“We shall soon be through; I must leave you shortly. As for irrelevance, I warned you that we might wander anywhere. Indulge me in two more questions about your father's will: do you enter into complete possession and control on May seventh?”
“Yes, I do.”
“And in case of your death before your twenty-first birthday, who inherits?”
“If I were married and had a child, the child. If not, half to my uncle and half to his son, my cousin Lew.”
“Indeed. Nothing to your mother even then?”
“So. Your father fancied his side of that controversy.” Wolfe turned to
Llewellyn. “Take good care of your cousin for another five weeks. Should harm befall her in that time, you will have a million dollars and the devil will have his horns on your pillow. Wills are noxious things. Frequently. It is astonishing, the amount of mischief a man's choler may do long after the brain-cells which nourished the choler have rotted away.” He wiggled a finger at our client. “Soon, of course, you yourself must make a will, to dispose of the pile in case you should die on-say-May eighth, or subsequently. I suppose you have a lawyer?”
“No. I've never needed one.”
“You will now. That's what a fortune is for, to support the lawyers who defend it for you against depredation.” Wolfe glanced at the clock. “I must leave you.
I trust the afternoon has not been wasted; I suppose you feel that it has. I don't think so. May I leave it that way for the present? I thank you for your indulgence. And while we continue to mark tune, waiting for that confounded box to be found, I have a little favor to ask. Could you take Mr. Goodwin home to tea with you?”
Llewellyn's scowl, which had been turned on for the past hour, deepened. Helen
Frost glanced at me and then back at Wolfe.
“Why,” she said, “I suppose…if you want…”
“I do want. I presume it would be possible to have Mr, Gebert there?”
She nodded. “He's there now. Or he was when I phoned mother. Of course…you know…mother doesn't approve…”
“I'm aware of that. She thinks you're poking a stick in a hornets nest. But the fact is the police are the hornets; you've avoided them, and she hasn't. Mr.
Goodwin is a discreet and wholesome man and not without acuity. I want him to talk with Mr. Gebert, and with your mother too if she will permit it. You will soon be of age, Miss Frost; you have chosen to attempt a difficult and possibly dangerous project; surely you can prevail on your family and close friends for some consideration. If they are ignorant of any circumstance regarding Mr.
McNair's death, all the more should they be ready to establish that point and help us to stumble on a path that will lead us away from ignorance. So if you would invite Mr, Goodwin for a cup of tea…”
Llewellyn said sourly, “I think Dad's there, too, he was going to stay till we got back. It'll just be a big stew-if it's Gebert you want, why can't we send him down here? He'll do anything Helen tells him to.”
“Because for two hours I shall be engaged with my plants. Wolfe looked at the clock again, and got up from his chair. Our client was biting her lip. She quit that, and looked at me. “Will you have tea with us, Mr. Goodwin?”
I nodded. “Yeah. Much obliged.”
Wolfe, moving toward the door, said to her, “It is a pleasure to earn a fee from a client like you. You can come to a yes or no without first encircling the globe. I hope and believe that when we are finished you will have nothing to regret.” He moved on, and turned at the threshold. “By the way, Archie, if you will just get that package from your room before you leave. Put it on my bed.”
He went on to the elevator. I arose and told my prospective hostess I would be back in a minute, left the office and hopped up the stairs. I didn't stop at the second floor, where my room was, but kept going to the top, and got there almost as soon as the elevator did with the load it had. At the door to the plant rooms
Wolfe stood, awaiting me.
“One idea,” he murmured, “is to observe the reactions of the others upon the cousins' return from our office before there has been an opportunity for the exchange of information. Another is to get an accurate opinion as to whether any of them has ever seen the red box or has possession of it now. The third is a general assault on reticence.”
“Okay. How candid are we?”
“Reasonably so. Bear in mind that with all three there, the chances are many to one that you will be talking to the murderer, so the candor will be one-sided.
You, of course, will be expecting cooperation.”
“Sure, I always do, because I'm wholesome.”
I ran back downstairs and found that our client had on her hat and coat and gloves and her cousin was standing beside her, looking grave but a little doubtful.
I grinned at them. “Come on, children.”