hook up after lunch. Hopefully, I could introduce them to Preston then. In the meantime, though, I had work to do- and a Reaper to catch.

As soon as Daphne and Carson were out the door, I went over to the registration desk on the far side of the lobby. There were a couple of clerks working, and I headed toward a college-age girl. She looked up as I approached and smiled at me.

'How can I help you this morning?' she asked in a bright, friendly tone.

'Uh, this is really, really embarrassing,' I said, not quite looking at the clerk and shuffling on my feet. 'But I, uh, left my phone in somebody else's room last night. After one of the parties. You know what I mean?'

Understanding flashed in her eyes.

'Anyway, I know the guy's name, but I can't remember his room number. I had a little more to drink than I should have, and some of last night is a little… blurry.' I let out a nervous giggle, like I was a total ditz. 'I was wondering if you could tell me what room he's in.'

'I'm not supposed to give out information about other guests at the hotel,' the clerk said in a neutral tone. 'Especially not to students.'

I winced. 'I know, believe me, I know. But my parents just bought me that phone last week, and they willkillme if I lose another one. It was like super-, super-expensive. It's not my fault I dropped the last two in the sink. People totally need to quit texting me while I'm in the bathroom touching up my makeup. I only have two hands.'

She shook her head. 'Look, I'm really sorry about your phone, but I can't help you.'

I bit back a growl. I needed to know what room Oliver was in, and I couldn't exactly go up to the Spartan and ask him. I opened my mouth to plead with the clerk some more when a voice spoke up behind me.

'Actually, Valerie, it's my phone that got lost. Gwen was nice enough to come over here and ask about it for me.'

Morgan McDougall stepped up beside me, looking gorgeous in a form-fitting, mint green snowsuit. I eyed the other girl, wondering what she was doing-and why she was trying to help me.

The clerk's face creased into a smile. 'Oh, hi, Morgan. I haven't seen you around much this weekend.'

The Valkyrie shrugged. 'I've been busy-like usual. Lots of fresh blood at the New York academy this year, if you know what I mean.'

She winked at the clerk, and both of them dissolved into a fit of giggles. I just stood there, feeling awkward and stupid.

'Anyway,' Morgan said, pulling a hundred-dollar bill out of the pocket of her snowsuit and sliding it across the counter. The motion made green sparks of magic shoot off the Valkyrie's fingertips. 'Do you think you can help me out? Because Gwen's right. My parents will kill me if I lose another phone this year.'

The clerk took the money as smoothly as the Valkyrie had offered it and gave her another smile. 'What's his name?'

Morgan raised her eyebrows and looked at me. 'Yes, whatwashis name, Gwen? I can't remember.'

'Oliver,' I said. 'Oliver Hector.'

Morgan's eyebrows shot up a little higher on her face, and she gave me a really weird look, but she didn't say anything. The clerk, Valerie, hit a few buttons on her computer and told us that Oliver was in room 822. Morgan thanked her, and the two of us strolled away from the registration desk. I waited until we were halfway across the lobby, right next to the statue of Skadi, before I turned and looked at her.

'Why did you do that?' I asked.

Morgan shrugged. 'There are some advantages to being the school slut.'

For a moment the Valkyrie stared at me, a strange light flaring in her hazel eyes, almost like she wanted to say something to me, wanted to talk to me about something. I wondered if it was about what had happened the night Jasmine had almost sacrificed her in the Library of Antiquities.

But then Morgan clamped her lips shut. She stalked off across the lobby and headed outside-alone.

Strange.Very strange. But the Valkyrie had gotten me the information I needed. I supposed I should be grateful to her for that, although I still couldn't imagine why she'd helped me in the first place. Yeah, maybe I'd saved her from being murdered by her best friend, but I didn't know if Morgan even remembered what had happened that night. Maybe she'd figured out some of what had gone down, though. That was the only reason I could think of to explain all the strange looks she gave me.

But what Morgan did or didn't know wasn't important, not right now, so I pushed away all thoughts of the Valkyrie. It was time to gear up for the next phase of my plan. Now that I knew which room Oliver was in, I just needed to swipe his key card-or his roommate's.

Chapter 18

Kenzie Tanaka never saw me coming.

Thanks to all the texts the students constantly sent out on the Mythos network, I was able to track him down in one of the hotel restaurants. The Spartan was having what looked like a very private, verycozybreakfast with Talia Pizarro when I walked by and accidentally-on-purpose spilled my extra-large spiced apple cider all over their blueberry, ricotta-cheese pancakes and strawberry shortcake waffles.

'Oops! I'm so sorry!' I said, bumping the table with my hip and making the cider slop everywhere.

Both Kenzie and Talia shoved their chairs back and leapt to their feet, Talia quite a bit faster than Kenzie, since she had her Amazon superspeed working for her.

'Geez, Gwen!' Talia snapped. 'Watch where you're going!'

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