The supervisor nodded, seemed only slightly angered. 'You say that even when you need us. The plagues warped both you and the Authority. If it hadn't been for those strange accidents, how different things would be. In fact, given a free hand, we could have saved people like this boy from ever having been diseased.'

'How?' asked Wili.

'Why, with another plague,' the other replied lightly, reminding Wili of the 'mad scientists' in the old TV shows Irma and Bill watched. To suggest a plague after all the plagues had done. 'Yes, another. You see, your problem was caused by genetic damage to your parents. The most elegant countermeasure would be to tailor a virus that moves through the population, correcting just those genotypes that cause the problem.'

Fascination with experiment was clear in his voice. Wili didn't know what to think of his savior, this man of goodwill who might be more dangerous than the Peace Authority and all the Jonque aristocrats put together.

The supervisor sighed and turned off the display. 'And yes, I suppose we are crazier than before, maybe even less responsible. After all, we've pinned our whole lives on our beliefs, while the rest of you could drift in the open light without fearing the Authority...

'In any case, there are other ways of curing your disease, and we've known them for decades.' He glanced at Rosas. 'Safer ways.' He walked part way down the corridor to a locker and glanced at a display by the door. 'Looks like we have enough on hand.' He filled an ordinary looking glass bottle from the locker and returned. 'Don't worry, no plague stuff. This is simply a parasite — I should say a symbiont.' He laughed shortly. 'In fact, it's a type of yeast. If you take five tablets every day till the bottle's empty, you'll establish a stable culture in your gut. You should notice some improvement within ten days.'

He put the jar in Wili's hand. The boy stared. 'Just here, take this and all your problems will be gone by morning-' Or in ten days, or whatever. Where was the sacrifice, the pain? Salvation came this fast in dreams alone.

Rosas did not seem impressed. 'Very well. Red Arrow and the others will pay as promised: programs and hardware to your specifications for three years.' The words were spoken with some effort, and Wili realized just how reluctant a guide Miguel Rosas had been — and how important Paul Naismith's wishes were to the Tinkers.

The supervisor nodded, for the first time cowed by Rosas' hostility, for the first time realizing that the trade would produce no general gratitude or friendship.

Wili jumped down from the table and they started back to the stairs. They had not gone ten steps when Jeremy said, 'Sir, you said Eden?' His voice sounded difdent, almost frightened. But still curious. After all, Jeremy was the one who dared the Authority with his self-powered vehicles. Jeremy was the one who always talked of science remaking the world. 'You said Eden. What could you do besides cure a few diseases?'

The supervisor seemed to realize there was no mockery in the question. He stopped under a bright patch of ceiling and gestured Jeremy Sergeivich closer. 'There are many things, son. But here is one... How old do you think I am? How old do you think the others at the winery are?'

Discounting the greenish light that made everyone look dead, Wili tried to guess. The skin was smooth and firm, with just a hint of wrinkles around the eyes. The hair looked natural and full. He had thought forty before. Now he would say even younger.

And the others they had seen? About the same. Yet in any normal group of adults, more than half were past fifty. And then Wili remembered that when the supervisor spoke of the War, he talked like an oldster, of time in personal memory. 'We' decided this, and 'we' did that.

He had been adult at the time of the War. He was as old as Naismith or Kaladze.

Jeremy's jaw sagged, and after a moment he nodded shyly. His question had been answered. The supervisor smiled at the boy. 'So you see, Mr. Rosas talks of risks — and they may be as great as he claims. But what's to gain is very great, too.' He turned and walked the short distance to the stair door

— which opened in his face. It was one of the workers from the cask room. 'Juan,' the man began talking fast, 'the place is being deep-probed. There are helicopters circling the fields. Lights everywhere.'


The supervisor stepped back, and the man came off the spiral stair.

'What! Why didn't you call down? Never mind, I know. Have you powered down all Banned equipment?' The man nodded. 'Where is the boss?'

'She's sticking at the front desk. So are the others. She's going to try to brazen it out.'

'Hmm. ' The supervisor hesitated only a second. 'It's really the only thing to do. Our shielding should hold up. They can inspect the cask room all they want.' He looked at the three Northerners. 'We two are going up and say hello to the forces of worldwide law and order. If they ask, we'll tell them you've already departed along the beach route.'

Wili's cure might still be safe.

The supervisor made some quick adjustment at a wall panel. The fungus gradually dimmed, leaving a single streak that wobbled off into the dark. 'Follow the glow and you'll eventually reach the beach. Mr. Rosas, I hope you understand the risk we take in letting you go. If we survive, I expect you to make good on our bargain.'

Rosas nodded, then awkwardly accepted the other's flashlight. He turned and hustled

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