, insects, or vegetables aware of themselves to any extent—or is consciousness a singular trait that segregates us from the rest of the beasts?

Although those animals won’t answer questions like, “Are you aware that you exist,” or “ What is your view of what consciousness is,” the answers from people are scarcely more useful. When you ask mystical thinkers how consciousness works, their replies are not highly enlightening.

Sri Chinmoy: “Consciousness is the inner spark or inner link in us, the golden link within us that connects our highest and most illumined part with our lowest and most unillumined part.”[50]

Some philosophers even insist that there’s no way to look for good answers to this.

Jerry Fodor: “Nobody has the slightest idea how anything material could be conscious. Nobody even knows what it would be like to have the slightest idea about how anything material could be conscious. So much for the philosophy of consciousness. [51]

Is consciousness an ‘all-or-none’ trait that has a clear-cut boundary, or does it have different amounts and qualities—the way that a thing can be cold or hot?

Relativist: Everything has some consciousness. An atom has only a little of it. Bigger things must have it in larger degrees— right up to the stars and the galaxies.

Absolutist: We don’t know where consciousness starts and stops, but clearly each thing must be conscious or not—and, clearly, there is no such thing in a rock.

Computer User: Certain programs seem to me already conscious to some small degree.

Logicist: Before you go on about consciousness, you really ought to define it. Good arguments should start right out by stating precisely what they are about. Otherwise, you’ll build on a shaky foundation.

That policy might seem ‘logical’—but it’s wrong when it comes to psychology, because it assumes that ‘consciousness’ has a clear and definite meaning. Of course, we don’t like to be imprecise—but strict definitions can make things worse, until we’re sure that our ideas are right. For, ‘consciousness’ is a

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