'I guess so,' Rogoff said dolefully. 'Could I have another shot of that battery acid? A tiny one. Just enough to dampen the glass.'
I poured and said, 'Al, what's bothering you? You don't seem to be convinced.'
He drew a heavy breath and blew it out. 'As you said, 'Everything fits.' Whenever that happens, I get antsy and start wondering if I've missed something. What's chewing me is that I've only got the statement of one witness as to the time the victim went home. I'd prefer to have several. But all the others who attended the seance had already left, and the medium and her husband had gone out to dinner. So only Mrs. Irma Gloriana can say when Lydia started home.'
'You think she's lying?'
He stirred restlessly in the swivel chair. 'Why the hell should she? What could possibly be her motive for lying? No, she's probably telling the truth. Now what about you? What have you been up to?'
'Not a great deal,' I said, all innocence. I had been pondering how much to tell him. Not everything, of course, because I was certain he wasn't telling me everything. In the past we had cooperated on several investigations to our mutual benefit, but I always reckoned-and I think Rogoff did, too-that part of our success was due to the fact that we were as much competitors as partners. I believe we both enjoyed it. Nothing like rivalry to put a little Dijon on the sandwich. Adds zest, n'est-ce pas?
It was at that precise moment that the McNally talent for improv showed its mettle.
'Al,' I said earnestly, 'I just had an idea I think you'll like.'
'Try me.'
'Until you get the FBI report on those poison-pen letters, the seance and everyone connected with it represents our best lead-right?'
'Not necessarily,' he argued. 'Archy, we're just starting on this thing. We'll have to identify and question all the victim's neighbors, friends, and acquaintances, and establish their whereabouts at the time of the homicide.'
'Agreed,' I said. 'A lot of legwork. But while you're doing that, why don't I zero in on the Gloria-nas? What I had in mind was going to them, passing myself off as a half-assed spiritualist, and setting up a seance with the medium. I'm not suggesting you ignore them entirely, but let me go at them from the angle of an eager client.'
He stared at me thoughtfully. 'Why do I have the feeling I'm being euchred?'
'You're not being euchred,' I said heatedly. 'The more I think of it, the better it sounds. I can be Mr. Inside and you can be Mr. Outside. The Glorianas will never know we're working together. They won't even realize we know each other. But between us, we should be able to get a complete picture of their operation.'
He was silent a long time, and I feared I had lost him. But finally he sighed, finished his drink, and stood up.
'All right,' he said. 'I can't see where it will do any harm. You set up a seance and try to get close to the medium.'
'I'll try,' I said.
'And you'll keep me informed of anything you turn up?'
'Absolutely,' I said. 'And you'll keep me informed on your progress?'
'Positively,' he said, and we smiled at each other.
After he left, I sat in the swivel chair, finished my marc, and licked the rim of the snifter. I was satisfied with the plot I had hatched. I wasn't deceiving Al, exactly, but now I had an official imprimatur for doing something I had already done. It's called finagling.
I jotted a few notes in my journal, trying to recall everything the sergeant had told me. One contradiction immediately apparent was his description of the Glorianas' condo as 'ratty' while their glittering offices in a new building indicated a profitable enterprise. But their mauve and aqua suite, I decided, could be a flash front. During my two visits I certainly hadn't seen hordes of clients clamoring for psychic counsel. And despite Frank's elegant duds, I thought him something of a sleaze.
The weather was still blah, but being the sternly disciplined bloke I am, I went for my ocean swim nonetheless. Surprisingly, the sea was calm as the proverbial millpond, so as I plowed along I was able to think about the coming seance and plan a course of action.
When Hertha Gloriana suggested I provide a friend who might join the circle of believers and augment its psychic powers, I had intended to ask Consuela Garcia to accompany me. Connie was a go-for-broke kiddo and she'd think the whole thing an adventure she could gossip about for weeks.
But then I remembered I had asked Connie to answer the Glorianas' ad for a 'personalized psychic profile.' The risk was too great that they would recognize her name, and that might eliminate whatever chance I had of proving their mail order project a fraud. I decided that instead of Connie, I'd ask Meg Trumble to attend the seance with me.
What a fateful decision that turned out to be!
I returned from my swim in time to dress for the family cocktail hour-my third change of apparel that day. It was while dispensing our first martini that my father delivered unexpected news.
'Roderick Gillsworth would like to see you, Archy,' he said.
I blinked. 'What on earth for?'
'He didn't say. He suggested you come over this evening after dinner. I think perhaps you better phone first.'
'All right,' I said doubtfully. 'Rather odd, wouldn't you say, sir?'
'I would. But I'd like you to take advantage of your meeting, if you feel the time is opportune, to mention the necessity of his drafting a new will. Just refer to it casually, of course. It may serve to start him thinking of his financial responsibilities.'
'I'll do what I can,' I said. 'But I really can't imagine why he should want to talk with me.'
Mother looked up. 'Perhaps he's lonely,' she said quietly.
Sunday dinner was a more relaxed occasion than that of the previous night. I think my parents and I were determined not to let our sorrow at Lydia Gillsworth's death affect the serenity of our household. What a cliche it is to say that life goes on, so I shall say it: 'Life goes on.' And Ursi Olson's mixed grill (lamb chops, tournedos, medaillons of veal) was a splendid reminder.
We finished our key lime mousse and coffee a little after eight-thirty. I phoned Gillsworth, and he asked if I could arrive around nine. He sounded steady enough. I said I'd be there and inquired if there was anything he needed that I might bring along. First he thanked me and said there was not. But then, after a pause, he asked timidly if the McNallys could spare a bottle of vodka. His supply was kaput and he would repay as soon as he could get to a liquor store.
I saw nothing unusual in this request, but I feared it might trouble my father. (Tabloid headline: 'Grieving Hubby Drinks Himself into Insensibility on Attorney's Booze.') So I sneaked a liter of Sterling from our reserve in the utility room and hustled it out to the Miata without being caught.
Crime scene tape was still in place around the Gillsworth home, but there were no police cars in sight. Roderick himself answered my knock and greeted me with a wan smile. He said he was alone, finally, and thanked me for bringing the plasma.
'Have the reporters been a nuisance?' I asked as he led me to his study. (I was happy he hadn't selected the sitting room where the body was found.)
'Not too bad,' he said. 'Your father handled most of them, and I refused to grant television interviews. Make yourself comfortable while I fetch some ice cubes. Would you like a mix?'
'Water will be fine,' I said, and when he left, I settled into a threadbare armchair and looked about with interest.
I had never before been in a poet's den, and it was something of a disappointment: just a small book-lined room with worn desk, battered file cabinet, an unpainted worktable laden with reference books and a typewriter. It was an ancient Remington, not electronic and definitely not a word processor. I don't know what I expected to find in this poet's sanctum sanctorum-perhaps a framed photograph of Longfellow or a Styrofoam bust of Joyce Kilmer.
But there were no decorative touches. That drab room could easily be the office of any homeowner: a nook too cramped and depressing to be used for anything but answering threats from the IRS.
He returned with a bucket of ice cubes, a flask of water, and two highball glasses. He placed them on the