Kate looked away. 'I guess.'
'I'm sorry, Kate.'
Kate put her hand on her arm. 'That's okay. Let's just get on with this.'
Caroline nodded sympathetically. 'We should really do this back at the station.'
'White City?'
'You can't be serious?'
'Any evidence I collect here won't be admissible in court, you do know that?'
'I know, Caroline. But I can't go there. Not with this.'
'You wouldn't be the first.'
'I just want to know what happened. After that . . .' Kate shrugged. She had absolutely no idea what she would do if her fears were confirmed.
Dr Akunin opened up her medical bag, took out some plastic bags and a pair of latex gloves. She pulled the gloves on, snapping the latex tight to her fingers. 'You'd better get undressed then.'
PC Bob Wilkinson scowled as he looked down at the body that lay barely hidden in the undergrowth. He sighed, unclipped his police radio from its holster and he shared a look with his colleague, a young, black constable called Danny Vine. The boy was ashen, he looked down at what lay on the ground and then dashed off to the bushes to be violently sick.
'Foxtrot Alpha from thirty-two.'
His police radio crackled. 'Go ahead, Bob.'
Wilkinson looked over at his colleague who had stood up and was now wiping the blue serge of his uniformed arm across his mouth. He felt sorry for him, you never got used to it, though, even after nearly thirty years. 'We have an IC1 female. Somewhere in her twenties.' He paused. 'It's not an accidental death.'
Kate stood in the centre of the white cotton sheet that Caroline had spread on the floor. The doctor was on her knees in front of Kate with a comb in her hand. Kate looked away as she worked, carefully placing the combed hairs in a small, clear plastic bag.
'When was the last time you had consensual sex, Kate?'
Her memory flashed back to around three weeks ago. She had no trouble recalling that.
Jack Delaney.
She remembered the savagery of their lovemaking. Remembered him on top of her, penetrating her almost painfully, his powerful arms clutching her tight to his muscular body like a life raft as he rode the waves of their passion. She remembered his soft eyes wet with emotion as he shuddered to a climax, taking her with him. She remembered the absolute nakedness of his emotions as he held on too long afterwards, kissing her salty shoulder and whispering her name like a prayer.
And she remembered the love she felt for him.
She looked over at the curtained window and felt tears running down her cheeks again.