'Much more than that, actually. A million,even two. Things like bone marrow replacements and liver transplants. Atwenty-five-year-old mental patient who can't make it outside of a hospitalwill be in seven figures before he's thirty-five. And his life expectancy isn'tmuch different than normal.'
'What happens to the names you come upwith?'
Stallings bit at his lower lip.
'I am to hand-deliver them to each of theother knights — not including you, apparently, I guess you're still onprobation. Then I am to transfer into a Swiss bank account an amount equalingtwenty-five percent of the total that person's care would cost my company.Lancelot explained that the funds I transfer will come from payouts to a set ofnonexistent patients. He seemed very proud of the system, which he says istried and true, and foolproof. Those were his exact words:
'Then what happens to the patients?'
Sir Gawaine shrugged helplessly.
'They die,' he said.
'You mean they're murdered in thehospital?'
'Lancelot never used that word. My companywould achieve a net savings — that's just how he put it, 'netsavings' — of around a million and a half to two million a month.'
'Oh, I just don't believe that. Surelythere must be some other explanation.'
'Go ahead and try to come up with one. Idid. How else is that kind of money going to be saved?'
'And all the rest of them are doing this,too?'
'As far as I know.'
'This is crazy. How can they do it? Howcould they keep getting away with it over and over again?'
Stallings dropped the printout back intohis briefcase, snapped it shut, and adjusted each of the combination wheels.
'I don't know. But I kept thinking aboutthat DellaRosa woman. I think whoever injected her with that stuff must be theone who. .'
His voice trailed away. He stared off at adistant freighter. Not far from where they were sitting, a teenage girl intight shorts and a tank top Rollerbladed past, hand-in-hand with a tall, ganglyboy.
'Did you ask Lancelot about DellaRosa?'
'I mentioned her. But he claimed that ifshe and Desiree were the same person, he surely would have known it. I askedwho handled matters in the hospital, and how they did it. All he said was, thatwasn't his department.'
'There's got to be something youmisunderstood.'
'Kevin, did they promise you an additionalbonus of one percent of everything your company saves through your work withThe Roundtable?'
'Me, too. Well, Lancelot took specialpains to point out what one percent of a million five to two million a monthcomes to. He also pointed out things we all know — that the cost of caring forcritically ill and terminally ill patients has spiraled out of control, thatall our companies are being battered as never before, and that health carereforms, what with premium caps and all, is only making matters worse. He saidthat the money being saved by our efforts meant more jobs and better servicesthroughout the industry. At one point, he listed a bunch of conditions likeAIDS, metastic cancer, and muscular dystrophy. 'Truthfully, now,' hesaid, 'to all intents and purposes, considering that doctors haveabsolutely no treatments available to cure any of these diseases, when thediagnosis is made, these people are as good as dead. Right?'
'And you want to know the worst part,Loomis? The worst part is that as he talked on, I found myself burying into thewhole thing! Dollars and cents, profit and loss,
'I knew one of the women on that list ofhis.'
Stallings nodded. 'That's why I keptsignaling you to stop. Kevin, these people mean business. We were on our wayback to the city when I asked Lancelot what would happen if I decided not toparticipate in this program. He said that he really didn't believe anythingwould happen. He explained that only one knight had ever refused to participate- Sir Lionel. That was about a year ago. But before The Roundtable could decidewhether or not he'd be allowed to continue with them, he got some sort of foodpoisoning and died.'
'Oh God,' Kevin groaned. 'I know all aboutthat guy. When he died, his company lost its seat on The Roundtable completely.In fact, it was probably given to you. My boss used him to illustrate what Iwould cost our company and myself if I was ever removed and not replaced. ButJim, Lionel didn't die from food poisoning. It was from a coronary
'Go ahead, say it. Just like EvelynDellaRosa and heaven only knows about how many other patients with expensivediseases.'
Kevin felt ill.
'Did Lancelot make it sound like Lionel'sdeath was something they engineered? I mean, did he say it like a threat?'
'I don't know for sure. He's got thissmile that's impossible to read.'
Kevin nodded. He'd had the same responseto Pat Harper.
'Well, he just kept smiling through thewhole Lionel story. I wasn't sure what to make of it, but it gave me thecreeps. I didn't know what to say to him.'
'So how was it left?'
Stallings looked away again.
'I have until tomorrow night to come upwith the first set of names and transfer the funds.'
'Oh, no. And who gets the money? Theknights? The guy who. . who does it?'
'I don't know. But if you multiply my twoor three clients by two or three for each of the others, that's a hell of a lotof money.'
'And every one of those people just. .dies?'
'They're all pretty sick. And there are somany hospitals and patients in the city that apparently no one really thinksabout there being anything out of the ordinary going on … Loomis, what are wegoing to do?'
'Listen, maybe the whole thing is justsome sort of loyalty test,' Kevin offered desperately.
'You know you don't believe that.'
'Jim, I don't know anything. Why couldn'tyou just blow the whistle?'
'On what? On who? I have no proof ofanything. Not even the name of a single patient. Besides, if The Roundtabledoes get exposed, I go down along with the rest of you. What about my family,my kids?'
'Well, what then? Show up at the meetingand just beg them to stop?'
'It's a possibility.'
'What about Sir Lionel and his foodpoisoning?'
'That's why I decided to chance sharingall this with you. If there are two of us, I think as long as we sticktogether, we might be able to convince the rest of them to stop.'
'I need to think about this.'
'Just don't take too long. I only haveuntil tomorrow to give them the names and. . and I don't think I can do it.'He checked the time. 'Listen, I'm due back at the office in a few minutes.Please, Loomis, please. Don't say a word to anyone until we talk again. Okay?'
'I promise.'
'Not to your boss, not to your wife, notto anyone.'
Stallings was genuinely terrified. And ifhe was right about The Roundtable, Kevin had no trouble understanding why.
'I'll call you before tomorrow night,'Stallings said. They exchanged business cards, and each wrote his home phonenumber on the back. 'And Kevin, please wait five or ten minutes after I gobefore you start back.'