August 23, 1999; Elizabeth Becker, 'Millions Eligible for Food Stamps Aren't Applying,'
6. Matt Pacenza, '911, a Food Emergency: Soup Kitchens Are Flooded,'
7. These data come from a small but well-controlled sample. Patrick Boyle, 'Does Welfare Reform Hurt Teens?' News Briefs,
8. Children's Defense Fund, Web site, 1999.
9. Most of these children live in homes in which at least one parent has a job.
10. David G. Gil, 'The United States versus Child Abuse,' in
11. Ethan Bronner, 'Long a Leader, U.S. Now Lags in High School Graduate Rate,'
12. Children's Defense Fund, Web site, 2001.
13. Forty percent of prison inmates twenty-five and older are illiterate. Marc Maurer, 'Young Black Men and the Criminal Justice System: A Growing National Problem,' The Sentencing Project report, Washington, D.C., 1990.
14. At this writing, President George W. Bush and the Republican Party used the September 11 attacks and the ensuing war in Afghanistan to push through an economic 'stimulus package' including more tax cuts for the richest individuals and the elimination of the minimum corporate tax. The GOP resisted such Democratic demands as increased, more easily obtained unemployment insurance for people who have lost their jobs since the attacks.
15. Gisela Konopka, 'Requirements for Healthy Development of Adolescent Youth,'
(Послесловие ко второму изданию 'Вредно для несовершеннолетних')
A month before the April 2002 publication of
Although I began by informing the reporter that only a small portion of my book is about sex between adults and minors, I told him I agreed with researchers who believe the term «abuse» had become so broad as to be virtually useless. Fortunately, research was creating a more nuanced picture of the «victims» and their experiences; for instance, it was making distinctions between being raped nightly by a father and groped once by a stranger at the pool. Even the same act does not feel the same to everyone, I said. Some children or teens are traumatized, others unmoved, and some say they initiated the sex and enjoyed it.
«Could a priest and a boy conceivably have a positive sexual experience together?» the reporter asked.
« Conceivably? Absolutely it's conceivable,» I answered, «because the data tell us that some kids report such relationships as positive.» I cited a large meta-analysis of the abuse literature by Temple University psychologist Bruce Rind and two colleagues, published in the
I knew I was treading on dangerous turf when I praised Rind. In 1997, he was the target of conservative radio talk show host «Dr.» Laura Schlesinger and Judith Reisman, a prominent right-wing activist against pornography, sex education, and sex research, who has made a career of discrediting pioneer sexologist Alfred Kinsey. An anti-homosexual group had objected to Rind's study and gotten in touch with Dr. Laura. She denounced him repeatedly on the air as an apologist for pedophilia and soon was joined by a coalition of Christian conservative organizations. They in turn found support from a group of therapists who specialize in the aftereffects of sexual abuse and whose work is based on the axiom that all child-adult sex leads to adult psychopathology; more controversially, many also believe that a troubled patient is likely to have sexual abuse in her past, even if she doesn't remember it and therefore needs the therapist's help in «recovering memories.» Dr. Laura and her friends eventually persuaded Congress to censure the APA for publishing work that suggested sexual abuse was not always harmful. Rather than defend its scientific peer-review process, the APA issued a
They found me. A few days after the interview with the syndicate's reporter, his story ran in the Web edition of the
Within days, the University of Minnesota Press was inundated with calls. Half were demanding that the press's management resign and
She wasn't.
«So, Judith, do you have any children?» the host asked, a few minutes into the interview.
«No, no children.» I confessed, followed by a petition for indulgence: «I have a niece and nephew.»
«Do you touch your niece and nephew?»
«Of course I touch them.»
«And how do you touch them?»
I could feel where this was going, but was powerless to escape. «I hug and kiss them, I stroke their hair, I rub their backs.»
«And at what age would you say it was appropriate to start touching your niece and nephew in order to initiate them into sex?»
I gulped, then declared, «Never, never!» But it sounded feeble. She'd already asked me when I stopped beating my wife.
I hung up the phone and dialed my publicist, Katie. «Tell the next person who calls that Judith is unavailable,» I said. «It's the second night of Passover, and she's out eating Christian children.»
A few minutes later, a friend phoned in from her car: «Hey Judith! I just heard Dr. Laura denouncing you on the radio. Congratulations!»
So, Dr. Laura was the force behind my sudden fame. I'd soon learn that she had been alerted by Judith Reisman, who also called Robert Knight, with whom she'd worked at the Christian-conservative Family Research Council. He was now at a sister organization, Concerned Women for America. In the mid-1990s, CWA had run a massive campaign against America's flagship advocate of mainstream comprehensive sexuality education, the Sex Information and Education Council of the U.S., generating 30,000 letters to Congress calling SIECUS and its sex-ed guides «blatant promoters of promiscuity, pornography, abortion, pedophilia, and incest.» Now Dr. Laura had