All a Joke,” he asked Charles, “You think we should play this?”

Charles paused a beat. “I don’t know. I think we should check with the bosses.”

The audience ate it up.

“You know,” Darcy continued, “I thought I was the boss.”

Charles grinned. “Well, you were. But you know, Jane…”

“Gives better head?” Richard piped in.


The house fell apart. Backstage Elizabeth, Charlotte, and Jane were doubled over laughing. A full minute passed before Darcy could continue, partially because the first time he tried to talk, he lost his control and started laughing himself, which set everyone else off again.

When he did regain control, he said, “Okay, let’s see what the bosses have to say.”

Jane caught her cue and she took a headset from Caroline. “Charles,” she drawled, her voice filling the stage.

“Your call, ladies,” Charles began. “Do we play it or pass?”

“We wouldn’t want to offend you,” Darcy added.

Elizabeth gave Jane a thumbs-up. “Oh, you are playing it.”

“You’re sure?”

“It’s your penance,” Jane added menacingly. “Don’t screw up.”

Richard laughed, “You boys are fuuuuucked!”

Laughter erupted again and Darcy nodded, careful not to turn his back. “I think you are right.”

Darcy began the riff to the song as Charles started singing to Jane. They didn’t screw up. They were electric and exciting and words that had once provoked such pain and hurt now were rendered harmless.

As the girls returned to their usual place before the monitors, Elizabeth asked, “Where’s Alex?” noticing him missing for the first time.

Jane’s face sobered and she looked at Charlotte. “He’s not here,” she said uneasily.

Elizabeth faced Charlotte. “What?” she asked.

“Lizzy, you’ve been through a lot today, maybe we should leave this for tomorrow.”

“What’s going on?” she demanded.

“Lizzy, Char’s right. We’re going to have a meeting with him tomorrow,” Jane said, her eyes full of affection. “Let it go for now.”

Elizabeth looked from Jane to Charlotte and nodded slowly, surprising herself with her ability to trust.

*   *   *

The three men stood together, as close as brothers, their long, lean bodies weary with exertion, shimmering with sweat in the bright stage lights, their long arms hanging at their sides, holding their instruments ready.

Charles talked to the audience with trust and ease, as though they were his best friends. When he called their names, Elizabeth, Jane, and Charlotte moved back onstage, crossing the line from invisibility to visibility. They took their positions near their lovers, to play the song they had all written together.

They decided to perform “The Game of Love” between sets, to celebrate the huge changes that had occurred among all of them and also as a statement of vindication. Elizabeth was free and cleared; Wickham would never trouble them again. That alone was worthy of being acknowledged, and they had no better way than with their music.

The audience roared as Elizabeth playfully took Darcy’s dark glasses and put them on, winning a bright smile from him. Jane took Charles’s place at center stage, as he stood nearby, and Richard and Charlotte arranged themselves behind a huge percussion display. A look was passed around them, silently communicating, and with Charlotte’s cymbal, they were off.

Darcy played for Elizabeth, as he had the last time. The difference was that she was now receptive to him and was in fact playing back to him. The song was like a duet of the two guitars, electric and acoustic, their voices dancing around each other, even as Darcy’s and Elizabeth’s bodies circled each other.

Elizabeth started singing with Jane, encouraging Darcy to serenade her, which he did, manfully playing to the two sisters as Charles played his bass on their other side. Richard and Charlotte were easily performing their own dance, moving with perfect timing across their instruments, sharing a smile and wink.

The song ended too quickly, yet they were pleased with their performance. They had given something special of themselves to the audience, who thanked them with wild cheering and applause. It was clear to everyone in the crowd that this was much more than two bands simply playing together. This was in fact one entity, a being with six faces.

*   *   *

Later, after the show and back at the loft, Elizabeth picked up her carton of take-out and her chopsticks and followed Darcy to the bed. She was emotionally exhausted, but her body was still fairly awake. She figured she needed Darcy and bed, in that order.

Darcy was already stretched out on the bed, wearing his black T-shirt and gray shorts, looking delightfully comfy. Elizabeth took off her pants, her shoes long ago discarded, and settled down next to him. They ate, sharing each other’s food and talking lightly of the performance.

Shyly, Darcy asked, “You liked your song?”

Elizabeth felt like her face would split, she smiled so hard. “I loved it. Couldn’t you tell?”

“Well…” he blushed.

Elizabeth put her food down and reached for him, cuddling close. “I couldn’t believe you sang for me.”

“I would do anything for you,” he told her earnestly. “I wanted everyone to know that I love you, completely and unconditionally.” He stopped and took her hand and kissed it. “You have changed me, and I’ll always be grateful.”

Elizabeth looked into his eyes, seeing more there than words could ever say. “You changed me too, you know.”

“Did I? I hadn’t noticed. I was too busy discovering how wonderful you are.”

Elizabeth blushed at his flattery and lifted her lips to his. He kissed her adoringly, pressing close to her and feeling their legs tangle together. He released her lips to kiss her neck, and she tilted her head absently, her body roiling with sensations while her mind was in a distant place. “Are we going to be okay?” she asked.

“We’re going to be fine,” he told her, his voice certain, even though he didn’t fully understand her question.

“What’s going to happen?” she asked, her eyes troubled. Feelings of uncertainty born during her incarceration came back, demanding to be answered.

Darcy didn’t understand what prompted her fears, but he perceived them clearly. “We are going to be together, you and me. We’re going to finish out this tour, and then we’ll do whatever we want to, but,” he gripped her hand tightly, “we will do it together.”

She closed her eyes. “Hold me,” she pleaded.

Darcy pulled her close, cradling her. “Darling, didn’t you hear my song? That was for you. I love you, and I always will.”

“I know,” she whispered, “and I love you. But… what if we are separated? We are both rock stars now and that’s not a very good career track for a relationship.”

“Then screw the careers,” he told her fiercely. “If it’s a question of Slurry or you, I pick you. I don’t need to be a rock star. Hell, I don’t ever need to work a day again. But I do need you. I found that out last night.” He stopped, his eyes downcast. “Lizzy, I love you, and I don’t care if rock star marriages don’t work. If the rules don’t work for me, I change them, and you and I are going to work.” His eyes were burning into hers as he finished.

“Marriage?” Elizabeth gasped.

Darcy’s mouth fell open and for a heartbeat he was back at the disastrous morning a month ago. He searched Elizabeth’s eyes for a sign of what she was feeling, and then gathering his courage, he spoke. “Elizabeth Bennet, will you please marry me?”

Elizabeth trembled, shocked and speechless. She looked at him questioningly.

“I know,” he said in a calmer voice. “It hasn’t been very long for us, has it? But I’ve loved you for so long, I

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