on the carpet. Linda's stomach was bouncing back and forth as she was getting the last drips of spasms out of her entrails.
“Not that was something. Lola you're a genius. How did you ever think of it?” Stephan scratched his head.
Someone interrupted with a shout. It was Helen who was right in the middle of a gigantic rousing orgasm brought on by the twinkling head of little Gus.
It was easy to see that Gus was excited about his possession because his delicious tiny wang stuck up proudly while his face was buried in the tightly locked thighs.
“Just look at that, will you. That bitch Helen couldn't wait to get hold of the little tyke. It's just like her to be greedy for newcomers.” Arthur let his comments be heard by all and in particular by Helen who tossed it off lightly.
Chris threw an ironic smile over toward Gus and Helen who were going through the final strains of love making.
“And I thought he was a virgin,” she conjectured.
Once Helen had attained her pleasure, she raised the boy and hugged him to her breasts. She permitted him to taste her divine fruits. It was the kind of cake the youngster richly enjoyed. He no longer remained timid. Gus bit into the teats as though they were made of cream cake.
Helen then cradled his dick in her fist and the little fellow gluttonly slobbered over her nipples.
“Of course he is still a virgin. He's much too young to be otherwise. But I'm the one that is going to take it away from him and give him something else in exchange. After all you have amused yourselves with the donkey?”
She fondled Gus's head as though he were the most skillful of lovers.
“Don't be so possessive Helen. Wouldn't you like to feel Benjamin in you. I guess you prefer children's pickles to the crow bars of us beasts.”
Everyone laughed and that included Helen. But she didn't let go of her child lover.
“Go on have your fun. While waiting my turn, I choose to remain with Gussy and teach him some things.
None of you are against my plans, are you?”
Helen looked pleased with herself.
“I'll start with the pickles and wind up with the crow bar in due time.”
The all nodded their approval. Another candidate was needed for the donkey's prick. Annie and Chris were very impatient and it was finally the youngest who got into the act.
Annie had much more experience than Linda and she rapidly got into the desired position. Instead of the vaseline, Annie was licked off properly by Alice while Chris gave Ben his just due. She had quite a time with the sperm that trickled around the beat's nuts.
“It's delicious. I've never tasted anything like it. Look how hard he is getting already.”
Hurry up and get him inside me. I'm awfully hot and I want him badly.” Annie whistled.
Linda watched attentively. She lay on the carpet leaning on an elbow, observing the scene. She realized that the pain she had endured was only secondary to the pleasure. When she felt her crotch, she gathered her own sperm mixed with Benny's ejaculation plus drops of blood. The act had been savage but she appreciated the marvelous after?effects. She scolded herself for not having behaved better.
Now Annie was possessing that wonderful instrument than only a few minutes ago had stuffed her with its true animal heat and sensual pressure. She was proud that Benjamin had come in her with all his donkey fury.'
Alice and Chris continued to lick the beasts testicles. They managed to get the phallus in perfect working order for feverish Annie. The teenager was spread apart impatiently wiggling and begging for the enormous dong.
“Come on now, damn it. Let me have it. I know how to manage him. I'll do it by myself.”
She flew into the bar of flesh like an acrobat. An outsider would have said that she had done it many times before with Benjamin. At the first contact, Annie crisped with pain and let out a sharp raspy cry.
Benny had entered with a kick and was quickly stuck in the fore?front of the youngster's vagina.
“Oh, it's great. I've never had anything like it between my legs. It hurts but what the hell. It's terrific… but sensational… Go it, Benny, babe.”
Annie moved around like a fish out of water. She had Benjamin almost leaping in the air. Inch by inch the donkey penetrated her. Then, Annie vibrated with a thunderous clamor.
“Oh, oh… I feel it… coming… I want to come with him…”
It was almost as though he had known what she desired. Benjamin began to bray and kick up his hind legs as though he wanted to dig in deeper. He started to shake and vibrate as if struck on the head. All at once he let loose. A stream of liquid shot forward and flooded Ann's puss. She rolled into him trying to get every pearl of the sacred juice.
Then the little girl crumbled to the ground completely exhausted. She had a happy smile on her face.
“Hey, I'm next.” Chris made her presence known to all.
“Let Benny have a rest.” Stephan pleaded on behalf of the humane society. “After all, Benjamin isn't a machine. He's a genuine screwer like us and he needs a rest once in awhile.”
“He'll be able to rest up after I get through with him. I have a way with animals you know.” Chris bragged of her warmth.
Chris bent down to suck the dripping half?hard aspergus. Although it was slightly soft it retained its sizeable proportions. Chris took the dick in her mouth and rolled her tongue around the weighty instrument.
She sucked avidly on the sperm and cleaned the animal out with a certain tendency to make him hard once more.
During the success of Benjamin, the men in the room found that their activity had dropped off suddenly.
Arthur approached Josette and tapped her on the rear. The little donkey looked at him leeringly.
“I've tried everything. This little bitch of a donkey has love in her eyes. I think I'll rip into her behind. It will do me good and I can chalk up another pleasure in my carnet.”
Edgar, Stephan and Nick gathered around to watch the fabulous exploit.
“Why not? The girls are going wild over Benjamin. We should have our share of fun with Josey here.”
“And I'm new at this type of game. I've got to admit it fellows I've never ass?fucked an ass before.” Nick winked at Edgar as he proudly offered his quip.
“I did it to a goat once.” Arthur revealed his intimate secrets. “It was a few years back, while I lived in the mountains. I was with three friends. During a walk we met a splendid little creature, a white goat. It was tied to a tree. All three of us screwed her. It was an amusing experience.” Edgar approached Josette and leaned his phallus which had grown remarkable rigid up to her flank. The beast did not budge. She was evidently used to such intrusions.
“In order to penetrate with some ease, I think it would be better to stick on a little vaseline. Josette's anus appears awfully small.”
“I think you're right, old chap. She seems as tight as a virgin. Better try some.”
Arthur helped Edgar lubricate his sex. Once again Edgar aimed his weapon at Josey's asshole. This time the man entered without any difficulty.
“How is it?” Alice asked as she approached the group.
“It's hot as a furnace.” Edgar replied from first hand information.
He moved about trying to land in some better blows. He then began a to and from movement.
“Is she better than mine?” Alice asked in a sweet cozy tone, obviously trying to gain a comparison.
Edgar didn't answer her. He was too busy giving Josette his best strokes. The man sighed away as though he had never tasted a similar adventure. And in fact, Edgar, with all his earthly experience, had not.
Alice wanted to watch the achievement close?by. She decided to lap her tongue along the rim of Edgar's anus.
Good?naturedly she went to work. From the other side of the room, Chris had Benjamin in a fine state. The animal was foaming at the mouth and it was apparent that he preferred Chris to the others. Chris was right when