Mike Murray).

Machines of the Year: Interviews with Daniel Kottke, Steve Jobs, Ray Cave. “The Computer Moves In,” Time, Jan. 3, 1983; “The Updated Book of Jobs,” Time, Jan. 3, 1983; Moritz, 11; Young, 293; Rose, 9–11; Peter McNulty, “Apple’s Bid to Stay in the Big Time,” Fortune, Feb. 7, 1983; “The Year of the Mouse,” Time, Jan. 31, 1983.

Let’s Be Pirates! Interviews with Ann Bowers, Andy Hertzfeld, Bill Atkinson, Arthur Rock, Mike Markkula, Steve Jobs, Debi Coleman; email from Susan Kare. Hertzfeld, 76, 135–138, 158, 160, 166; Moritz, 21–28; Young, 295–297, 301–303; Susan Kare interview, Sept. 8, 2000, Stanford University Library; Jeff Goodell, “The Rise and Fall of Apple Computer,” Rolling Stone, Apr. 4, 1996; Rose, 59– 69, 93.


The Courtship: Interviews with John Sculley, Andy Hertzfeld, Steve Jobs. Rose, 18, 74–75; Sculley, 58–90, 107; Elliot, 90–93; Mike Murray, “Special Mac Sneak” memo to staff, Mar. 3, 1983 (courtesy of Mike Murray); Hertzfeld, 149–150.

The Honeymoon: Interviews with Steve Jobs, John Sculley, Joanna Hoffman. Sculley, 127–130, 154–155, 168, 179; Hertzfeld, 195.


Real Artists Ship: Interviews with Andy Hertzfeld, Steve Jobs. Video of Apple sales conference, Oct. 1983; “Personal Computers: And the Winner Is . . . IBM,” Business Week, Oct. 3, 1983; Hertzfeld, 208–210; Rose, 147–153; Levy, Insanely Great, 178–180; Young, 327–328.

The “1984” Ad: Interviews with Lee Clow, John Sculley, Mike Markkula, Bill Campbell, Steve Jobs. Steve Hayden interview, Weekend Edition, NPR, Feb. 1, 2004; Linzmayer, 109–114; Sculley, 176.

Publicity Blast: Hertzfeld, 226–227; Michael Rogers, “It’s the Apple of His Eye,” Newsweek, Jan. 30, 1984; Levy, Insanely Great, 17–27.

January 24, 1984: Interviews with John Sculley, Steve Jobs, Andy Hertzfeld. Video of Jan. 1984 Apple shareholders meeting; Hertzfeld, 213–223; Sculley, 179–181; William Hawkins, “Jobs’ Revolutionary New Computer,” Popular Science, Jan. 1989.


The Macintosh Partnership: Interviews with Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Bruce Horn. Hertzfeld, 52–54; Steve Lohr, “Creating Jobs,” New York Times, Jan. 12, 1997; Triumph of the Nerds, PBS, part 3; Rusty Weston, “Partners and Adversaries,” MacWeek, Mar. 14, 1989; Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher, interview with Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, All Things Digital, May 31, 2007; Young, 319–320; Carlton, 28; Brent Schlender, “How Steve Jobs Linked Up with IBM,” Fortune, Oct. 9, 1989; Steven Levy, “A Big Brother?” Newsweek, Aug. 18, 1997.

The Battle of the GUI: Interviews with Bill Gates, Steve Jobs. Hertzfeld, 191–193; Michael Schrage, “IBM Compatibility Grows,” Washington Post, Nov. 29, 1983; Triumph of the Nerds, PBS, part 3.


Flying High: Interviews with Steve Jobs, Debi Coleman, Bill Atkinson, Andy Hertzfeld, Alain Rossmann, Joanna Hoffman, Jean-Louis Gassee, Nicholas Negroponte, Arthur Rock, John Sculley. Sheff; Hertzfeld, 206–207, 230; Sculley, 197–199; Young, 308–309; George Gendron and Bo Burlingham, “Entrepreneur of the Decade,” Inc., Apr. 1, 1989.

Falling: Interviews with Joanna Hoffman, John Sculley, Lee Clow, Debi Coleman, Andrea Cunningham, Steve Jobs. Sculley, 201, 212–215; Levy, Insanely Great, 186–192; Michael Rogers, “It’s the Apple of His Eye,” Newsweek, Jan. 30, 1984; Rose, 207, 233; Felix Kessler, “Apple Pitch,” Fortune, Apr. 15, 1985; Linzmayer, 145.

Thirty Years Old: Interviews with Mallory Walker, Andy Hertzfeld, Debi Coleman, Elizabeth Holmes, Steve Wozniak, Don Valentine. Sheff.

