And in that year, at that conflagration, there was revealed once again upon the world that presence that had been withdrawn for so long. All else must be disregarded as mere commentary. That new old lurking presence asserted itself and the Night acquired the taste of blood and iron.
The breath of Rillish's mount fogged in the cool night air. He stroked her muzzle, waiting in the courtyard alongside his readied troop.
‘Riders,’ Chord said aside though Rillish could hear them just as well.
Shortly afterwards the twins followed by a guard of some twenty veterans thundered into the courtyard. They reined in close to Rillish. The brother and sister wore thick dark-blue tunics sashed with trousers and leather boots. Nether's long hair was pulled back and tied in leather strips. Horn-handled long-knives thrust forward from under their arms. Nil looked down at him and the severe set of his mouth tightened further. ‘Just you, Captain.’
He glanced between them — something had changed. They looked… intent upon something neither were happy about. Talia appeared at his side, took his hand while disguising the gesture between their bodies. ‘Just me?’
Nether motioned to the road. ‘Come. We must hurry.’
‘Very well.’ He mounted, caught Sergeant Chord's eye. ‘Take care of things for me here, Sergeant.’ Chord tilted his head in assent, spat on to the ground.
Talia had a hand on his boot. ‘What's going on?’ she asked, her voice low.
‘I don't know. Listen to Chord.’ He adjusted the weight of his new hauberk of banded iron, the hang of his swords. ‘Take care of yourself. I'll… I'll see you later.’
‘Come back to me,’ she said, her voice so tight as to be almost breathless.
The twins urged their mounts onward and the troop exploded forward, hooves hammering the beaten earth of the court. Rillish noted that almost all the guard accompanying Nil and Nether were old veterans of the Seven Cities campaigns — a hard-bitten if ancient lot. They drove hard, taking the road south, and as they went they passed contingent after contingent waiting strung out along the darkened road.
‘What's going on?’ he shouted.
He was relieved when Nil offered him a familiar smile. ‘You remember our conversations some days ago? We are setting out to seal our agreement with the throne. And in such a way that cannot be denied! We, above all, have reason to detest Laseen but here we are riding to her deliverance.’ He shook his head. ‘Such is politics.’
‘Is this what the envoy-’
A negative wave. Nil pushed his wind-tossed hair from his face. ‘No. This is nothing to do with him. We and the witches have been sensing the west. All are agreed a confrontation is gathering such as Quon has not seen in a century. We go to tip the balance and our price of Laseen will be sovereignty!’
And he rode with them. He leant to Nil once more. ‘I am honoured, Nil. But why me? Why am I here?’
A fey, easy laugh. ‘Should we win through, Captain, someone must negotiate. You know your own court's ways. You must study every word, every statute. Make sure the terms are binding!’
‘I shall, Nil.’
‘Good! I know you will,’ and he laughed in a completely unrestrained boyish manner. That's why I'm so relieved — I won't have to do any of that!’
The column reached a bridge and rumbled across, the hooves sounding like a thunderstorm over the cut and set limestone blocks of its sturdy arches. Torches appeared at nearby guardhouses, inns and farmhouses, but the column passed on, heading west into what was once the sovereign state of Bloor.
Rillish knew, of course, that the Wickans had no intention of riding all the way to Heng. That left travel through Warren — another reason perhaps that he alone had been chosen to accompany them, having just recently endured such a mad journey. And he frankly dreaded any revisit.
Yet he had to admit to some curiosity: how would it be done? All some thousand of them? Such a passage would be unheard of. From what he had pieced together mage-invoked travel through Warren was similar to that of a mouse daring a daylight raid upon a cat's milk-pan. Done most timorously.
Again, however, the grim and deadly intent upon the faces around him determined his answer: none intended a return in any case. Therefore, no price, no matter how high, would prevent their going. Gods! And he was part of this charge!
He urged his mount close to Nil once more. ‘What Warren?’ he called.
The young warlock pulled his gaze from ahead, appeared puzzled for a time, then grinned. ‘Much debate and snarling surrounding that, Captain. Which would afford quickest passage? One was finally agreed upon — the one least likely to invoke the wrath of any guardian — the Abyss itself!’ And he laughed, kicking his mount on ahead.
Stunned, Rillish let his horse ease back into line.
Ahead, the starry sky swirled, blurring and smearing in a sickening way. The road broke up in wavering lines like those of heat-mirages, though the night was cool. Rillish chanted prayers to Fanderay, Soliel, the Queen of Dreams, Dessembrae, and Trake: may they find a firm something under the hooves of their mounts and air to breathe. The column's van, led by Nil and Nether together with a troop of other warlocks and witches, disappeared into the void revealed beyond, opening the way. The column pressed onward, unflinching, and Rilllish felt a scream gathering itself in his chest. It clawed its way up to his throat as his place in the ranks neared the void, then burst forth along with other shouts and calls from those alongside him as many drew swords, mounts leaping,
From cover lying flat within tall grass at the crest of a hill, the setting sun behind, Hurl, flanked by Sergeant Banath, scanned the battlefield. It looked to her as if the Imperials were doing far better than she'd imagined. The Malazan forces controlled the ground in the east and the west, but the Guard still held the centre. Banath motioned to where the Pilgrim Way descended into the Idryn river valley. ‘Will they move on the bridge, you think?’
‘I don't think so.’
‘What if the Guard breaks through — what's to stop them from heading north?’ and Banath raised his chin to where the tall glowing pavilion advertised the presence of the Imperial person herself.
‘They might. But I don't think she'll hang around for them.’
‘So, what's the objective here?’
Hurl motioned him back down the hillock. ‘Annihilation.’ They jogged back down to the copse of woods where her troop waited with Rell, Liss and the three brothers. Hurl came to Liss's side. ‘You'll keep us hidden?’
The shamaness nodded. ‘As well as I can, but I'll confess, the magic unleashed on the far side of those hills is like a return to the old campaigns where the mage cadre ruled the field. And I fear we'll see much worse through the night.’
‘We're just here for Ryllandaras.’
‘Oh? What of relieving the Empress?’