“No, no…”
“Teleborian wrote this in a report that he sent to Bjorck. The report was then given to the district court, which decided that Salander should be cared for at St Stefan’s. Blomkvist’s version is missing the entire investigation conducted by Teleborian. In its place is an exchange between Bjorck and Teleborian, which has Bjorck instructing Teleborian to falsify a mental examination.”
“And you’re saying that it’s an invention, a forgery?”
“No question about it.”
“But who would be interested in creating such a thing?”
Nystrom put down the report and frowned. “Now you’re getting to the heart of the problem.”
“And the answer is…?”
“We don’t know. That’s the question our analytical group is working very hard to answer.”
“Could it be that Blomkvist made some of it up?”
Nystrom laughed. “That was one of our first thoughts too. But we don’t think so. We incline to the view that the falsification was done a long time ago, presumably more or less simultaneously with the writing of the original report. And that leads to one or two disagreeable conclusions. Whoever did the falsification was extremely well informed. In addition, whoever did it had access to the very typewriter that Bjorck used.”
“You mean…”
“We don’t know
“For what possible reason?”
“This happened in 1991. There could have been a Russian agent inside S.I.S. who had picked up Zalachenko’s trail. Right now we’re examining a large number of old personnel files.”
“But if the K.G.B. had found out… then it should have leaked years ago.”
“You’re right. But don’t forget that this was during the period when the Soviet Union was collapsing and the K.G.B. was dissolved. We have no idea what went wrong. Maybe it was a planned operation that was shelved. The K.G.B. were masters of forgery and disinformation.”
“But why would the K.G.B. want to plant such a forgery?”
“We don’t know that either. But the most obvious purpose would have been to involve the Swedish government in a scandal.”
Ekstrom pinched his lip. “So what you’re saying is that the medical assessment of Salander is correct?”
“Oh yes. Salander is, to put it in colloquial terms, stark raving mad. No doubt about that. The decision to commit her to an institution was absolutely correct.”
“Toilets,” Cortez repeated.
“You want to run a story on toilets? In
Eriksson could not help laughing. She had observed his ill-concealed enthusiasm when he sauntered into the Friday meeting, and she recognized all the signs of a reporter who had a story in the works.
“It’s really quite simple,” Cortez said. “The biggest industry in Sweden by far is construction. It’s an industry that in practice cannot be outsourced overseas, even if Skanska Construction opens an office in London and stuff like that. No matter what, the houses have to be built in Sweden.”
“But that’s nothing new.”
“No, but what
“Is there a story in that?”
“Wait. It’s complicated. Let’s say the price curve for hamburgers had been the same since the ’70s – so a Big Mac would cost about 150 kronor or more. I don’t want to guess what it would cost with fries and a Coke, but my salary at
Nobody said a word.
“Understandable. But when N.C.C. bangs together some sheet-metal cubes for exclusive rental at Gashaga on Lidingo, they ask 10–12,000 kronor a month for a three-cube apartment. How many of you are paying that much?”
“I couldn’t afford it,” Nilsson said.
“No, of course not. But you already live in a one-bedroom apartment by Danvikstull which your father bought for you twenty years ago, and if you were to sell it you’d probably get a million and a half for it. But what does a twenty-year-old do who wants to move out of the family home? They can’t afford to. So they sublet or sub-sublet or they live at home with their mothers until they retire.”
“So where do the toilets come into the picture?” Malm said.
“I’m getting to that. The question is, why are apartments so bloody expensive? Because the people commissioning the buildings don’t know how to set the price. To put it simply, a developer calls up Skanska Construction and says that they want a hundred apartments and asks what it will cost. And Skanska calculates it and comes back and says it’ll cost around 500 million kronor. Which means that the price per square metre will be X kronor and it would cost 10,000 a month if you wanted to move in. But unlike the McDonald’s example, you don’t really have a choice – you have to live somewhere. So you have to pay the going rate.”
“Henry, dear… please get to the point.”
“But that
There was impatient muttering around the table.
“You can read about a lot of this in a report from the government’s Construction Cost Delegation, which was active in the late ’90s. Since then not much has happened. No-one is talking to the construction companies about the unreasonable prices. The buyers cheerfully pay what they are told it costs, and in the end the price burden falls on the renters or the taxpayers.”
“Henry, the toilets?”
“The little that has changed since the Construction Cost Delegation’s report has happened at the local level, and primarily outside Stockholm. There are buyers who got fed up with the high construction prices. One example is Karlskrona Homes, which builds houses less expensively than anyone else by buying the materials themselves. And Svensk Handel has also got into the game. They think that the price of construction materials is absurd, so they’ve been trying to make it easier for companies to buy less expensive products that are equally good. And that led to a little clash at the Construction Fair in Alvsjo last year. Svensk Handel had brought in a man from Thailand who was selling toilets for 500 kronor apiece.”
“And what happened?”
“His nearest competitor was a Swedish wholesale outfit called Vitavara Inc., which sells genuine Swedish toilets for 1700 kronor apiece. And shrewd municipal buyers started to scratch their heads and wonder why they were shelling out 1700 kronor when they could get a similar toilet from Thailand for 500.”
“Better quality maybe,” Karim said.
“No. The exact same.”