Chapter 48

Chapter 49

Chapter 50

Chapter 51

Chapter 52

Chapter 53

Chapter 54

Chapter 55

Chapter 56

Chapter 57

Chapter 58

Chapter 59

Chapter 60

Author’s Note

More Praise for the #1 International Bestseller


'The passion and heartache, as well as the grit and grime, of medieval Spain come alive in ... this epic novel .... The saga is filled with colorful characters .... The backdrop is always dramatic ... a fantastic fourteenth- century fresco.”

—USA Today

“[It’s] soap opera on a grand scale, made believable and enthralling by the inclusion of the commonplace brutalities and small compassions of life in medieval Barcelona. Watching Arnau’s rise from literal rags to riches is frequently like watching a series of train wrecks; you’re horrified but can’t look away ....[The] plot ... is so beautifully structured that the last sixty pages detonate like a string of firecrackers ....[The] prose is powerful .... Falcones has an eye for the singular, telling detail, and ... his characters are ... believable ... a riveting story.”

—The Washington Post

“[An] absorbing epic ... Falcones’s rich portrait of medieval society is fascinating.”

—Publishers Weekly

“[A] sprawling medieval family saga.”

—Kirkus Reviews

“With Cathedral of the Sea, Ildefonso Falcones dethrones Eduardo Mendoza and Arturo Perez-Reverte ... and has become Spain’s new Dan Brown.”

—El Mundo

“A new Ken Follett is born!”

—ADP (Spain)

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Previously published in a Dutton edition.

First New American Library Printing, April 2009

Copyright © Ildefonso Falcones de Sierra, 2006

Translation copyright © Nick Caistor, 2008

Images on page 1, 2, 51, 52, 217, 218, 453, 454 courtesy of Liesbeth Vries

Map © Sergi Parreno

All rights reserved

eISBN : 978-1-440- 63041-5

Falcones de Sterra, Ildefonao, 1959-

[Catedral de la mar. English]

Cathedral of the sea/by Ildefonso Falcones.

p. cm.

eISBN : 978-1-440-63041-5

I. Title

PQ6656.A375C3813 2008

863.,64—dc22 2007046077

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To Carmen

Barcelona in the 14th

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