Planning Your Next Steps

To achieve these goals, you must determine the steps required to get there. You need to break down each goal into the specific tasks that you can write on your to do list. You might want to do this in a word processor so that you can cut and paste into your PDA or print the list and hole-punch it so that it fits in your PAA.

If you aren't sure of the steps, write what you can think of or write down 'Research how to do this' and some ideas of where to do the research.

Don't worry about writing the steps in chronological order. Sometimes we have to work backward. You ask yourself, 'How would I get there?' and write that step, and then ask yourself, 'But how would I have gotten there?' and write the step necessary to do that. Eventually, you work backward through the process until you have all the steps you need.

As an example, I'll write my next steps for the goals listed in the beginning of this chapter:

At 60, I want to retire and have the financial means to live comfortably.

Make an appointment with a financial planner.

Implement the retirement plan suggested by the planner.

Research retirement communities. (How much do they cost? Do they have payment plans? What amenities should I expect?)

Research insurance for long-term care facilities or other options in case of Alzheimer's or other situations.

Within the next three years, I want to get promoted to team leader of my group.

Make an appointment with my boss to talk about career goals.

Read a book on managing people.

In the next month, I want to learn more about Linux internals.

Ask for recommendations on a sage-members mailing list.

Purchase a book.

Spend one hour a night reading the book until it's complete.

Write a nontrivial program using what I've learned.

In the next 24 hours, I want to have all my laundry washed and folded.

Buy laundry detergent.

Wash laundry in washing machine.

Move laundry to dryer.

Fold and put away laundry.

I want to date a porn star.

Hang out in places where I'm more likely to meet porn stars.

Research where such places might be.

(You'll notice some of these steps are in an odd order. As I said, sometimes we work backward.)

These steps aren't written in stone. Often we discover unexpected subgoals along the way. Dorothy wanted to meet the Wizard of Oz so he could help her get home, but as soon as she met him, she learned she had to do a hit job before the return home would be possible. Life is like that.

Schedule the Steps

Now that you know what you want to achieve and the steps that will bring you there, you can sprinkle your next steps throughout your calendar as to do items.

Due to business patterns or family responsibilities, you might have more free time during a certain time of the month or year. Pick the time that you think will most likely assure success. (If you are off by

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