The armorer shook his head. 'How could I, sir? My parents are long dead. My brother and sisters are
'Awkward?' Hans supplied.
'Exactly that, sir. It would be too awkward.'
'I understand. Have you picked a wife yet?'
'Yes, sir. Nice girl. A widow who lost her husband down in the Balks facing the infidel Greeks.'
'Ah. Yes. 'A troop sergeant's widow's the nicest, I'm told.' How old is she?'
'Half my age plus seven years,' the armorer answered. 'Just as the Prophet, peace be upon him, recommended. She already has a kid. I've been helping out a little with money.'
'Sounds perfect,' agreed Hans.
He went silent then, as he reassembled the submachine gun he'd been inspecting. When finished, he handed it back to the armorer, saying, 'It all looks good. Tell me, is there a good place to buy personal arms in town?'
Hans pointed at the submachine gun with his chin. 'Maybe one or two of those and a couple of pistols. Just for practice, you understand. Well . . . that and the sheer joy of owning my own, now that I'm an
'Oh, yes, sir. I understand perfectly. Walnhov's your place. Tell the owner, Achmed's his name, that Sig will rip his balls off if he cheats you.' Sig, the armorer, hastily amended, 'Not that he would. He's one of us, too.'
Nuremberg, Federal Republic of Germany,
1 December, 2011
The city had seen much beauty in its centuries as it had, too, much ugliness, from party rallies to war crimes trials and hangings, with bomb and fire and ruin in between. As with every city in Germany, its history was an eloquent witness to the horrors of war, a demanding call for a better way. Though there had been peace for sixty- six years, yet the stones and the tortured bricks remembered . . . yet children still learned from adults.
In the
She sat on her mother's lap; Gabrielle enduring the thing for the baby's sake and not from any religious devotion of her own. Still, despite the religious theme, Gabi found herself drawn into the pageant. Perhaps it was only because of the reminder of her own innocent and trouble-free babyhood. That, and that Amal was certainly enjoying it.
As the lovely blond girl with the curls and the golden crown had said, at the opening, from the gallery of the Church of Our Lady, 'You gentlemen and ladies, who were once children, too . . . '
The air was cold but still, still enough that their coats held warmth enough for comfort. A children's choir was forming up as Gabi rose with Amal in her arms. She didn't have to stay for that; the singing would reach to every little corner and stall of the Markt. And, in a way, it would be all the better for being background.
'Mommy,' Amal asked, 'Will Daddy be here this Christmas?'
'He says he can't, Honey,' Gabi answered. 'He's still working over there and that he can't take vacation for Christmas this year. He promised to be here for your birthday, though.'
Tax in Germany was becoming a problem, even in
Gabi watched Amal's eyes as they passed a stand with spicy Nuremberg gingerbread on display. She made as if to keep going, watching the baby's eyes stay fixed on the treats. Then she turned, abruptly, scooped up a piece and passed it to the girl. Gabi took a silver and gold colored two Euro coin and gave it to the stall keeper.
While she awaited her change, the baby leaned over and kissed her cheek.
'Thank you, Mommy.'
Chapter Fourteen
We hope that we can either return to the policies of that imagined past or approximate some imagined ideal to recapture our innocence. It is easier than facing the hard truth: America's expansiveness, intrusiveness, and tendency toward political, economic, and strategic dominance are not some aberration from our true nature. That
—Robert Kagan, 'Cowboy Nation'
Honsvang, Province of Baya, 16 Muharram,
1538 AH (27 October, 2113)
'Merry fucking Christmas!' Hamilton exclaimed at the display of chemical and metal deadliness laid out in the sitting room of his suite. Hans hadn't stopped with the single submachine gun and two pistols he'd mentioned to Sig, the armorer. 'If we hadn't arranged for maid service to be cancelled, we'd be fucked.'
'Not really,' Bernie corrected. 'All this will fit in the lockable armoires. I just wanted to do an inventory.'
'Nerve agent antidote?' Bernie asked.
'Two containers of three each,' Hans answered, pointing to a bed.
'What do you need NAA for?' Hamilton.
'Incapacitate people we don't want to kill,' Hans answered.
'Fair enough,' Hamilton agreed. 'What about the mines?'
'Rather than wait, I buried a dozen of them near the road to af- Fridhav, last night,' Hans answered. 'Along