Peter Davidson
Huw Jones
John H. Large
On Saturday, 12 August 2000 and exactly at 7.29.50 GMT a small and relatively insignificant seismic disturbance was recorded by a Norwegian seismological station. It was followed one hundred and thirty five seconds later with a much more significant event, equivalent to about 3 to 3.5 Richter scale. None of those at the recording stations in Norway, Finland, Scotland, Canada, Alaska and elsewhere realized that this second explosion marked the death knell of an advanced nuclear powered submarine in the Barents Sea.
During the morning of 14 August the rescue centre at Bodo in northern Norway received rumor of an accident on board a then unknown Russian submarine somewhere north of Murmansk. This was the first inkling in the West of a very serious situation, the details of which were to unfurl over the following hours when it became apparent, and was subsequently confirmed by the Russian Federation (RF) Northern Fleet headquarters in Severomorsk, that a submarine had foundered. At about 16.30 that day the Norwegian Moscow embassy was notified by the Russian Federation authorities that there had been an accident to a submarine — that boat was the OSCAR II (RF PLARK class), cruise missile armed and nuclear powered submarine
It is now known that
It was the second firing that went so wrong. Speculation is, and it can only be speculation because the damage to the forward compartments was so great, that the gas generating system of the second prototype torpedo reacted with its main propellant, burning and exploding with an equivalent power to that of 100 to 200kg of TNT.
The prototype torpedoes were of the super cavitating type. This type of deep diving, high-speed torpedo envelops itself in a gas envelope generated at its bow with, essentially, the gas being replenished at the same rate as its progress through the water. The gas generating agent was hydrogen peroxide and, probably, the second prototype torpedo that initiated the sinking was an antisubmarine weapon (ASW) being deep diving and powered by a lithium-fluoride internal propulsion system.
The damage sustained from this first explosion, which alone the
The centre of the first explosion seems to have been ahead of the foremost section of the pressure hull suggesting that the torpedo was loaded into the firing tube so, if the inner torpedo hatch was and remained closed, the damage to the bow compartment would have been minimal. However, the sonar trace taken by the nearby RF cruiser
It is clear from the sonar records of the very much larger second explosion that this was from five to seven individual events occupying, in all, just over one-fifth of a second. This multi-explosion, equivalent to 2 to 3 tonnes of TNT, is believed to have derived from the detonation of up to 7 fully armed torpedo rounds in the forward port magazine rack. This massive explosion, inside the pressure hull, dealt a catastrophic blow to the
The second seabed debris field (at 69°36,99N, 37°34,50E) provides clues to the remaining split seconds of the
A most telling clue to the dying moments of the
When operating submerged, twenty-three crewmembers of the
What is known is that a number of the crew members subsequently recovered from the № 9 compartment had sustained quite severe body burns and the water-filled compartment was strewn with dust and ash — the surviving crew had closed the compartment hatch thereby isolating themselves in this final refuge. The source of the fire has not been established, although a survivor trying to recharge an oxygen regenerator plate in the compartment could have sparked it.
Two expeditions to the