“But he's putting it…”
Lola covered her mouth to keep her voice under control.
“No, my pet. He isn't buggering her, as your boy friends in London probably use the term, he's making love to her roman fashion. Of course, you don't know what that is?”
Lola gingerly stripped Linda of her bikini. Linda was perplexed. It was impossible for her to cry out for fear of disturbing the others. Oh, what a ridiculous situation she was. in. But the adept hands of the undulating Lola brought about a new perspective to her limited horizons. When Linda turned to reproach her friend, she remarked that Lola's eyes were almost blood?shot. It had come about all of sudden as though she were stricken by some unknown condition or… passion.
Her hand went straight to Linda's pussy and the tips of her long supple fingers worked miracles in that region of love. Soon she had Linda panting and straining to keep from being found out by Bert and Alice. Anyway they were humming their own tune and it is a hundred to one that they would have heard.
Linda let herself be masturbated while looking on to the magnificent show in front of her. Good?naturedly she thought of Lola. Poor Lola was being left out. So Linda, thoughtful and courteous, placed her trembling hand down on the curly blossom that thinned out at the tummy. The two women began to masturbate each other while regarding a pair of minors screw with the rhythm of perfect professionals.
It was not long before Linda felt a wave of pleasure descend upon her. She sensed a multitude of warm prickly thrills invade her sex which was carefully being explored by diligent Lola.
She started to groan, but held back as best she good. Her teeth were sealed together. (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.) The proverb took life and Linda fingered her impetuous companion.
Lola's thighs were divine. They were the thighs of a woman who was voluptuous and mighty. Linda did not feel disgusted by the act which surprised her no end. Abstractly, if she had thought it over when alone, she would have berated herself a thousand times for being so low and uncouth, but this very real performance delighted her. She clutched at the thighs.
Lola licked the adolescent's tummy and then a big mouth hovered in the region of the breasts. The lips nipped at the left?teat and then opened wide and engulfed the defenseless breast.
The husky woman sucked on one and fingered the other. Then she switched and this excited Linda to the point where she thought, she thought… Well she didn't think, she just drifted into the vague emulsion of sensations.
She could not say where she was or why, or what she was doing. The young girl's eyes rolled in her head like two agates would in a pin?ball machine. The teats were being licked, sucked and massaged frenetically, while on the other side of the bush Bert and his little waif ignored the nearby presence of the passionate intruders.
The two teenagers were well on their way to reaching a paroxysm stemming from their rife and energetic gestures. They were coupled together like two little puppies who have just learned to screw and are highly delighted with their find.
To and fro they looked and Alice got wetter and wetter and Bert, the active one, got hotter and bigger. It was just a matter of seconds now. The cataclysm broke forth. Bert felt the veins in his stiff cock shake with panic.
His loins swelled and the head of his penis dribbled its first throbs of white liquid. Alice felt heat in the region of her vagina. A heat that stirred a melting pot of vigorous sensations. She was building up to the explosion.
Bert inundated the caves and the great cavern pressed back and forth, throbbing like an underground earthquake. Curly?headed Alice flubbed to the ground, her head crushing to the sand, under the weight of the fatigued lad. A thin thread of saliva poured from her mouth and trickled down her chin.
Linda puffed and clinched her teeth and let out an ohhhh… ahhhhh… that would have been heard by the others if they had not been so tired and ohhing and ahhing themselves in the last throes of love. A viscous fluid flowed from Linda's very wet puss. It tumbled down her thigh unerringly to the sand which absorbed her first real sexual completion.
Lola, the silent one, had come twice. Elegant, discrete and seeking pleasure at every turn, she held her joy for herself. Perhaps she longed for a third orgasm as her head buried itself between Linda's thighs. A tongue lapped out and drank in the delicious nectar of the young girl who was barely recovering her wits.
Linda watched Bert and Alice through her dream?weary eyes.
“Oh, Bert, my lovely boy.” Alice's voice was shaky and she had difficulty getting her wind back.
And the little maid wasn't even looking at her handsome knight with his pink pecker growing soft. He was flat on his back exhausted and she was lying face down. But this awkward position didn't prevent her from toying with his limp dick.
“Now, what's the matter? Haven't you had enough? I'm going in the water.”
“Oh, you're awful,” Alice chided. “When you've had it and no longer want it, everyone else has to cede to his highness. It isn't fair.”
“But that's not true, my little cabbage. You can always get it somewhere in our household. Isn't there Lola or uncle to do you justice?” He struggled to a sitting position.
Linda turned toward Lola and her face showed a questioning perplexity. Lola simply smiled and stroked her hair.
“Your uncle? I had him on top of me all night…”
“And you didn't like it?”
“I'm not talking about that. But I prefer you, and I know whom you prefer. It's Lola. Just because she is more experienced and knows too much for her own good… And now your consul has arrived. You'll probably be after her, won't you?”
Linda listened attentively. She fidgeted behind the brush type plants, earnestly waiting for Bert's answer.
“Who, Linda? Come to think of it I'd like to get to her before my uncle does. It would be funny that.” He laughed aloud. “Just think, and she's a virgin too.”
“She's not bad,” esteemed Alice.
“Very nicely built, to tell the truth.” Bert contemplated his future victim. That is, he saw her in a passing cloud and hadn't the slightest idea that she was hearing every word flat on her belly not so far away.
Linda turned red. Only she knew how to take it. Was it a pleasant compliment or did she feel annoyed? Time was to judge and witness an impending scene.
Lola and Linda snuck away as silently as they had come. Both were feeling the wear and tear of their little peek?a?boo seance. Neither regretted it by the happy smile that flushed on their faces.
An hour later in her room, Linda began to think. She sat on the edge of her bed and bit her nails.
Lola knocked on the door and informed Linda that lunch was not a very common thing at the villa. When one got hungry, he or she might take the lunch where ever he or she desired. She told Linda that uncle Arthur usually ate lunch in the library where he worked on his novel until midnight.
“Arthur is a real recluse. He hates to see people during the day.” Lola confided to Linda. “He takes a morning swim very early and then he loses himself off from the rest of the world in his sanctuary. If he wants something,” she added with a bewitching smile… “he just rings. I'll bring you your lunch right here in your room, if you wish?”
Linda nodded that it would be very nice of her to take such pains. Lola assured her that it would make her happy to be of service to such a pretty newcomer to the 'establishment'. She was out of the room in a jiffy.
The adolescent once more alone tried to gather the remnants of thought regarding the hallucinating morning.
What troubled her the most was what Bert had said, a propos, to see who would get her first, he or his uncle.
He was perhaps only kidding.
Linda hadn't seen her uncle yet, but Lola told her he kept to himself during the daytime. She was sure her uncle who hadn't seen her for years would cut a more interesting figure than the whelping conceited pup, Bert.
But then again, uncle Arthur had Lola. At least that's what Alice said… And yet Lola didn't care about these strange amorous deviations.
Linda was lost, utterly lost in her thoughts which seemed to get more entangled as she strained her pretty