blood from her mouth. “Fuck you, Mecca! I hope you enjoy watching me die, just like I enjoyed watching your mother and sister die, mu’fucka!”
“Shut the fuck up!” Mecca yelled, her words chastising him more. He grabbed the ammonia, pinching the sides of her mouth harshly, and poured the chemical down her throat and on her face.
Miamor struggled against his grasp, desperately trying to close her eyes and mouth. It burnt her lips and nose. It was much hotter than any fire she had ever felt. She saw the Grim Reaper stepping closer to her.
“I got something for you, bitch. I’m not gon’ kill you. I’ma let my man handle you,” he sneered.
Miamor watched as the devil stepped closer to her, and as Mecca walked out of the room. Her heart jumped with each step the devil took. His face came into view, and when it was fully visible, her eyes grew wide in shock.
“Give us this day, our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us…” Her voice broke, and tears filled her eyes, because she knew that Fabian had the worst intentions for her. He leaned into her, his hot breath blowing against her burning skin.
“It’s too late for prayers, bitch. You’re gonna die tonight,” Fabian stated with no emotion.
Miamor couldn’t believe that her past had come back to haunt her. This was the same scary mu’fucka who had begged her for his life just months ago, and now he was standing before her, getting ready to take her life. “I should have cut off your fucking balls when I took your dick, mu’fucka! Do what you got to do, nigga. Fuck you!” Miamor stated as she regained her composure.
Fabian punched Miamor with so much force that her jaw collapsed on the right side. She felt the weight of her face as her jaw caved in. She cringed, absorbed the pain, recited the Lord’s Prayer in her mind, and then spit the teeth and blood onto the floor. She sat up straight and prepared herself for what was in store. She hoped for a quick death, but she knew that it was not going to happen, so she breathed deep squared her shoulders and forced herself to open her eyes, ignoring the agonizing pain from the chemicals in her eyes. She stared Fabian directly in the eyes and smirked.
“I’m going to kill you, bitch!” Fabian threatened as he prepared to finish the job that Mecca had started. Miamor’s body was giving up on her. She shook violently from the cold that was settling in.
She couldn’t fight Fabian off of her. She was too weak, and on this day, she felt it in her soul that she was going to die. She knew that she was at a disadvantage. For the first time in her life, she was the weak one. She was at the mercy of the man in front of her, and to make matters worse, she was personally responsible for his strife, so he had something to prove. Miamor knew how niggas thought, and by cutting off his dick, she had robbed him of his manhood. His pride was wounded, and because of that, he would show her no mercy.
The fact that she was a female didn’t mean shit to Fabian. He had seen firsthand what she was capable of. He had been her victim, and now she was his. Fate had tipped in his favor, and karma was a bitch… a big bitch. He was determined to get his revenge, and it would be sweet… slow and sweet.
Miamor was confined to the chair. The ties dug into her skin, rendering her helpless while Fabian attacked her. She felt each blow as he struck her repeatedly. The impact of his fists invaded her brain, terrorizing her existence. Oddly enough, she was grateful for Fabian’s attack, because it was much less vicious than the tyranny Mecca had bestowed upon her. Miamor began to laugh slightly because she realized that even at her weakest state she was still stronger than Fabian. Mecca’s blows had left her helpless, and made her respect his ruthlessness. Mecca was her equal. His murder game matched her own, but Fabian was beneath her. At this moment, he was physically stronger than she was, but mentally he was pathetic, and she could still sense that he feared her, which is why he hadn’t hit her with all his might.
“What the fuck are you laughing at, bitch?” Fabian asked in frustration as he struck her again, enraged that he wasn’t making her feel pain like Mecca had.
Miamor had begun to cough up blood, but that didn’t stop her from laughing. Her bloodstained teeth agitated Fabian even more as he watched her spit out a glob of blood. She knew that the only way to get out alive was to get inside of Fabian’s head. She had to tip the scales in her favor again. She was going to make him fear her without even laying hands on him. He had no heart and she sensed it. She, on the other hand, had the heart of a lion and was about to eat him alive.
Fabian eventually stopped hitting Miamor and staggered away from her. Sweat dripped from his forehead as he looked at her in confusion. His chest was heaving in exhaustion
“I let you keep your life last time,” Miamor said as she spit blood from her mouth. She was dizzy and she knew that she didn’t have much time. Her life was on a countdown. She was slipping away. Her energy was low, and she could feel her life fading. Her body urged her to succumb to the pain, but her mind and strong will pushed her forward. If this was her day to die, then so be it, but she had never given up anything without a fight. She was going to fight for her life, and her weapon of choice was her mind.
“What?” Fabian asked. He was in disbelief at how resistant Miamor was to pain. He didn’t know that she was suffering in agony, because she would never allow him to see it.
Miamor was fucking up his mental, playing a game of mental chess where she devised the rules. She could see the hesitation in his eyes. All she had to do was keep talking. “You think my girls don’t know where I am right now, Fabian? Even if you do kill me, there are two bitches just like me that are still out there, and they are going to come for you, my nigga,” she said.
“Bitch, you can’t threaten me,” Fabian said nervously as he slapped her once more, the force behind it fading even more.
“I don’t make threats, sweetie. I make promises. What? You think they won’t know who did this to me? Your fingerprints and DNA are all over this fucking basement, dummy! They’re all over me, Fabian. We do this for a living. It’s not a game with us. We
Fabian’s eyes shifted around the room as if he was the one who was there against his will, as if he was looking for an escape.
Miamor coughed violently and her breathing became labored as she struggled to keep her strength.
“Fuck!” Fabian shouted as he began to pace back and forth in the room. He was torn. He didn’t want to see the wrath of the Murder Mamas, but at this point, he felt like he was in too deep. He couldn’t turn back now. He pointed his gun at Miamor, deciding to just kill her and get it over with. His finger wrapped around the trigger, but when his eyes met hers, he saw the devil in them. His lip began to quiver. He lowered his weapon. “I know you’re not just going to let me get away with this. Even if I don’t kill you, you’re going to come for me.”
“Maybe, maybe not,” Miamor said. “The point is that you have a chance to live if you
Fabian fidgeted, his hand began to shake, and he put his hands over his ears to drown out her words. “Set