believe it’s time that the lieutenant receive a captainship,” Edward observed.
“Feeling guilty?” Darcy taunted.
“I just sent my aide into battle poorly armed. Yes, I’m feeling damned guilty.”
Chapter 15

Darcy found her in her chambers. Hannah assisted her mistress with a clothing change. They’d attend the services that she’d suggested to Mr. Winkler last summer. Elizabeth thought it a unique opportunity at the time, but now she wasn’t so certain. Christmas would fall on Sunday, and she’d thought the day’s significance would be lost to the usual Sunday service. The thought had occurred shortly after she’d discovered that for a third time she carried Darcy’s child, and her fear and her maternal instinct had both arisen at the same time. Elizabeth had thought it a good omen to recognize the birth of the Christ child in a joyous manner.
“Could we not have a celebration of the children?” she had asked Mr. Winkler over afternoon tea. Her hand had instinctively rested on her abdomen.
Winkler had responded enthusiastically, “It’s a wonderful idea. Mr. Lancaster’s been working with some of the village and estate children. How about a children’s choir?”
The idea had grown from there, and tonight would be the first such celebration. Elizabeth was a bit worried over the community’s reception.
Upon his entrance, Darcy motioned Hannah away and took up the lacing of his wife’s gown. They actually each served as the other’s dresser on a regular basis. It was part of their natural closeness. “You look lovely,” he said as he examined her appearance. The deep forest green dress brightened her hazel-colored eyes and contrasted with Elizabeth’s pale skin.
Elizabeth glanced over her shoulder at him. “I feel lovely.” Her smile followed. “Thank you for today. Returning to Pemberley to find my sisters and parents was a gift I’ll cherish always.” She turned into Darcy’s arms and lifted her chin for his kiss.
“The contented look in your eyes when you were in Father Bennet’s embrace was worth the trouble of arranging everything. It’s been too long since you had the Bennets as company.” He pulled her closer and buried his face in Elizabeth’s hair. “I want you to be happy, Elizabeth.”
She turned her head to kiss his temple. “I am happy, Fitzwilliam. I cannot imagine being any place but Pemberley, but seeing my dear family again has been a balm to my grieving heart.You’ve given me so much of yourself in your gesture.”
Darcy kissed her deeply. His wife smelled of the lavender oil that she preferred in her bath, and she was warm and soft in his arms. “I want you safe — want to protect you. I love you, Elizabeth.” He kissed her fiercely with all the love they shared.
Elizabeth laughed easily when his lips released her. She rested her head on his chest. “We’ve everything we need as long as we’re together.”
He kissed the top of her head before he stepped away and sat on the side of her bed. “Did you have a pleasant time with your family this afternoon?”
“The house has so much greenery. Every room has garlands of holly and rosemary and laurel.” He watched as her excitement grew. “Kitty hung mistletoe in every room.” She turned quickly to Darcy. “By the way, Georgiana reports that Mr. Winkler has spoken to Papa and plans to speak to you about Kitty. It appears that my suspicions regarding his interest in my sister may prove correct, after all.”
Darcy’s eyebrow rose in amusement. “Mr. Foxmour praised Kitty’s empathy during his mother’s final hours. She accompanied Winkler when Foxmour summoned the clergyman to his cottage. It makes sense that your sister saw a need to attend the services with Georgiana,” he observed.
“I’m certain Mr. Winkler’s the basis of Kitty’s motivations, but maybe not as you expect. According to our sister, she asked Kitty to accompany her today rather than the other way around. In addition, the Foxmours’ situation has enthralled Kitty. She taught the young girls something about art and helped them create a drawing — several drawings, in fact — that Mr. Foxmour placed in his mother’s casket. One drawing was of the late lady’s dream dress. When my sister returned to Pemberley, she spent hours reworking a gown she found in the attic for Mrs. Foxmour’s burial. Kitty has shown herself to possess all the compassion she’ll need as Mr. Winkler’s wife.”
Darcy evaluated his wife’s words and doubted her conclusion. Although he’d noted Kitty’s improvement, he still retained images of a flighty, giggling Kitty tagging behind Lydia Bennet Wickham at the Netherfield Ball. “Mr. Winkler will be a good influence on Kitty.”
“You’ll give Mr. Winkler your approval, shall you not?” Elizabeth asked apprehensively. “It would be a good match, and I’d enjoy having her so close to Pemberley.”
Darcy frowned. Although Winkler would be an excellent match both socially and emotionally for Kitty, the idea of his wife’s sister marrying a clergyman — one depending on him for a living — needed to be considered.What would the community think? What of the
Elizabeth, who’d been braiding her hair as they spoke, turned quickly to look sharply at him. “Surely you won’t consider denying Kitty’s match because of Georgiana’s Society entrance. You’d punish my sister to benefit yours? Would not the Earl’s influence counter Kitty’s alliance with Winkler? The man is a gentleman’s son. He’s not a tradesman or a simple farmer.”
Darcy knew there had been a time when his wife would have said more — would have argued unreasonably. “As this is the first I’ve heard of Winkler’s attentions beyond your speculations, please allow me to hear the man out. I’ll protect Kitty’s interest, as well as Georgiana’s. I’ll deal with each honestly and honorably.”
Elizabeth’s ire faded. “That’s all I can ask, Fitzwilliam,” she said grudgingly.
“Trust me, Elizabeth,” Darcy insisted.
“I do,” she responded. “I just want the best for both our sisters.”
Darcy added, “As do I.”
Elizabeth returned to dressing her hair. He knew they’d have this conversation again, but not until he met with the clergyman. “Would you mind if I kept Kitty with me when my parents return to Hertfordshire?”
“If that’s your wish, I have no objections. Kitty is good company for both you and Georgiana,” he observed.
Elizabeth twisted her long braid and wrapped it tightly in a simple loop at her nape. “What are we to do with Lady Catherine?” she asked.
“Her Ladyship’s presence is something for which I have no contingencies.”
“That is obvious. Why now? After all the times that Lady Catherine has ignored your gestures for a reconciliation? Why now, Fitzwilliam?”
Darcy came to stand behind her so they might converse through their reflections in her dressing mirror. It was important for her to see his facial expressions when he spoke. “I know not why my aunt has chosen this time to return to Pemberley. I’ll speak to her privately once we return from services. If she expresses her usual disdain, I’ll see her on her way on Boxing Day. If not, it is my understanding that she plans to depart on Tuesday.”
Elizabeth smiled humorously. “I’ll have to write to both Mrs. Washington and Mrs. Joseph and express my gratitude for their detaining us in Harrogate. At the most, I’ll have to tolerate Lady Catherine’s venom for three days more. It could’ve been for a full week.”
Darcy’s eyebrow rose in answer. “There’s that blessing.” He bent to kiss Elizabeth’s exposed shoulder. “Please remember, my love. In this house, you’re the mistress. You take precedence over all others, including my aunt.”