the Nova of 1978, and most of all for being a friend, loyal and true.

To Cindee Grace, for drawing me to L.A. in 1974. To Teny Zuber, with thanks for the printout and the patient ear. To Bernie Zuber, wherever you are. To Marggy Garron, for the psychic vibes. To Kathleen McGuinness, for the striking image.

To Sandy McIntosh-another patient listener-for her insights into preChristianity and the Art. To George Smith and Wendy McElroy, erstwhile proprietors of Lysander's Books, for George's superb book Atheism-The Case Against God, and for yet another sympathetic writer's ear (Wendy's).

To Estelle and The Weirz, for the music. To Bob Segar and to the Commodores for two seminal (or should that be oval?) tunes-'Still the Same' and 'Three Times a Lady'.

To James Phillip Nobel, who introduced me to real-life Adventure, screwing up my mind-and conning me into following my dreams.

To Andrew J. Offutt, for letting me write a couple of books that kept the wolves from the door.

To Claire Simler, who dragged me back to work so that I could meet the woman in my dreams. Thank you. Veronica and I are sorry you had to leave us so soon. Vanessa will know your name.

And most important, to Veronica, whom I met and liked and thought I'd never see again and whom I met a


time and fell in love with. And to our beautiful daughter, Vanessa.

Umm, does that cover most everyone?

1 September, 1989 Los Angeles, USA

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