
“And she’s delivering the baby?” Danny starts laughing. “Is this for real?”

“It’s not funny!” I can’t help giggling too.

“I have to see this birth.” Danny skewers an olive on a cocktail stick. “‘Push!’ ‘I won’t, you bitch!’ You should sell tickets.”

“Stop it!” My stomach’s hurting from laughing. On the table my phone beeps with a text and I pull it over to have a look. “Hey, it’s Luke! He’s stopping by to say hello!” I texted Luke while we were ordering, to let him know where we were having lunch.

“Great.” Danny takes a swig of his champagne cocktail. “So, you guys are cool now?”

“We’re great. In fact, things are wonderful. We’re going to look at prams together tomorrow.” I give Danny a beatific smile.

“He doesn’t even know you thought he was cheating?”

“I brought it up a couple of times,” I say slowly, buttering another roll. “But he always denied anything was going on. I’m not going to mention it again.”

“Or the private detective.” Danny’s eyes gleam.

“Obviously not the private detective.” I narrow my eyes. “And don’t say a word, Danny.”

“I wouldn’t!” Danny exclaims innocently, and takes another slurp of champagne cocktail.

“Hi, guys!” I turn to see Luke making his way through the crowded restaurant. He’s wearing his new Paul Smith suit and has his BlackBerry in his hand. He gives me a tiny wink, and I force myself to stay composed, even though I want to smile wickedly as I remember this morning. And no, I’m not explaining. Let’s just say that if I’m so “unattractive” and “unsexy” like Venetia said, then why did Luke…

Anyway. Moving on.

“Danny! Long time.”

“Luke!” Danny leaps up and claps him on the back. “Great to see you!”

“Congratulations on all your success!” Luke pulls out a chair from a neighboring table. “I can’t stay long, but I wanted to say welcome to London.”

“Cheers, mate.” Danny puts on the worst cockney accent I have ever heard. He drains his champagne cocktail and gestures to a waiter to bring him another one. “And congratulations to you guys!” He runs a hand lightly over my tummy, then flinches as the baby kicks. “Jesus. Was that it?”

“It’s exciting!” Luke nods with a smile. “Only a few weeks to go!”

“Jesus.” Danny’s still staring at my stomach. “What if it’s a girl in there? Another little Becky Bloomwood. You better get back to the office, Luke, and earn some money. You’re gonna need it.”

“Shut up!” I hit him on the arm. But Luke’s already getting up from his seat. “I was only passing, anyway. Iain’s waiting for me in the car. See you again, Danny. Bye, sweetheart.” He kisses me on the forehead, then peers out the restaurant window as though searching for something.

“What is it?” I say, following his gaze.

“It’s…” Luke frowns. “I wasn’t going to say anything, but for the last few days I’ve felt as though I’m being followed.”


“I’m seeing the same guy around the place all the time.” Luke shrugs. “He was outside the office yesterday, and I saw him just now.”

“But who on earth—” I come to a halt.

Shit. No. It can’t be.

I canceled them. I know I did. I phoned and left a message on Dave Sharpness’s answering machine. And I sent an e-mail.

I look up to see Danny’s delighted gaze on me.

“You think someone’s following you, Luke?” he says, raising his eyebrows. “Like…a private detective, maybe?”

I will kill him.

“It’s probably nothing!” My voice is a bit strangled. “Just coincidence!”

“Probably.” Luke nods. “Strange, though. See you later.” He touches my hand, and we both watch him wend his way between the tables.

“Trust is a beautiful thing between a married couple,” observes Danny. “You two are very lucky.”

“Shut up!” I’m scrabbling for my phone. “I have to call them off!”

“I thought you already did.”

“I did! Days ago! It’s all a mistake!” I find Dave Sharpness’s card and jab in the number, my fingers fumbling in agitation.

“How do you think Luke will react when he finds out you’re having him trailed?” asks Danny conversationally. “I’d be quite pissed if it were me.”

“You are really not helping.” I glare at him. “And thanks for mentioning private detectives!”

“Oh, I’m sorry!” Danny claps his hand over his mouth in mock apology. “Because he would never have worked it out on his own.”

I’m through to voice mail, and I take a deep breath.

“Mr. Sharpness. It’s Becky Brandon here. There seems to have been some confusion. I would like you to stop following my husband, Luke. I do not want any investigation. Please call off your operatives at once. Thank you.” I switch off the phone and take a gulp of Danny’s champagne cocktail, breathing hard. “There. Done.”


Prendergast de Witt Connell Financial Advisers

Forward House 394 High Holborn

London WC1V 7EX

Mrs R Brandon 37 Maida Vale Mansions Maida Vale

London NW6 0YF

20 November 2003

Dear Mrs. Brandon,

Thank you for your letter.

I have noted your new shareholding in the London Cappuccino Company.

I would recommend you do not make any further share purchases simply because of “fab shareholder perks” such as free coffee. You should be looking for solid, long-term growth prospects.

In answer to your other query, I am not aware of any jewelry companies which give away free diamonds to their shareholders.

Yours sincerely,

Kenneth Prendergast

Family Investment Specialist


I JUST HOPE they got my message. Or the one I left last evening. Or the one I left this morning. I must have blocked Dave Sharpness’s voice mail completely, telling him to stop the investigation. But until I speak to him myself, I can’t be positive the message has got through.

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