14. J. M. Lawrence, 'Molesters Hide Evil behind Image of the Normal Guy,'
15. According to the FBI, 'classic' abductions, in which a child is taken by a nonfamily member more than fifty miles from home, held overnight, and ransomed or murdered, number two hundred to three hundred annually, or 1 child in every 230,000 (as of 1997).
16. FBI statistics, phone interview, summer 1993.
17. Lieutenant Bill D'Heron points out that the case is still open. Phone interview with the lieutenant, of the Hollywood (Florida) Police Department detectives unit, December 15, 1998.
18. Laliberte, 'Missing Children,' 78.
19. Anna C. Salter, 'Epidemiology of Child Sexual Abuse,' in
20. See Paul Okami, ''Slippage' in Research on Child Sexual Abuse: Science as Social Advocacy,' in
21. Quoted in Bruce Selcraig, 'Chasing Computer Perverts,'
22. More than eight times more people were incarcerated for low-level sex offenses in 1992 than in 1980. Bureau of Justice Statistics, 'Correctional Populations in the United States,' report, Washington, D.C., 1992, 53.
23. Federal Bureau of Investigation, 'Uniform Crime Reports: Crime in the U.S.,' report, Washington, D.C., 1993, 217.
24. Okami and Goldberg, 'Personality Correlates,' 317-20. The article is an excellent review of the literature.
25. In one study, fewer than a fifth of pedophiles interviewed said they desired genital sex, whereas another fifth wanted 'non-sexual, platonic friendships.' Glenn D. Wilson and David N. Cox,
26. Okami and Goldberg, 'Personality Correlates,' 297-328. A study of the members of a British pedophile organization found that 'the majority [of subjects] showed no sign of clinically significant psychopathy or thought disorder.' Wilson and Cox,
27. Wilson and Cox (
28. There was no proof of a sexual relationship between the two men. Nor was there any of a general propensity toward child molesting in the Sicari family, although police inferred one from the conviction of Salvi's sixteen-year-old brother in a sexual encounter with a ten-year-old boy. The gay historian Allan Berube suggested that the crime fit another stereotype and piqued another fear: that the child molester's prey is not only a boy but a white boy (author conversation with Berube).
29. Margaret A. Alexander, 'Quasi-Meta-Analysis II, Oshkosh Correctional Institution,' State of Wisconsin Department of Corrections/Oshkosh Correctional Institution report, Oshkosh, 1994; Lita Furby et al., 'Sex Offender Recidivism: A Review,'
30. These numbers are inflated by reoffenses by adult rapists. In her metanalysis of seventy-nine studies encompassing almost eleven thousand subjects, Oshkosh (Wisconsin) Correctional Institution clinical director Margaret Alexander reconfirmed the fact that men who rape adult women are the most intransigent, with about a fifth striking again whether they undergo a treatment program in prison or not. But men arrested for having sex with children are usually overcome with shame and remorse; they want to stop. For them, good treatment has made a great difference: Since 1943, an average of 11 percent of 'child molesters' who were treated in jails, hospitals, and outpatient clinics found their way back to prison, compared with 32 percent of those who took part in no treatment. Margaret A. Alexander, 'Sexual Offender Treatment Efficacy Revisited,' State of Wisconsin Department of Corrections/Oshkosh Correctional Institution report, Oshkosh, May 1998. There's also evidence that better treatment is increasingly successful. Before 1980, recidivism among treated sex offenders was almost 30 percent; after 1980, it dropped to 8.4 percent. Eric Lotke, 'Sex Offenders: Does Treatment Work?' National Center for Institutions and Alternatives report, Washington, D.C., 1996, 5.
31. James R. Kincaid,
32. Judith Lewis Herman,
34. Ellen Bass and Laura Davis,
35. Richard Ofshe and Ethan Watters,
36. This estimation is drawn from the hundreds of articles I've read in writing about child abuse.
37. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
38. Judith Lewis Herman, D. Russell, and K. Trocki, 'Long-Term Effects of Incestuous Abuse in Childhood,'
39. 'By far the largest group of defendants [in child pornography cases] seems to be white males between 30 and 50 who are interested in teenage boys, usually between 14 and 17,' concluded Bruce Selcraig, a government investigator of child pornography during the 1980s who went online in 1996 as a journalist to review the situation. Selcraig, 'Chasing Computer Perverts,' 53. The same is true of the majority of men in jail for consensual sex with girls or boys: their partners are teenagers. I conclude this from my own surveys over the past ten years of journalism, police sources, and defense attorneys.
40. Jennifer Allen, 'The Danger Years,'
41. Lawrence, 'Molesters Hide Evil,' 31.
42. As quoted by Harry Hendrick, 'Constructions and Reconstructions of British Childhood: An Interpretive Survey, 1800 to the Present,' in
43. Judith R. Walkowitz,