Some early ideas about how animals learn were based on schemes in which each reward for a success will cause a small “reinforcement” of some connections in the animal’s brain—while every disappointment will cause a corresponding weakening. In simple cases, this can lead a brain to select the right features to recognize. [See §§§Reinforcement] However, in more complex situations, such methods will not work so well to find which features are relevant—and then we’ll need to think more reflectively.
Some other theories about how learning works assumed that this consisted of making and storing new
That might work well in a simple case. However, in more complex situations, this kind of learning is likely to fail if the
This brings us back to that question about how
Unless you select only the parts of your thinking that helped, you may learn too many irrelevant things.
The better those decisions are made, the more you will benefit from each experience. Indeed, the quality of those processes could be important aspects of the suitcase of traits that people call “intelligence.” However, merely recording solutions to problems will help us only to solve somewhat similar problems, whereas if we can record
For example, in playing a game like checkers or chess, if you should happen to win a game, you won’t gain much by simply recording the moves that you made— because you’re unlikely ever again to encounter those same situations. However, you can do better if you can learn which of your higher-level decisions helped to reach those winning positions. For, as Allen Newell observed fifty years ago,
Thus, when you finally achieve a goal, you should assign some credit for this to the higher-level method you used to divide that goal into subgoals. Instead of just storing solutions to problems, you thus can refine the strategies you used to discover those solutions.
There is no clear limit to how long one could dwell on what might have led to a certain success. Indeed, such realizations are sometimes delayed for minutes, hours or even days; this suggests that some of our credit- assignments involve extensive searches that go on in other parts of our minds.
For example, we sometimes have ‘revelations’ like,
We usually make our Credit Assignments without much reflection, but sometimes one may say to oneself, after completing some difficult job,
Similarly, one sometimes may ask,
In any case, if we want to understand how people learn, we will need more research on such questions as what kinds of credit assignments infants can make, how children develop better techniques, how long such processes persist, and the extent to which we can learn to control them. In chapter §9 we will also discuss how our feelings of pleasure might relate to how we make our credit-assignments.
Transfer of Learning to other realms. Every teacher knows the frustration that comes when a child learns something to pass a test, yet never applies that skill to anything else. What makes certain children excel at “transferring” the things they learn to other, different realms—whereas other children seem to need to relearn the same ideas in each domain?
It would be easy just to say that some children are ‘more intelligent’—but that would not help us to explain how they use their experiences to make more helpful generalizations. This could partly be because they are better at making and using panalogies. But also, as we have just seen, the better our ways to describe each event, the more we can learn from each incident. Indeed, those ‘smarter’ children may have come to learn more efficiently because they have learned to reflect (perhaps unconsciously) about how their own learning processes work—and then found ways to improve those processes. For example, such reflections may lead to better ideas about which aspects of things they
It seems clear that the qualities of our thoughts must depend, to a large extent, on how well we make our credit-assignments. For those must be among the processes we use to make our most significant generalizations. This means that persons who do not learn to make good credit-assignments would be likely to show deficiencies in