your best friend died, that won't help us any.” He straightened up a little. “This is a detective bureau, not a nursery for morbidity. Yes, he died here. He swallowed the poison sitting in that chair; he staggered to his feet and tried to keep himself upright by putting his fists on my desk; he collapsed to the floor in a convulsion and died; if he were still there you could reach down and touch him without moving from your chair.”

Helen was staring at him and not breathing; Llewellyn protested: “For God's sake, Wolfe, do you think-”

Wolfe showed him a palm. “I think I had to sit here and watch Mr. McNair being murdered in my office. – Archie. Your notebook, please. Yesterday I told Miss

Frost it was time something was said to her. What did I say then? Read it.”

I got the book and flipped back the pages and found it and read it out:

…In your conceit, you are assuming, for your youth and inexperience, a terrific responsibility. Molly Lauck died nine days ago, probably through bungling of someone's effort to kill another person. During all that time you have possessed knowledge which, handled with competence and dispatch, might do something much more important than wreak vengeance; it might save a life, and it is even possible that the life would be one worth saving. What do you-

“That will do.” Wolfe turned to her. “That, mademoiselle, was a courteous and reasonable appeal. I do not often appeal to anyone like that; I am too conceited. I did appeal to you, without success. If it is painful to you to be reminded that your best friend died yesterday, in agony, on the spot now occupied by your chair, do you think it was agreeable to me to sit here and watch him do it?” He shifted abruptly to Llewellyn. “And you, sir, who engaged me to solve a problem and then proceeded to hamper me as soon as I made the first step-now you are quick on the trigger to resent it if I do not show tenderness and consideration for your cousin's remorse and grief. I know none because I have none. If I offer anything for sale in this office that is worth buying, it certainly is not a warm heart and maudlin sympathy for the distress of spoiled obtuse children.” He turned to Helen. “Yesterday, in your pride, you asked for nothing and offered nothing. What information you gave was forced from you by a threat. What did you come for today? What do you want?”

Llewellyn had arisen and moved to her chair. He was holding himself in. “Come on, Helen,” he entreated her. “Come on, get out of here…”

She reached up and touched his sleeve, and shook her head without looking at him. “Sit down, Lew,” she told him. “Please. I deserve it.” There was a spot of color on the cheek I could see.

“No. Come on.”

She shook her head again. Tm going to stay.”

“I'm not.” He shot out his chin in Wolfe's direction. “Look here, I apologized to you. All right, I owed you that. But now I want to say.,. that thing I signed here Tuesday…I'm giving you notice I'm done with that. I'm not paying you ten thousand dollars, because I haven't got it and you haven't earned it. I can pay a reasonable amount whenever you send a bill. The deal's off.”

Wolfe nodded and murmured, “I expected that, of course. The suspicions you hired me to substantiate have evaporated. The threat of molestation of your cousin, caused by her admission that she had seen the box of candy, no longer exists.

Half of your purpose is accomplished, since your cousin will not work any more-at least, not at Mr. McNair's. As for the other half, to continue the investigation of the murder of Molly Lauck would mean of necessity an inquiry into Mr. McNair's death also, and that might easily result in something highly distasteful to a Frost. That's the logic of it, for you, perfectly correct; and if I expected to collect even a fair fraction of my fee I shall probably have to sue you for it.” He sighed, and leaned back. “And you stampeded me to 52nd

Street with that confounded letter. Good day, sir. I don't blame you; but I shall certainly send you a bill for ten thousand dollars. I know what you are thinking: that you won't be sued because I won't go to a courtroom to testify.

You are correct; but I shall certainly send you a bill.”

“Go ahead. Come on, Helen.”

She didn't budge. She said quietly, “Sit down, Lew.”

“What for? Come on! Did you hear what he said about distasteful to a Frost'?

Don't you see it's him that has started the police after us as if we were all a bunch of murderers? And that he started it on account of something that McNair said to him yesterday before-before it happened? Just as Dad said, and Aunt

Callie too? Do you wonder they wouldn't let you come down here unless I came along? I'm not saying McNair told him any lies, I'm just saying-”

“Lew! Stop it!” She wasn't loud, but determined. She put a hand on his sleeve again. “Listen, Lew. You know very well that all the misunderstandings we've ever had have been about Uncle Boyd. Don't you think we might stop having them, now that he's dead? I told Mr. Wolfe yesterday…he…he was the finest man I have ever known…I don't expect you to agree with that…but it's true. I know he didn't like you, and I honestly thought that was the only thing he was wrong about.” She stood up and put a hand on each of his arms. “You're a fine man, too, Lew. You have lots of fine things in you. But I loved Uncle Boyd.” She shut her lips tight and nodded her head up and down several times. Finally she swallowed, and went on, “He was a grand person…he was. He gave me what common sense I've got, and it was him that kept me from being just a complete silly fool…” She tightened her lips again, and then again went on, “He always used to say…whenever I…I…”

She turned away abruptly and sat down, lowered her face into her palms, and began to cry.

Llewellyn started at her: “Now, Helen, for God's sake, I know how you feel-”

I growled at him, “Sit down and shut up. Can it!”

He was going to keep on comforting her. I bounced up and grabbed his shoulder and whirled him. “You're not a client here any more. Don't argue. Didn't I tell you scenes make me nervous?” I left him glaring and went to the cabinet and got a shot of brandy and a glass of cold water, and went and stood alongside Helen

Frost's chair. Pretty soon she got quieter, and then fished a handkerchief out of her bag and began

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