Exodus: Interviews with Andy Hertzfeld, Steve Wozniak, Bruce Horn. Hertzfeld, 253, 263–264; Young, 372–376; Wozniak, 265–266; Rose, 248–249; Bob Davis, “Apple’s Head, Jobs, Denies Ex- Partner Use of Design Firm,” Wall Street Journal, Mar. 22, 1985.

Showdown, Spring 1985: Interviews with Steve Jobs, Al Alcorn, John Sculley, Mike Murray. Elliot, 15; Sculley, 205–206, 227, 238–244; Young, 367–379; Rose, 238, 242, 254–255; Mike Murray, “Let’s Wake Up and Die Right,” memo to undisclosed recipients, Mar. 7, 1985 (courtesy of Mike Murray).

Plotting a Coup: Interviews with Steve Jobs, John Sculley. Rose, 266–275; Sculley, ix–x, 245–246; Young, 388–396; Elliot, 112.

Seven Days in May: Interviews with Jean-Louis Gassee, Steve Jobs, Bill Campbell, Al Eisenstat, John Sculley, Mike Murray, Mike Markkula, Debi Coleman. Bro Uttal, “Behind the Fall of Steve Jobs,” Fortune, Aug. 5, 1985; Sculley, 249–260; Rose, 275–290; Young, 396–404.

Like a Rolling Stone: Interviews with Mike Murray, Mike Markkula, Steve Jobs, John Sculley, Bob Metcalfe, George Riley, Andy Hertzfeld, Tina Redse, Mike Merin, Al Eisenstat, Arthur Rock. Tina Redse email to Steve Jobs, July 20, 2010; “No Job for Jobs,” AP, July 26, 1985; “Jobs Talks about His Rise and Fall,” Newsweek, Sept. 30, 1985; Hertzfeld, 269–271; Young, 387, 403–405; Young and Simon, 116; Rose, 288–292; Sculley, 242–245, 286–287; letter from Al Eisenstat to Arthur Hartman, July 23, 1985 (courtesy of Al Eisenstat).


The Pirates Abandon Ship: Interviews with Dan’l Lewin, Steve Jobs, Bill Campbell, Arthur Rock, Mike Markkula, John Sculley, Andrea Cunningham, Joanna Hoffman. Patricia Bellew Gray and Michael Miller, “Apple Chairman Jobs Resigns,” Wall Street Journal, Sept. 18, 1985; Gerald Lubenow and Michael Rogers, “Jobs Talks about His Rise and Fall,” Newsweek, Sept. 30, 1985; Bro Uttal, “The Adventures of Steve Jobs,” Fortune, Oct. 14, 1985; Susan Kerr, “Jobs Resigns,” Computer Systems News, Sept. 23, 1985; “Shaken to the Very Core,” Time, Sept. 30, 1985; John Eckhouse, “Apple Board Fuming at Steve Jobs,” San Francisco Chronicle, Sept. 17, 1985; Hertzfeld, 132–133; Sculley, 313–317; Young, 415–416; Young and Simon, 127; Rose, 307–319; Stross, 73; Deutschman, 36; Complaint for Breaches of Fiduciary Obligations, Apple Computer v. Steven P. Jobs and Richard A. Page, Superior Court of California, Santa Clara County, Sept. 23, 1985; Patricia Bellew Gray, “Jobs Asserts Apple Undermined Efforts to Settle Dispute,” Wall Street Journal, Sept. 25, 1985.

To Be on Your Own: Interviews with Arthur Rock, Susan Kare, Steve Jobs, Al Eisenstat. “Logo for Jobs’ New Firm,” San Francisco Chronicle, June 19, 1986; Phil Patton, “Steve Jobs: Out for Revenge,” New York Times, Aug. 6, 1989; Paul Rand, NeXT Logo presentation, 1985; Doug Evans and Allan Pottasch, video interview with Steve Jobs on Paul Rand, 1993; Steve Jobs to Al Eisenstat, Nov. 4, 1985; Eisenstat to Jobs, Nov. 8, 1985; Agreement between Apple Computer Inc. and Steven P. Jobs, and Request for Dismissal of Lawsuit without Prejudice, filed in the Superior Court of California, Santa Clara County, Jan. 17, 1986; Deutschman, 47, 43; Stross, 76, 118–120, 245; Kunkel, 58–63; “Can He Do It Again?” Business Week, Oct. 24, 1988; Joe Nocera, “The Second Coming of Steve Jobs,” Esquire, Dec. 1986, reprinted in Good Guys and Bad Guys (Portfolio, 2008), 49; Brenton Schlender, “How Steve Jobs Linked Up with IBM,” Fortune, Oct. 9, 1989.

The Computer: Interviews with Mitch Kapor, Michael Hawley, Steve Jobs. Peter

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