
«My God, she's going to fuck the dog,» a woman sitting at a table nearby said in a hiss that was electrified with emotion.

Jan knelt and slowly, carefully, lovingly, started jacking Meat of … an act she was already expert in, and which the dog had learned to love almost as much fucking.

No one made a sound as Meat started coming, shooting his sticky gism into a wet stain on the stage. But Jan had no intention of merely giving a demonstration on the techniques of dog masturbation, so after a few moments of the hand job, she slithered beneath the dog's belly on her back and guided his huge dork deep into her mouth. She sucked deeply swallowing Meat's come as avidly she would have swallowed the come of any man in the world except Weird Stanley.

The woman who'd hissed her comment a few moments earlier turned her face away sharply when she realised Jan was blowing the dog, but her hand was under her skirt and it was obvious, had anyone been watching her, that she was frigging herself furiously.

Jan continued sucking Meat delicious cock, swallowing his come as rapidly as he shot it, but she had certain difficulty keeping his cock in her mouth, for be was hunching frantically in the desperation of his lust. After all, it had now been several hours since he'd fucked a human female, and he was so used to getting some every couple of hours he was really horny and feeling deprived.

Then Jan decided it was time to take Meat's cock into her pussy, so she rolled over and let Meat mount her from behind, just as he would a real bitch in heat. But his cock was at the wrong angle to go into her snatch without help. Before Jan could reach under herself and guide Meat's dork into her lovely young body, the woman who turned away when she was sucking the dog leaped up onto the stage, grasped Meat's cock and aimed it property into Jan's snatch. She even helped the dog make his insertion, pushing him forward until his cock was buried in Jan's thirteen-year-old cunt all the way to the hilt. Then she ripped off her clothes, and while Jan was getting a proper fucking from behind, dog fashion by a dog, she pressed her pussy right in Jan's face, urging the darling child to suck her off. Jan did her best, but no chick, not even Jan, could give a good blow job while being fucked so magnificently by such a marvelous dog as Meat.

And Meat's come was shooting into her, streaming out of her over-full pussy and flowing down the inner part of her thighs, making her sticky and absolutely in heaven. But, to oblige the woman who obviously needed sucking off as much as she did, Jan tried to give her a tongue job at the same time. The woman was so horny it took only a flick or two of the darling child's tongue on her clit before she came, but she wanted a lot more sucking than that, so she kept her cunt glued to the child's face.

Around the stage, and indeed, throughout the room, clothes were being rapidly discarded as one couple after the other set out to get the best of the fucking pleasure they could from the scene. And every man in the place had promised himself he was going to try and get a piece of Jan's ass before the night was over, for she was easily the most attractive, most exciting woman there. The fact that she was only thirteen and jail-bait wouldn't slow any one of them down.

Darling Jan had decided to let Meat fuck her as long as he wanted, for she had never yet exhausted the dog, so she remained on her knees, with her buttocks in the air, with the dog hunching and hunching away, seemingly never going to stop, for his cock was pouring endless quantifies of gism into her steaming snatch. The woman she had sucked was replaced by Tim Bessemer's steel-hard cock, which she sucked to orgasm quickly, not realising that the sight of her getting fucked by the dog was exciting everyone in the room to bizarre degrees.

She swallowed Tim Bessemer's come, felt her own Big Come crashing down upon her, and just held on while it happened. She throbbed and throbbed as Meat's cock kept sliding in and out of her, and before she was through Benny O'Boyle presented his cock for her attention. Benny's cock was thick, like a sausage, and kind of flabby. It never got as hard as Tim's, but it lasted longer when he was fucking with it, and darling Jan loved it just as much. She gave Benny the best blow job she could, and while she was so busily engaged, she became aware of a hush falling over the room, and she wondered why.

A few moments before, Robbie Lester had opened the back door and admitted Daisy Chain Sharon.

«Where have you been?» he whispered.

«I was looking for my daughter,» Sharon said. «She left the house earlier tonight, to take her dog for a walk, and she didn't come back.»

«Your … daughter … and … her … dog?» Robbie Lester said slowly, carefully.

«That's right,» Sharon said. She started stripping. «But on the way over here, I got stopped by the Los Patos police, and I had to give the son of a bitch a fast fuck down by the lake, or he would have given me a ticket. Get me a coke, so I can sluice out my pussy.»

Robbie turned away to do her bidding, wondering how in the hell he was going to be able to explain the action on the stage. He tried to get Davis' attention, but his partner had his nose buried in Garbage Lady's thick thatch of pussy hair and couldn't hear him. Then he decided there was nothing he could do, so he got Daisy Chain Sharon a coke and took it back to her.

She shook the bottle sharply a couple of times, until the liquid was foaming sharply, then thrust the neck of the bottle into her cunt. The foam spilled out of the bottle, into her cunt, washing it of its corrosive fuzz- come.

«There,» she said. «I feel better now. I'd hate to mix good people come with a cop's.»

«There's something you ought to know,» Robbie said as Daisy Chain Sharon started into the main part of the bar, but before he could tell her, she stopped cold, her eyes transfixed on the action on the stage.

Darling Jan was avidly swallowing Benny O'Boyle's come, while Meat was still hunching away frantically, his cock buried in Jan's cunt. And as Daisy Chain Sharon recognised her daughter, she watched a woman pulled the dog from Jan's cunt and guide it into her own. At the same time, Dyed Annie crawled up behind Jan and started licking and sucking the doggy come from her cunt and her thighs.

«What … what I was going to tell you,» Robbie Lester said weakly, suddenly feeling her band cupping his three balls. For a terrifying moment, he was afraid he was going to lose them, but then she started stroking his cock.

«Come on, you horse-fucking son of a bitch,» Daisy Chain Sharon said. «Let's get up there and join her. I'm sure she can teach me some things about how to fuck that dog.»

Robbie felt a strong surge of relief fill him, and he followed her to the stage. Jan didn't them approach until they were on stage and fucking. There was an uncomfortable pause in the rhythm of the fucking as mother and daughter looked at each other for the first time and really saw each other.

«Oh, hi, Mom,» Jan said nervously. «Fancy running into you here.»

Daisy Chain Sharon smiled warmly.

«Finish what you're doing,» she said. «I've always taught you not to talk with your mouth full. We'll talk later.»

With her mother's seal of approval on her fucking activities, lovely young Jan turned back the cock she'd been sucking on with gusto and finished the stranger off in a matter of a few sucks. Meanwhile, she'd had a succession of men replacing the dog, after her cunt and thighs had been licked clean, and she'd had more men than she'd expected in a month of orgasms. So she struggled away from the eager fuckers trying to get a piece of her body, noted that Meat was already exhausted, sleeping in the back corner of the stage and that her mother had a cock in her pussy and a cock in her mouth.

Jan went to sit at a table on the dance floor, to watch her mother finishing with her fucking, for suddenly now the two of them had much to talk about. They'd found a level of communication both could understand, and Jan knew that from now on she and her mother would be very close.

The darling child wondered briefly what her mother's pussy was going to taste like?

She decided to save that for home, later. She and her mother and Meat had quite a life ahead of them.

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